
The truth about the rough treatment of Yang Shuyu, a popular national player in the Chinese women's basketball team, was revealed

author:Geek is dead

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The truth about the abuse of Yang Shuyu, a popular player in the Chinese women's basketball team, was exposed

As a popular national player of the Chinese women's basketball team, Yang Shuyu has won the love of a large number of fans with her excellent skills and handsome image. However, she also faced some troubles outside the competition, such as fans being too enthusiastic, violating the privacy of the players, frequently following, taking pictures, asking for autographs, group photos, etc. Recently, after a match, Yang Shuyu suffered a very unpleasant experience. He was rudely carried away by security guards and fell to the ground. The incident has attracted widespread attention, and the truth of the incident has aroused heated discussions.

In the third round of the WCBA, the Guangdong women's basketball team challenged the Henan women's basketball team away and won 80-61 under the leadership of Yang Shuyu. After the game, Yang Shuyu came to the stands to take pictures, sign autographs, and interact closely with fans. However, just as she was signing, the security guard abruptly interrupted Yang Shuyu and asked her to leave immediately. Yang Shuyu was helpless, surrounded by security guards, and was treated roughly. During this period, some fans even tried to reach out from the crowd to ask for autographs, but were stopped by security guards. One security guard grabbed Ms. Yang's arm, while another hugged her. In the crowded passage, Yang Shuyu accidentally tripped over the security guard and fell to the ground due to the crowd.

The truth about the rough treatment of Yang Shuyu, a popular national player in the Chinese women's basketball team, was revealed
The truth about the rough treatment of Yang Shuyu, a popular national player in the Chinese women's basketball team, was revealed

Videos of the incident quickly circulated on social media, sparking outrage and discussion among fans. Many people expressed dissatisfaction with the behavior of the security guards, who felt that the security guards used excessive force and did not respect the rights of the players. In fact, this also exposed the fact that Yang Shuyu was harassed many times in other non-competition situations. The harassment includes taking photos for others and forcing people to sign autographs and take pictures with other fans. Perhaps the security guards received the task in advance to maintain order at the scene and protect Yang Shuyu's safety. However, the security guard's behavior was indeed too rough.

Since Yang Shuyu's move to the Guangdong women's basketball team, she has faced overly enthusiastic fans and harassment. She was often stalked and harassed by fans at airports, training venues, and even other places outside the stadium, which caused a lot of trouble in her life and privacy. To this end, Yang Shuyu once posted on social media, calling on fans to chase stars rationally and not to obtain players' schedule information through illegal channels, which brings trouble to players' lives, and put forward reasonable requirements for fans.

Yang Shuyu's behavior also proves that she values and cares about her fans. During the game, she actively interacted with the fans and even offered to give away tickets. She's not trying to be in the limelight, she's protecting her safety and privacy. Therefore, fans should rationally chase stars and buy tickets through formal channels, rather than harassing and violating players to meet their own needs.

Reflections on the security guard's rough treatment of national player Yang Shuyu

This incident of the security guard's rough treatment of Yang Shuyu has aroused widespread attention and reflection. In this age of the internet, the relationship between players and fans has become closer, and the fans' affection and support for players has become more direct and passionate. However, this enthusiasm can easily overshoot reason, leading to some misconduct and invasion of the player's privacy.

The truth about the rough treatment of Yang Shuyu, a popular national player in the Chinese women's basketball team, was revealed

As fans, we should pay more attention to and respect the privacy of players. The talent and achievements of the players on the field are visible and appreciated by all, but their lives and private spaces should also be protected. We cannot obtain players' itinerary information through illegal means, nor can we meet our needs by hunting, intercepting, harassing, etc. Players are also human beings and need their own space and security.

On the other hand, players should also build a better relationship with their fans while protecting themselves. Players can interact with fans in a reasonable way, such as giving away signed tickets, attending fan meetups, etc., which can not only meet the needs of fans, but also protect their own safety and privacy. By strengthening communication and exchange with fans, a more harmonious and respectful relationship can be established.

The truth about the rough treatment of Yang Shuyu, a popular national player in the Chinese women's basketball team, was revealed

Security guards, as the role of maintaining order and keeping players safe, should also fulfill their duties. They need to have a good level of professionalism and professionalism to ensure that order is maintained without excessive force being used against players and fans. A calm attitude and professional service will build a bridge between the players and the fans.

Finally, I hope that fans can follow stars rationally, respect the privacy and security of players, and support their favorite players in a more rational and reasonable way. Players should also build better relationships with fans and provide better service and feedback to fans by strengthening their interactions with fans. Only mutual respect and understanding can make sports events more harmonious and exciting.

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