
The scene of Dedema's memorial service was exposed! Tengger sent a wreath in grief, and his granddaughter's eyes were swollen and distressed

author:Xiang Nan Yuji
12月4号,著名歌唱家‬德德玛的追悼会在八宝山兰厅举行。 现场围观了几百名粉丝,多位同行好友送来花圈,包括‬杨丽萍‬、杨坤、斯琴高娃等人,他们称呼德德玛为老师,其中徒弟腾格尔‬在‬花圈上‬亲切的‬称呼‬德德‬玛‬为‬“大姐‬”,可见两人之间的‬感情有多深‬。
The scene of Dedema's memorial service was exposed! Tengger sent a wreath in grief, and his granddaughter's eyes were swollen and distressed
The scene of Dedema's memorial service was exposed! Tengger sent a wreath in grief, and his granddaughter's eyes were swollen and distressed

The temperature was not high that day, but many fans came to the memorial service early, and they were silent and did not make a sound, but everyone's expressions were sad.

Tengger once said that Dedema was the pride of the Mongols, and Li Shuangjiang once praised her as a nightingale on the steppe.

The scene of Dedema's memorial service was exposed! Tengger sent a wreath in grief, and his granddaughter's eyes were swollen and distressed

德德‬玛‬追悼会‬正门口上方有一块‬大屏幕‬,上面‬播放着‬德德玛一生‬的事迹‬。 从她‬稚嫩的‬脸庞‬,到‬后来的‬老练‬的‬歌唱家‬,每一个精彩的‬舞台‬都被‬纪念‬。

门口两侧‬的‬挽‬联‬上写着‬:“一厥薤歌,音容笑貌长存流芳千古,德艺双馨,草原夜莺书写艺术人生。 ”,正上方写着‬:深切‬怀念人民歌唱家‬德德玛‬。

The scene of Dedema's memorial service was exposed! Tengger sent a wreath in grief, and his granddaughter's eyes were swollen and distressed

According to the infielder, Dedema's two sons had solemn expressions, but their granddaughter's eyes were always swollen and swollen, and they looked very haggard. Dedema valued her granddaughter very much during her lifetime and often taught her some singing skills, because her granddaughter was very talented in singing.

Later, Dedema used a wheelchair to get around, and her granddaughter often pushed her downstairs for walks and supermarket visits.

The scene of Dedema's memorial service was exposed! Tengger sent a wreath in grief, and his granddaughter's eyes were swollen and distressed
The scene of Dedema's memorial service was exposed! Tengger sent a wreath in grief, and his granddaughter's eyes were swollen and distressed

Previously, her granddaughter had posted a long post revealing the true situation of Dedema before her death, epilepsy caused by cerebral infarction, and she was in a coma for the last month, and finally left in her sleep.

Although the family has long been mentally prepared, they still don't want to accept this reality. In recent years, Dedema has been relying on a wheelchair to get around, and it is almost impossible to leave people.

Due to her inconvenience, she can't keep up with the amount of exercise, and her eating habits of drinking and eating meat, many netizens have persuaded her to lose weight, and she agreed, but she still couldn't do it.

The scene of Dedema's memorial service was exposed! Tengger sent a wreath in grief, and his granddaughter's eyes were swollen and distressed

Fortunately, the way Dedema left was not painful, and the glory of her life was remembered by countless people, and a song "Beautiful Prairie My Home" became popular all over the country, thus starting her career as a singer. In 1998, Dedema appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and many audiences said that they cried, which shows that her singing voice is infectious.

The scene of Dedema's memorial service was exposed! Tengger sent a wreath in grief, and his granddaughter's eyes were swollen and distressed
The scene of Dedema's memorial service was exposed! Tengger sent a wreath in grief, and his granddaughter's eyes were swollen and distressed

I hope Mr. Dedema will go all the way!

#Tell the Truth#

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