
Cross talk actor Yadan married her second husband who is 11 years older, how is it now?

author:Later we mP9I

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There was once a man, called Full Stop, whose life was full of twists and turns. His original name was Ju Zhaojie, and he didn't make a name for himself in the entertainment industry at first. His life was full of ups and downs, but he persevered and pursued his dreams. Although his marriage failed, he insisted on showing strength in front of his children and working tirelessly for their future.

The story of the full stop begins when he joins the Shenyang Repertory Theatre after graduating from high school, which is the first step in his career. However, he did not achieve great success immediately, and it was not until the famous artist Ye Jinglin suggested that he changed his name to full stop, and his career took some turn. He performed the sketch "Examination of Actors" on the stage of the Shenyang Spring Festival Gala, which attracted wide attention in Northeast China. At the same time, he married his first wife and gave birth to a lovely daughter.

Cross talk actor Yadan married her second husband who is 11 years older, how is it now?

However, the marriage did not last long. Full stop entered Shenyang Electromechanical Manufacturing Company as an assistant to the general manager, but his passion is still in the show. Soon after, he returned to the stage again, this time as Zhao Benshan's assistant. This job required frequent performances in various places, which led to a longer separation from his wife, which was one of the reasons for the breakdown of the marriage.

Full stop continued his acting career in Beijing, experiencing a period of financial constraints. However, he didn't give up easily, and an opportunity allowed him to get the opportunity to perform in the sketch "Meeting", which attracted the attention of director Huang Jianxin, and eventually made him a member of the movie "Face to Face Back to Back" and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Rooster Awards. At this time, a young girl, Guo Yadan, walked into his life.

Cross talk actor Yadan married her second husband who is 11 years older, how is it now?

In 1994, full stop returned to the Shenyang Repertory Theatre and found his new neighbors, a couple and a daughter. The encounter between him and this girl, Guo Yadan, changed his life. Gradually, they develop a special relationship, although they themselves are not sure when this relationship began. Guo Yadan is determined to marry full stop, even though her parents are against the relationship.

After some twists and turns, they finally got married in 1996. After getting married, full stop's career went to the next level, and he won the love of more audiences with performances such as movies and the Spring Festival Gala. Not only did he succeed in the field of comedy, but he also played important roles in film and television dramas, showing a versatile side.

Cross talk actor Yadan married her second husband who is 11 years older, how is it now?

The tenacity and unremitting efforts of the full stop have made him from an unknown actor to a well-known comedian in China. His story tells us that no matter how many difficulties and setbacks we encounter, as long as we have dreams and perseverance, we will be able to achieve success. Full stop's life was full of ups and downs, but his tenacity and perseverance eventually allowed him to achieve his dream. This story also teaches us that love and career are not necessarily mutually exclusive choices, as long as there is faith, anything is possible.


The full stop's life experience has brought us many powerful revelations. First of all, his story teaches us that even if you have experienced a failed marriage, you should never lose faith in love. Although he was depressed after the failure of his first marriage, he opened up and rejoined himself when he met his later wife. This shows that everyone has the opportunity to start over in life and find their own happiness.

Cross talk actor Yadan married her second husband who is 11 years older, how is it now?

Secondly, the tenacity and dedication of the full stop are qualities worth learning from. When faced with his wife's family difficulties and the responsibilities of his children, he did not hesitate to shoulder the responsibilities and strive to overcome the challenges of life. This shows that no matter how difficult it is, with determination and perseverance, we can overcome it and create a better life for our families and loved ones.

In addition, the full stop career path also teaches us not to be bound by past failures. He tried in different fields and left a stable job to pursue his dreams. This courageous decision ultimately led him to success in show business. This tells us to take risks and not be afraid to fail, because it is only through constant experimentation that we can find what we are truly passionate about and good at.

Cross talk actor Yadan married her second husband who is 11 years older, how is it now?

Most importantly, the love story of the full stop shows us that love knows no borders and there is no difference in age. Although he and his wife are 11 years apart and have had a failed marriage, their love is still rock-solid. This enlightens us that love should not be constrained by the eyes of society, as long as both parties truly love each other, age and background are not a problem.


The full stop's life experience is a story full of inspirational revelations. His tenacity, dedication, courage, and love story are all things we can learn from. First of all, we should believe that at any moment, there is an opportunity to start anew and find happiness again. Don't lose faith in the future because of past failures, and dare to invest in love and life.

Secondly, in the face of difficulties and responsibilities, we should be as resilient as a full stop, take on our responsibilities, and strive to create a better life for our families. Don't shy away from challenges, but face them positively and persevere.

The full stop career path also teaches us to be brave enough to pursue our dreams and not be limited by past failures. Only through continuous experimentation can we find what we are truly passionate about and good at, and achieve success.

Most importantly, the love story of the full stop tells us that love knows no borders and age is not an issue. As long as the two truly love each other, age and background are not obstacles. We should respect everyone's love choices and not be bound by the eyes of society.

All in all, the story of the full stop is full of wisdom and courage in life, and his tenacity, dedication and love story are all worth learning and learning from. No matter what difficulties we face, we should believe that we have the strength to overcome, pursue happiness, and pursue our dreams.

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