
The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

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"Yadan" was once a phenomenal existence that exploded overnight, and her rise was like a meteor across the night sky, short and dazzling. However, just as people were basking in her light, she quietly disappeared and fell into a situation where no one cared about her. This history of the demise of "Yadan" carries many mysteries and triggers countless conjectures and thoughts.

01 appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and became famous overnight

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

In 2009, Yadan emerged and appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala and became the focus of attention. However, her brilliance did not happen overnight, but stemmed from the persistence and hard work of receiving rigorous training at Benshan Company.

In the training of Benshan Company, Yadan studied hard and worked hard to improve her acting skills. She rose to the challenge without relentlessness, impressing the audience with her rapid progress and outstanding performance. In the end, she was fortunate to play the role of Zhao Benshan's granddaughter in the Spring Festival Gala, and became famous with the sketch "Not Bad Money".

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

This breakthrough performance made Yadan's name quickly popular and became a new star in the public's attention. The tacit partnership with Xiao Shenyang has become a hot topic on social media. Their collaboration was dreamlike and made the audience laugh a lot. As the exposure continues to rise, invitations to commercial performances and advertising endorsements have come one after another, opening a new chapter for her career.

However, the 22-year-old girl ushered in the highlight moment of her life in her career, and gradually realized the wealth brought by fame.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

In order to better develop her career, she resolutely decided to consume her own traffic and participate in film shooting with Xiao Shenyang. This decision is not only an expansion of his career, but also to achieve more financial rewards.

The cooperation between Yadan and Xiao Shenyang did not stop at commercial activities, they co-starred in the movie "Three Guns Shooting Surprise" directed by Zhang Yimou. The filming of this film not only brought her more exposure, but also presented a new girl to the audience, showing her potential in the field of film. This cross-border cooperation further strengthened her position in the entertainment industry.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

However, as fame and wealth increase, Yadan also faces a series of choices. She had to find a balance between her career and personal life. This choice is not only a test of her professional wisdom, but also a review of her inner values. In the process of chasing success, she needs to keep a clear head and maintain her original intention.

Overall, Yadan's entertainment career is a process from hard practice to fame and popularity. She transformed into a high-profile actor under the tempering of Benshan Company, became popular through the Spring Festival Gala, and her cooperation with Xiao Shenyang became a good story.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

As her career expanded, she made remarkable achievements in the field of film. However, the choices she faces also make people think about how she will balance her career and personal life and continue on her unique life path.

02 The struggle of the grass platform team met Zhao Benshan

In 1987, Yadan was born in Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province, and her growth process was full of ups and downs and setbacks. The family background is not wealthy, her parents are divorced, and she lives with her father and stepmother.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

In order to make ends meet, his father decided to run a two-person theater. However, due to poor management, the theater eventually went out of business, leaving his father with a huge debt.

In order to get rid of the predicament of debt, Yadan and her father embarked on a difficult road of hard work and came to Tieling. In this strange city, they have experienced countless hardships and efforts.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

Yadan devoted herself to the performance of the small troupe, walked the streets and alleys, and worked hard to make a living. The cold of winter did not hold her back, and she insisted on performing in the cold wind, for every penny of income, in order to be able to pay off the heavy debt that her father was carrying.

Just when Yadan was working hard in her acting career, a turning point in her fate appeared. Zhao Benshan, the big man in the industry, noticed Yadan's talent and hard work.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

He saw a girl who struggled hard, a soul who dared to challenge adversity. So, Zhao Benshan decided to include Yadan under his disciple to provide her with the opportunity to learn acting, paving a new path for her to change her fate.

Zhao Benshan's generosity has brought earth-shaking changes to Yadan. She was able to learn under the guidance of the master, hone her acting skills, and gradually emerge. The care and support of this artist not only made her more recognized in the field of performance, but also broke the shackles of her past fate.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

The story of Yadan is an inspirational story of an ordinary person who successfully counterattacked through perseverance and hard work and the care of a master. With her own sweat and hard work, she got rid of her family's poverty and realized the gorgeous transformation from a two-person actor to a performing artist appreciated by Zhao Benshan.

This story shows us that no matter what our background is, as long as we are brave enough to face difficulties and persist in pursuing our dreams, it is possible to usher in a turnaround.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

Yadan's struggle is not only her personal growth process, but also a positive response to life. Perhaps in everyone's life, there is a Zhao Benshan-like existence who gives us strength and guides us to a broader stage.


After the wonderful performance came to an end, Yadan ushered in a series of media interviews and event announcements. This excites her, and the resources that come with fame make her feel like a cloud. At the height of her career, she made an important decision: to marry Wang Jinlong.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

The glory of success is not only for her, she feels that it should be the result of joint efforts with her boyfriend. For Wang Jinlong's silent support, she is grateful. This relationship is highly valued, and the medal of merit for achievement should be half the weight of her boyfriend in her heart.

