
Boy! The concert tickets were fried to 2W, and the price was not reduced before the opening, and as a result, there were large vacancies at the scene

author:Qingyue Forest

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Singers in the music scene have faced unprecedented challenges under the influence of masks, but now, with the gradual lifting of lockdowns, concerts are beginning to regain their vitality, but things are not so simple. The price of concert tickets has always been an important source of income for singers, however, some recent situations have made people wonder.

In the past, concerts were usually packed, and singers spent a lot of effort and time planning each show for the sake of their fans. However, there have been awkward situations in some concerts lately, with large slots on the scene despite the high ticket prices. This makes one wonder why this is the case, after all, fans don't easily miss the opportunity to witness their idols.

Boy! The concert tickets were fried to 2W, and the price was not reduced before the opening, and as a result, there were large vacancies at the scene

It turned out that some concert tickets were resold to the secondary market by scalpers and brokerage companies in collusion, making it impossible for many fans to buy tickets at reasonable prices. This situation has sparked discontent among fans, who see it as an unfair treatment of them. Concert tickets were supposed to serve fans, but now they are seen by some as a money-making tool.

Scalpers took a fancy to the difference in the price of concert tickets, and they bought concert tickets and resold them at a high price to earn intermediate profits. This is undoubtedly a disservice for fans who wanted to support their idols, only to find themselves having to spend more money on tickets. This made the concert more commercial, to the disappointment of some.

Boy! The concert tickets were fried to 2W, and the price was not reduced before the opening, and as a result, there were large vacancies at the scene

Not only that, but the price of some concert tickets is quite high, which is almost unaffordable for the average salaryman. This makes concerts a luxury that only a few people can enjoy. However, scalpers don't seem to care about any of this, they only look at the profits, and don't consider the feelings of their fans.

In addition, some top singers do not have much popularity in China, and mainly rely on the power of fans to maintain the scale of the concert. This has led to the fact that the success of some concerts depends on the enthusiasm and support of the fans, rather than the popularity and strength of the singers themselves. This also makes concerts easier to manipulate by scalpers, who can hype up concerts at will, increase ticket prices, and thus earn more money.

Boy! The concert tickets were fried to 2W, and the price was not reduced before the opening, and as a result, there were large vacancies at the scene

Overall, concert tickets being resold by scalpers and agencies have become a phenomenon that has left fans feeling disappointed and angry. This not only made the concert commercial, but also made some singers lose the fan support they should have. It is hoped that there will be more regulation and regulation in the future to protect the rights and interests of fans, so that concerts can return to their essence and exist for music.

I think it's a complicated issue for the impact of masks on music singers. First of all, the impact of masks on the field of music performance is undeniable. During the pandemic, major events such as concerts and music festivals were cancelled or postponed, resulting in a significant impact on the performance plans of many singers and music practitioners. This not only affects their economic income, but also affects the connection with fans and the advancement of music creation. This is undoubtedly a challenge for them.

Boy! The concert tickets were fried to 2W, and the price was not reduced before the opening, and as a result, there were large vacancies at the scene

However, with the gradual easing of lockdowns, the news of the resumption of concerts has filled the singers with anticipation, and they can't wait to start preparing for the performance, hoping to meet the audience again. At this juncture, I noticed some phenomena, such as the increase in the price of concert tickets and the emergence of scalping. This does upset some fans as they may have to pay a higher price to see their favorite singers perform. This situation may make some people feel swayed by the chain of interests, which includes scalpers.

For the scalping phenomenon, I think it's a complex issue. Scalpers exist because of the high demand and constrained resources in the market, and they see this business opportunity to make a profit by buying and reselling tickets. However, this phenomenon has also sparked some moral and legal controversies. On the one hand, fans are willing to pay a premium price for tickets, indicating that they are willing to pay more to support their idols. But on the other hand, the behavior of scalpers can also make it difficult for regular viewers to get tickets because they have to pay a hefty premium.

Boy! The concert tickets were fried to 2W, and the price was not reduced before the opening, and as a result, there were large vacancies at the scene

For singers and concert organisers, they may want to increase ticket prices to generate more revenue, especially as the economy has been hit during the pandemic. However, this can also spark discontent among viewers as they feel the price is too high. Therefore, the solution to this problem may need to balance the interests of all parties and find a reasonable ticket price that will allow both the singer and the organizer to make a profit and meet the needs of the audience.

Overall, the impact of masks on the music scene is inevitable, but with the resumption of concerts and music events, the music scene is gradually returning to normal. However, scalping and ticket price increases remain an issue that needs to be addressed, and it will take all parties to work together to find reasonable solutions to ensure the sustainability of music events and enable audiences and fans to enjoy the charm of music.

The above content information is from the Internet, relevant data, and theoretical research on the Internet information, which does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. The author of this article does not assume any direct or indirect legal responsibility for any of the above or related issues.

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