
Don't pretend? Huawei, Xiaomi has come to the good news one after another, foreign media: this is a side effect of the supply cut

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Recently, there was news from foreign media that there will be a new wave of suppression of local Chinese brands such as Huawei and Xiaomi. This raises concerns about the future of these companies.

However, both Huawei and Xiaomi have recently come out with good news, showing that they are still developing steadily and have not been affected by external suppression. Huawei's CEO publicly said that it will launch a new Huawei mobile phone, showing that Huawei has not been suppressed by the outside world and stagnated. This gives confidence in Huawei's prospects.

Don't pretend? Huawei, Xiaomi has come to the good news one after another, foreign media: this is a side effect of the supply cut

Xiaomi's mobile phone business has also made great progress, especially in after-sales service, which has been well received by the domestic media. This shows that Xiaomi is still persisting in development. However, foreign media denigrated these positive changes as the negative effect of "supply cuts", which stimulated the sense of resistance of Chinese companies.

This statement is clearly biased. Objectively speaking, both Huawei and Xiaomi are actively acting, which is of great benefit to the development of local Chinese brands.

We should give affirmation and encouragement, and we must not be fooled by the bias of the foreign media. In short, local companies are working hard to move forward, and we should continue to support them, hoping that more Chinese companies can return to the top of the world stage.

Foreign media rumors are coming to a new round of suppression, and the prospects of Chinese mobile phone manufacturers are worrying

Recently, some foreign media outlets have reported that there will be a new wave of crackdowns against Chinese mobile phone manufacturers such as Huawei and Xiaomi. According to these foreign media, the U.S. government plans to further restrict the supply of key components and technologies to these Chinese companies, with the aim of curbing the development of Chinese technology companies.

The rumor immediately caused concern in the industry. After all, Chinese phone makers such as Huawei have experienced unprecedented crackdowns over the past few years, and their overseas markets have shrunk significantly. If the United States adopts new sanctions, it will undoubtedly bring greater difficulties to the global layout of Huawei and other enterprises.

Some analysts believe that the competition between China and the United States in science and technology is fierce, and Chinese technology companies such as Huawei have occupied an important position in the world by virtue of their leading technologies and products, which has posed a threat to the United States. Therefore, the U.S. government is likely to continue to tighten restrictions on companies such as Huawei in order to curb China's technological development, seriously affecting the development prospects of these companies.

In the face of new uncertainties, industry insiders are worried that Chinese technology companies such as Huawei will fall into passivity. If the U.S. further cuts off critical supplies, Huawei's global mobile phone business could be devastated.

Huawei Xiaomi is good, or it indicates a rebound in Chinese mobile phones

However, while the outside world is worried about the prospects of Chinese mobile phone manufacturers, companies such as Huawei and Xiaomi have recently reported a series of good news.

Don't pretend? Huawei, Xiaomi has come to the good news one after another, foreign media: this is a side effect of the supply cut

This seems to indicate that despite the harsh external environment, China's local mobile phone brands are still developing steadily and have not been crushed by external suppression.

The first is Huawei. Not long ago, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business, made it clear in an internal speech that Huawei will launch a new Huawei mobile phone this year.

Despite the difficult external environment, Huawei has not been suppressed to stagnate and is still developing new products at its own pace.

According to industry analysts, this shows that Huawei's management is full of confidence in the company's future development prospects.

They believe that Huawei has strong technical and product strength, and is fully capable of coping with various external challenges. Huawei will not be suppressed by any external force and abandon the mobile phone business, and will unswervingly promote this business.

In addition, there are also positive signals from Xiaomi's mobile phone business.

According to domestic media reports, Xiaomi mobile phones have made progress in after-sales service, especially in extending the warranty period, which has been praised by many users. The industry believes that this shows that Xiaomi is not reducing the power of its products due to environmental pressures, but continues to improve the user experience.

This shows that Chinese mobile phone manufacturers such as Huawei and Xiaomi have not stagnated or declined as expected.

On the contrary, they are still forging ahead, constantly making new advances in product technology and services. This provides confidence for the rebound of China's local mobile phone brands.

Don't pretend? Huawei, Xiaomi has come to the good news one after another, foreign media: this is a side effect of the supply cut

The foreign media's slanderous rhetoric is suspicious and full of prejudice

However, the positive performance of this series of local Chinese mobile phone manufacturers has been interpreted negatively by foreign media.

Some foreign media believe that these advances are just a reflection of the negative effects of "supply disruptions", and Chinese companies are forced to develop and improve services independently to counter US suppression.

This view and stance is clearly inclined to the United States, and is full of orientation and bias.

In fact, the independent innovation and service improvement of any enterprise should be encouraged and affirmed, and should not be devalued as a forced negative effect.

Chinese companies are becoming more and more independent and mature, which is the need for global scientific and technological progress. Huawei's recent progress is a testament to the innovative vitality and enterprising spirit of Chinese companies, which should be a common asset for the global technology community.

However, the foreign media still favors one over the other, and there are obvious double standards. In the face of the progress of Chinese enterprises, they take the lead in their position, ignore the facts, and arbitrarily belittle and interpret them, which is naturally suspicious.

We should look at the current progress of China's local mobile phone companies in an objective and rational manner. These advances are conducive to the development of global scientific and technological innovation, and should be evaluated and recognized fairly and objectively, rather than being blinded by the bias of foreign media.

China's mobile phone companies are striving to move forward and need support from all walks of life

At present, the technology competition between China and the United States is becoming increasingly fierce, and Chinese local enterprises are facing unprecedented external pressure.

However, judging by the recent performance of Huawei and Xiaomi, Chinese companies are not stopping there, but are still trying to move forward.

This enterprising and striving spirit deserves the affirmation and support of all sectors of society. We should take a positive view of the development of local companies, and not be confused by all kinds of speculation and false reports from the outside world.

China has the world's largest industrial system and scientific and technological innovation system. In this environment, local enterprises will continue to emerge new technologies and products.

Huawei and Xiaomi are just the beginning, and in the future, Chinese technology companies will surely rise to more industry leaders who lead the world.

Let us be tolerant and wise-minded to help local enterprises through the current difficulties; Be open and enterprising and support them to continue to grow; Use.

Initlylhl, looking forward to the bright future of the enterprise. There will definitely be more Chinese enterprises standing on the top of the world's science and technology and making new and greater contributions to the progress of human civilization.


Recently, there has been good news from China's local mobile phone companies, showing that they are developing steadily and have not been crushed by the external environment.

However, some foreign media have deliberately belittled this, and their position is questionable. We should look at the progress of local enterprises objectively and rationally, give affirmation and support, and not be blinded by prejudice.

Chinese enterprises are maturing and progressing, and more world-class powerhouses will surely rise. Let us support them in an open and enterprising manner.

Some netizens believe that the outside world should not boycott Chinese technology companies, but should actively support their participation in international competition and cooperation. What do you think?

Some netizens also believe that Chinese enterprises still need to improve their independent innovation capabilities and cannot rely too much on the external environment. What do you think?

Some netizens said that while local enterprises are growing, they should also assume more social responsibilities.

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