It is worth mentioning that Zhao Benshan once dissuaded him, but in the end he supported the marriage. At the wedding, Wang Jinlong solemnly promised to spend his life with Yadan, adding a lot of color to this relationship.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

Zhao Benshan stood on the stage and told the newcomers, hoping that they could live a good life and support each other. This exhortation is full of wisdom and blessings, and casts a veil of mystery over the future of the newlyweds.

This story is not only a successful career journey, but also a relationship growth. After the flickering lights, Yadan chose another stage of her life and performed a happy chapter with her beloved. This is a shining performance, not only the pinnacle of career, but also a feast of love.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

04 faded out of the stage and disappeared

Among the stars in the Chinese entertainment industry, Yadan and her ex-husband Wang Jinlong were once a dazzling pair. In the Spring Festival of 2010, the pair appeared on the stage of Beijing Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala together, bringing the humorous sketch "I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala".

Soon, they reappeared at Hunan Satellite TV's Lantern Festival Gala, showing "I want to go to Hunan Satellite TV", which integrates the elements of the Northeast two-person transfer. At this time, their performance style has shifted from a regional culture to a form that is preferred by a wider audience.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

Just when her career was in full swing, the girl came with good news - she was pregnant. The news had a significant impact on her career. She chose to say goodbye to her busy acting life for the time being and devote her energy to family and parenting.

In November 2011, 24-year-old Yadan successfully gave birth to a son named Wang Jinlong. Since then, her public image has gradually faded into obscurity, and she has devoted herself more to the growth of her children and the care of her family.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

However, the marriage between Yadan and Wang Jinlong was not all smooth sailing. As time passed, especially in the seventh year of marriage, rumors of infidelity surrounding Wang Jinlong began to spread. Although these rumors are unconfirmed, they are enough to put a strain on the relationship. It seems that in order to maintain the child's complete family environment, Yadan chose to be patient.

Finally, in 2017, in the face of an irreparable rift in their marriage, Yadan and Wang Jinlong decided to end their eight-year married life. After the divorce, Yadan was not immersed in the shadows of the past.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

She soon began a new love journey, and this time, her heart was attracted to Wang Jinlong's junior brother Xiao Pengfei. Although this new relationship may cause discussion from the outside world, Yadan is clearly ready to start a new chapter in her life.

In the end, Yadan's new relationship with her junior brother Xiao Pengfei, although it was unexpected to some extent, also showed her determination to pursue happiness. While facing the past, she bravely looks forward and constantly explores new possibilities on the road of life.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

Yadan's story is not only a legend about the entertainment industry, but also a profound journey about personal growth, family values and love beliefs. Her story reminds us that no matter what challenges life brings, courage and love can always lead us to new beginnings.

05 was proposed, and the remarried husband also said that Zhao Benshan was a disciple

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

In 2019, an eye-catching moment became a turning point in Yadan's life - the video of her marriage proposal was exposed. Behind this scene is Yadan's decision to remarry, and her groom is Zhao Benshan's disciple Xiao Pengfei.

Xiao Pengfei is not an ordinary way to propose, in order to propose to Yadan, he actually rented a luxury cruise ship. This romantic move is undoubtedly amazing, and it also shows Xiao Pengfei's deep love for Yadan. However, what is striking is that at Yadan's wedding, Zhao Benshan did not come to the scene in person, leaving some gaps for people to think about.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

On the eve of the divorce, Yadan's breakup with her ex-husband Wang Jinlong became a topic. Although Zhao Benshan did not fully agree with the end of this relationship, Yadan and Wang Jinlong still chose their respective paths. During this period, Yadan's life ushered in a new chapter, and her marriage to Xiao Pengfei brought a new beginning.

Soon after the marriage, Yadan announced that she was pregnant with her third child. This news makes people excited, and they send blessings one after another. However, what is touching is that the once ordinary girl has now become the hostess of the family, and she has begun to devote herself to the live broadcast industry.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

This field may be new to the outside world, but for Yadan, it is a platform for her to radiate her passion and talent.

Although Yadan's live broadcast career is stable, it is a window that she has carefully polished. However, she didn't stop there. In January this year, Yadan revealed that she was pregnant with her third child, which once again attracted public attention. In the spread of this news, some people were happy and happy for her, and at the same time, some people had some feelings about the former girl.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

In this entertainment journey, Yadan has experienced the twists and turns of marriage, but still finds her own direction in life. Her coming-of-age story is not only a legacy of love, but also a testimony to a woman's delicate balance between career and family.

All this may be part of the entertainment industry, but it has also become a topic that many people talk about, making people think about their own lives while paying attention to celebrities.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

06 Personal point of view: show the brilliance of human nature

Yadan's entertainment road is like a magnificent melody, from the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to the movie screen, her achievements are remarkable. However, the twists and turns in life and the twists and turns of her marriage make her experience more human.

The history of Yadan's "demise", from an overnight explosion to disappearing, why did she fall to no one's attention?

Between success and adversity, Yadan showed tenacity and courage to become a strong person in life. Perhaps everyone's entertainment journey has its ups and downs, but the key is how to find your own harbor in the waves.

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