
Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

author:Fun in the circle

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His aim was simply to raise the base salary from three thousand to four thousand.

As a teacher's wife, Wang Hui had to kneel to him just because of the extra thousand yuan salary.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

The apprentice is the master's student.

"Shi Niang being kneeled" is already a "great disobedience" behavior.

Once this matter is exposed, no one will believe him.

Therefore, the issue of salary increases will not be resolved.

However, Wang Hui will never give up easily.

The strategy she used can be called a ruthless move, or it can be said to be a fatal move.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

What happens after that.

The media somehow exposed this.

What happened at home happened in Deyun Society.

However, this news was reprinted and spread by the outside media.

Is there any other meaning?

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

The teacher's wife knelt on the ground and asked Cao Yunjin for advice.

The matter was again widely disseminated by the media.

He could no longer stay in the Deyun Society.

He could no longer find refuge in that place.

Therefore, he had no choice but to leave. However, it was his departure that made the situation worse.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Master Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin are estranged again.

Many netizens think that he is a traitor to the Deyun Society.

Since then, he has borne a reputation of shame and has had to give up his dream of crosstalk since elementary school.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Take a look at this question.

This situation is caused by Wang Hui's monopoly on power.

Her goal is simple.

Their attitude towards Guo Qilin can be seen from this.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Cao Yunjin left under pressure to be called a traitor.

In a show, someone asked Guo Qilin this question.

Netizens re-examined the relationship between the two because of his answer.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

In the process of growing.

Cao Yunjin has been taking care of Guo Qilin.

He also needs to attend the school's parent-teacher conference.

Although millions of people are condemning him, I can never say anything wrong with him.

Xiao Guo has always felt that Cao treats him sincerely, and that's why it's all about.

But due to some contingencies, they were not able to have more contact in public.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

I will fight with you for the rest of my life and will never give you the opportunity to express my opinion.

On the Internet, this phrase is widely circulated.

All of the following events are videos related to Guo Qilin.

This shows its specific meaning.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Since Guo Qilin left Deyun Society and the crosstalk industry.

The answer has been revealed.

Whether he left or not, Wang Hui would do everything he could to expel him.

In the same way, he defeated the "young marshal" once and for all.

Of course, it's not just talk.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Imagine that.

The stepson knelt down in front of his stepmother.

Guo Qilin had nothing to say but kneel.

Cao Yunjin is a lesson from the past and a wake-up call.

Mere guesswork will not help solve the problem; Opinions must be based on facts.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Has anyone noticed this fact?

Yan Hexiang has performed crosstalk for Guo Qilin many times. Where is he now?

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Yan Hexiang and Guo Qilin have worked together before.

He was also one of Herzik's earliest students.

The title of "Crown Princess Deyun" is even more honorable.

Although this is just a joking name.

However, with Guo Qilin's departure, he was gradually marginalized.

So far, rumors about him have been rife on the Internet.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

This moment is now.

Yan Hexiang's appearance on the crosstalk stage is becoming less and less.

It's just a coincidence.

There may be some delays at home.

However, he is not unique.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Once upon a time, Zhang Jiuling was one of the earliest disciples of the Nine Sons of the Deyun Society.

When he first entered the world of crosstalk, Guo Qilin tasted crosstalk for the first time.

The two teamed up to perform the show.

However, then the top management of Deyun Society broke up.

However, it's not that simple.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

The two of them are not alone.

No matter who it is, as long as it is Guo Qilin's crosstalk partner.

Nothing is set in stone.

When someone is replaced, it's usually after a few performances.

In fact, the so-called young captain of the Deyun Society actually did not have any substantial power.

That's why he eventually left.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

It's not that because Guo Qilin left, he didn't have a partner.

He did not choose to leave because he did not have a permanent partner.

The Wang Hui family holds all the real power of the Deyun Society.

To this end, Guo Qilin was forced to rely on the help of his master Yu Qian to enter the film and television industry.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Of course, these living examples may not be enough to fully explain.

However, there is no need to rush, there is one more thing worth mentioning.

Now major companies attach great importance to the issue of ownership.

It is particularly noteworthy that Deyun Society has achieved such a huge scale of development.

Therefore, the final distribution becomes a difficult problem.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

It has been a tradition since ancient times.

This rule was handed down by previous generations.

The eldest son, Guo Qilin, thus became the last heir.

But sometimes there are also cases where young people grow taller and old people are short and incompetent.

Wang Hui seized this opportunity.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Every time it comes to the sharing of Deyun Society.

She often runs away in a vague way.

In the last moments of helplessness.

She suddenly had a clever move and came up with a clever strategy.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

No equity is provided to legal persons.

This is the method that Wang Hui ultimately chose.

Perhaps some people think that size is an "authority".

However, legal persons are a special case.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

In peacetime, it has no power and role at all.

If there is any trouble with the Deyun Society

The first person affected was Guo Qilin, who played the role of a legal person.

It can be simply called a "scapegoat".

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

Next, let's talk about the private affairs of the members of the Deyun Society.

Guo Degang and his wife Wang Hui live in a spacious and luxurious villa.

However, in this spacious house, Guo Qilin's residence could not be found.

Even if he occasionally goes home to live.

Not even my own toiletries and towels.

In a show, the young soldier also revealed the truth.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

According to the young soldier.

One day, Guo Qilin returned home.

Guo Fenyang hurriedly ran over and said.

Why did you come to my house?

As soon as the young soldier finished saying this, he was a little helpless, although he was usually a cheerful and outgoing person.

Wang Hui knelt away from Cao Yunjin and restricted Guo Qilin's performance, what secret does she have?

The above content and materials are derived from the Internet, and the author of this article does not intend to target or allude to any real country, political system, organization, race, individual. The above does not mean that the author of this article endorses the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. The author of this article is not responsible for any issues arising above or related to any of the above, nor does it assume any direct or indirect legal liability.

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