
Dedema's granddaughter revealed the secret of her grandmother's death! sequelae of cerebral infarction, sudden epilepsy, and a whole month of coma

author:Xiang Nan Yuji

On November 28, one day has passed since the singer Dedemar's family announced her death. Unexpectedly, Dedema's granddaughter suddenly posted an article, revealing her grandmother's last time and the reason for her death, which was very heart-wrenching.

Dedema's granddaughter revealed the secret of her grandmother's death! sequelae of cerebral infarction, sudden epilepsy, and a whole month of coma

Dedema's granddaughter revealed:

1. In just 1 year, my grandmother fell ill from a cerebral infarction, and then was sent to the ICU for rescue, suffering from a cerebral hemorrhage and suffering from cerebral infarction, which was really painful.

2. After 2 months of treatment in the hospital, Dedema gradually recovered, and the family cherished the time they spent with her.

3. Unexpectedly, one morning, Dedemar suddenly epilepsy and was sent to the hospital for rescue, and the doctor said that it was the sequelae of cerebral infarction.

4. Dedemar, who was sent to the hospital for rescue, was in a coma until a few days ago, when the doctor revealed that her physical functions were declining, and the whole family understood that she might be about to lose her.

Dedema's granddaughter revealed the secret of her grandmother's death! sequelae of cerebral infarction, sudden epilepsy, and a whole month of coma

In the end, Dedema left in his sleep, which was also a blessing. No longer have to suffer from illness, rely on a wheelchair all year round, can't take care of yourself, and need to be taken care of by others.

In the last year of her life, Dedermar was almost always in pain, but she insisted on staying with her family and granddaughter, and never gave up. He teaches his granddaughters to sing whenever he has time, and his two granddaughters are also very talented.

Dedema's granddaughter revealed the secret of her grandmother's death! sequelae of cerebral infarction, sudden epilepsy, and a whole month of coma

Now when I see my granddaughter's text, I really feel very worried. Previously, some netizens advised Dedema to pay attention to his body and diet, being too obese will affect his health.

而身为蒙古人的她喜欢喝酒,吃肉,不拘小节的性格,深受身边人的喜爱和尊敬,一首《美丽的草原我的家》红遍大江南北‬。 腾格尔是她的‬徒弟‬,李双江‬称赞她‬,真的是‬德艺双馨的‬老艺术家‬。

Dedema's granddaughter revealed the secret of her grandmother's death! sequelae of cerebral infarction, sudden epilepsy, and a whole month of coma

Looking at it now, it is not a relief to leave in this way, although the family is very reluctant, but they are even more afraid of seeing her live in pain.

In the end, Dedema still did not give up and actively cooperated with the treatment, but her physical condition was too poor, coupled with epilepsy caused by underlying diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction, which made her regret to leave, which is really a pity.

#Tell the Truth#

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