
#对于另一半, which is important to like and be suitable # Liking a person is the basis for two people to get acquainted, but the most important thing is to consider whether it is suitable for marriage - love that is not for the purpose of marriage, both

author:Mars Yu Theory

#对于另一半, which is more important, like or suitable#

Liking someone is the basis for two people to get acquainted, but the most important thing is to consider whether it is suitable for marriage - love without the purpose of marriage is not advisable!

The person you like is not necessarily suitable for marriage, and the person who is suitable for marriage may not be able to see each other at a glance.

This requires two people with equal conditions to spend time with each other to see if they are suitable for marriage - of course, don't be too picky in the process of getting along.

Liking is sensual and ephemeral, and only what is considered appropriate for each other is rational and long-term affection—love is not equal to sexual desire and possessiveness; Marriage and love need to manage each other and give to each other, rather than choosing to abandon them with the diminishing feeling of love.

Whether two people are suitable or not, only time will tell - give time to marriage, not spend time looking for marriage.

#Is your marriage good# #Facing the person who wants to get married# #Important things in marriage# #What is marriage# #What do you think about marriage# #你是否愿意将就#

#对于另一半, which is important to like and be suitable # Liking a person is the basis for two people to get acquainted, but the most important thing is to consider whether it is suitable for marriage - love that is not for the purpose of marriage, both
#对于另一半, which is important to like and be suitable # Liking a person is the basis for two people to get acquainted, but the most important thing is to consider whether it is suitable for marriage - love that is not for the purpose of marriage, both
#对于另一半, which is important to like and be suitable # Liking a person is the basis for two people to get acquainted, but the most important thing is to consider whether it is suitable for marriage - love that is not for the purpose of marriage, both

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