
Yadan: At the age of 17, Zhao Benshan fell in love with him, and his two husbands were brothers in the same family, how are they doing now

author:Emotional Teaching Hall

A girl from a poor family in Heilongjiang

It was a cold winter day, with wind and snow, and in a remote mountain village in Heilongjiang, a young mother who had just turned 20 gave birth to a baby girl in a simple house.

The young couple, who were still knocking on the door, were overjoyed and named her "Lu Pin", pinning their good expectations on their daughter Lingxiu's intelligence. However, the good times did not last long, and before the daughter could reach the full moon, the newlyweds fell apart due to domestic violence, and the mother ran away from home alone, leaving the newborn baby girl to the father.

Yadan: At the age of 17, Zhao Benshan fell in love with him, and his two husbands were brothers in the same family, how are they doing now

The father took over his infant daughter and began a life of dependence on his daughter.

During the day, the father worked hard, and at night he took his daughter back to his humble home, lulling her to sleep while burning the coal stove to keep warm. In order to make ends meet, he took his daughter to join a two-person theater troupe and often went out on tour.

Although the stage life is hard, it is a world full of novelty for this little girl from a poor country. When he was 9 years old, Lu Pin appeared on the stage for the first time, and his turn and expression were all endearing. The innocent singing voice warmed the hearts of every audience.

Appreciated by Zhao Benshan

At the age of 17, Lu Pin participated in a large-scale talent show with the troupe and invited the famous comedian Zhao Benshan as a judge. During the performance, Lu Pin wore a pale yellow dress and walked on the stage shyly.

Yadan: At the age of 17, Zhao Benshan fell in love with him, and his two husbands were brothers in the same family, how are they doing now

Little did she know that this performance would change her life. Lu Pin's melodious singing voice and outstanding acting talent immediately attracted Zhao Benshan's attention.

He spotted the sparkle in this little girl, and without hesitation chose her and included her in his own door.

Under the recommendation of Zhao Benshan, Lu Pin soon played a supporting role in the TV series "Ma Dashuai". This is her first appearance on screen, and tension and excitement are mixed.

Under the guidance of the director, Lu Pin worked hard to study the role and pay attention to the portrayal of every detail. To her surprise, this seemingly ordinary little role won the audience's love because of her interpretation and became a blockbuster.

Yadan: At the age of 17, Zhao Benshan fell in love with him, and his two husbands were brothers in the same family, how are they doing now

Since then, Lu Pin has officially joined the Liaoning Folk Art Troupe and shined on the stage.

All this is thanks to Zhao Benshan's sharp-eyed discovery, and he gave Lu Pin the most precious opportunity in his life. Whenever he thinks of this turning point in his life, Lu Pin will cry with gratitude.

Married life

In 2011, 27-year-old Lu Pin gave birth to their first child for Wang Jinlong. Holding the flesh-and-bone baby, Lu Pin was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes. She finally has a home of her own and is living the life she has always dreamed of.

The couple began a simple and happy parenting life. Lu Pin cherishes every moment with her children, and in the face of this new life, she has to learn how to be a competent mother.

Yadan: At the age of 17, Zhao Benshan fell in love with him, and his two husbands were brothers in the same family, how are they doing now

Lu Pin took the children to the park to play during the day, and read stories softly at night to lull the children to sleep. The child's innocent smiling face is the greatest joy in her life.

However, the good times did not last long, and within a few years of marriage, Lu Pin felt that Wang Jinlong cared less about her and her children after work than before. Wang Jinlong often works overtime late and is exhausted when he gets home.

Gradually, Lu Pin found that the distance between the two was widened unconsciously, and finally announced their divorce in 2017. Everything has changed, only the child still needs her care and companionship.

The breakdown of the marriage was a huge blow, and Lu Pin fell into unprecedented pain and confusion. However, for the sake of her children, she told herself to cheer up and face life bravely.

Yadan: At the age of 17, Zhao Benshan fell in love with him, and his two husbands were brothers in the same family, how are they doing now

In 2019, Lu Pin found his home again and married Xiao Pengfei, a colleague of the troupe. Soon after marriage, she gave birth to another daughter, and her busy and fulfilling life helped her slowly get out of her frustration.

Looking at the innocent smiles of the two children, Lu Pin thanked life for giving her the courage to continue to struggle.

Two marriages

Lu Pin's two husbands were both disciples of Zhao Benshan, and this situation put her in an embarrassing situation in the Zhao family's class. She obviously just wants to work quietly, but she always can't avoid the speculative eyes of others.

Some people say that she relies on her senior brother to take the position, and some people say that she relies on her youth and beauty; There are also hints that she seduces married men...... These malicious words are like invisible poisons, eroding Lu Pin's heart all the time.

Yadan: At the age of 17, Zhao Benshan fell in love with him, and his two husbands were brothers in the same family, how are they doing now

She was aggrieved and painful, but she could only swallow it all and couldn't talk to anyone. Gradually, Lu Pin felt confused about his future, and he had obviously fallen out of favor in Zhao's class.

There are not as many resources and opportunities as there used to be. All of this stems from two failed marriages, which became a stumbling block for Lu Pin to reach the pinnacle of his life. Lu Pin has asked herself countless times, is her choice wrong? If she hadn't promised Wang Jinlong at the beginning, maybe she would have been able to stand on a broader stage and shine.

Every time he thought of this, Lu Pin would blame himself. But time can't be turned back, and she can only accept this fact. After a painful struggle, Lu Pin finally decided to leave Zhao Benshan's door and find his own way out again.

Now she has become a well-known Internet celebrity, and she has also gained another peace of life. Looking back on her two marriages, Lu Pin doesn't know if her choice is right, but she no longer regrets it.

Yadan: At the age of 17, Zhao Benshan fell in love with him, and his two husbands were brothers in the same family, how are they doing now

Because that's her true feelings and life course.

Feel life

Lu Pin's life is neither ordinary nor smooth, she has gone through ups and downs of fate. When she was a child, she said goodbye to her mother and followed her father to survive; When she grew up, she became famous, and repeatedly hit a wall in her marriage.

However, Lu Pin was not crushed by these setbacks, but continued to move forward bravely. In her opinion, success and failure are just the spectacle of life's journey, and it is important to always maintain a positive and enterprising heart.

Now Lu Pin is still struggling in the entertainment industry, and he is also actively looking for other possible ways out. She understands that she is still young, and as long as she thinks about it, there is nothing she can't do.

Yadan: At the age of 17, Zhao Benshan fell in love with him, and his two husbands were brothers in the same family, how are they doing now

Maybe she will achieve greater success in the entertainment industry, maybe she will open up a career in other fields, or maybe she can meet true love again and form a warm new home.

No matter what, Lu Pin will face it with a smile, because she knows that the meaning of life is not at the end, but in every process. In her opinion, the world is so beautiful, and the future will definitely be better.

Lu Pin's story conveys to us the spiritual power of never giving up. She proved from her own experience that it doesn't matter what fate gives us, what matters is how we face and bounce back.

This is also the most valuable insight in Lu Pin's life journey.

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