
After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

author:Lotte sent Xiao Liu to say something

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

Recently, the media focus has focused on a high-profile couple in Taiwan's entertainment industry, they are Huang Ziling and Meng Gengru. Huang Ziling was recently arrested, and his wife, Meng Gengru, became the focus of public attention. After nearly 3 months, Meng Gengru's heart was under great pressure and challenges.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

Meng Gengru attended a special event on September 27, where she attended a celebration of her 20th anniversary with other well-known actresses such as Fang Wenlin and Wang Tingwei, and released a short image film called "Time Traveler". Although the event was seen as a media meeting, for Meng Gengru, it marked an important turning point.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

In front of the camera, although Meng Gengru still shows her former cheerfulness and tenacity, the sharp lens captures her thin figure, her weight loss is much higher, if not for her strength, people may think that she is a stranger. These subtle changes undoubtedly show her inner torment and stress.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

When asked by the media about Huang's recent situation, Meng Gengru said that her husband is now in better shape than before, and she described him as "version 3.0" of herself. She also said that the future is left to Huang Ziling to respond, and she is worried that if she says more, she may misinterpret his meaning or cause more problems.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

Meng Gengru emphasized that her role was to accompany her husband, and she stood firmly by Huang Ziling's side, trying to respond to the media's doubts in the most positive way. What she wants to tell everyone is that no matter what happens, she will always be by Huang Ziling's side.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

Regarding the question of whether Huang Ziling has a comeback plan, Meng Gengru said that there is no clear plan at present, and she believes that the most important thing is to deal with the current affairs. She also mentioned that Huang Ziling is currently taking care of her children at home and awaiting the trial. Although some of his freedoms are restricted, in the family everything remains the same as usual.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

On the issue of financial pressure, Meng Gengru firmly stated that she is not in financial trouble, because she has been frugal, has no large expenses, and the mortgage has been paid off. Her answer conveys a sense of strength and confidence.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

Under the questioning of the media, Meng Gengru still firmly supported Huang Ziling, trying to shape him into the best possible image. Her words and actions show a deep love for Huang Ziling.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

At present, Huang Ziling is awaiting trial, and senior Wu Zongxian has said that Huang Ziling must take responsibility for his actions. The trial of this sexual assault case will determine his future and whether he can get the woman's forgiveness. It will all depend on the outcome of the subsequent trial.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

During this difficult period, Meng Gengru showed tenacity and self-confidence, and her support and companionship were undoubtedly a precious strength for Huang Ziling. No matter what the future holds, the couple will continue to face life's challenges together, and Meng Gengru's steadfastness and strength will always be their driving force. This story also reminds us that no matter what difficulties we encounter, the support and love of our family will always be the strongest support.

Big S's good mother image collapsed, the child cried late at night, why didn't the nanny look for her

In the entertainment industry, stars are often in the limelight, not only because of their talents and achievements, but also because of their lives and families. Big S (Xu Xiyuan) has always been a star in Taiwan's entertainment industry, known for her acting career and family life. However, a series of recent accusations and negative news have put her in turmoil. The accusations focused on the way she treated her children and her newlywed life after her divorce from Wang Xiaofei. In this article, we'll explore these accusations and gain insight into Big S's background and the challenges she faces.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

Da S's family life has always attracted much attention, especially her marriage to Wang Xiaofei. However, recently some netizens broke the news that Big S seems to be indifferent to his children. The allegation sparked widespread public discussion. People began to wonder if a mother was indifferent to her children and had other ulterior things.

More worryingly, the children of the eldest S were allegedly brought up mainly by nannies rather than the mother herself. This situation not only caused the child to lose his mother's love, but also led to the resignation of Big S's nanny. This has sparked a new controversy, and people have begun to reflect on why a woman with such wealth as a star is reluctant to take care of her children herself.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

To further verify this allegation, some parents of the child's classmates came forward and claimed that they had witnessed Big S's indifference to their children during school activities. This has led to more questions about whether Big S is suitable for motherhood.

Big S's divorce sparked widespread media coverage, but there were questions about whether she had informed her children of the news. Divorce is often a huge blow to children, and without knowing it, children can feel more confused and hurt.

In addition, Da S quickly married his new partner Gu Junye after the divorce, which caused some people to ridicule and accuse. It is believed that this behavior may cause more distress to children as they need to adjust to the great changes in the family.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

Big S's behavior raises questions about whether she adequately considers the child's emotional and acceptance process. Both divorce and new marriage are major life events, and how to inform and reassure children is crucial.

In daily life, some people accuse Big S of being unwilling to do seemingly ordinary things for his family, such as peeling shrimp. This is considered a manifestation of her indifference to family life.

Some believe that Big S seems to use children as a tool to earn living expenses rather than really caring about their mothers. This view puts Big S in the spotlight of a lot of negative news.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

Big S's newlywed life has once again become a focus of controversy. People questioned why she was so hasty to marry her new partner, whether this really took into account the feelings and needs of the child.

In the face of these negative accusations and controversies, Big S has remained silent. However, this series of events undoubtedly affected her image and reputation. For a female star who has achieved great success in the entertainment industry, these accusations can have a profound impact on her career and family. This also reminds us that celebrities are also ordinary people, and they also have their own challenges and difficulties.

In this era of information explosion, the media and the public are often prone to amplify the lives of celebrities into news, but we should also understand that everyone has their own privacy and difficulties. For Big S, she needs to face these accusations and take action to calm the controversy and rebuild her image. As viewers, we should also remain rational, not gullible and respect everyone's privacy and life choices.

After Huang Ziling was arrested, his wife Meng Gengru was extremely thin, but she still insisted on working with laughter.

In short, the story of Big S is an opportunity for reflection and let us think about the challenges and difficulties hidden behind the lives of celebrities. It is also a reminder not to blame and judge others easily, because we cannot fully understand their lives and situations.

Note: Original articles, infringement must be investigated, pictures are from the Internet

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