
Thai royal family dispute, Shinina's quest for fame failed! The royal family does not recognize the two sons!

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The Thai Royal Family: Srina's identity rivalry and complicated court life

Thai royal family dispute, Shinina's quest for fame failed! The royal family does not recognize the two sons!

The court dramas of the Thai royal family have always attracted much attention. Although Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn is the male protagonist of this drama, the female protagonist often changes. Srinina once regained the favor of the Thai king, but her recent performance has been worrying and even in danger of falling out of favor. Shinina was born into a poor family. After graduating from university, he became acquainted with the King of Thailand and became a member of the court. This was the best time of his life, all dedicated to the King of Thailand, but now his future seems precarious.

Thai royal family dispute, Shinina's quest for fame failed! The royal family does not recognize the two sons!

Sinina has been trying to find names for her two children, but the Thai royal court has refused to recognize them. Queen Suthida continued to dominate several court battles, and her status as a concubine was difficult to secure. The king once hand-painted a picture of a family of four for Srina, suggesting his two children, but the reality was cruel. Although the hand-painted paintings symbolize Shinina's feelings, his efforts to secure the status of his two children were rejected.

Thai royal family dispute, Shinina's quest for fame failed! The royal family does not recognize the two sons!

Recently, Srinina attended charity events, visited the Royal Hospital, received medical training and represented the royal family. Considering her background as a nurse, the event was a great fit for her and was well received by the audience. However, striking is that the hand-painted painting in the background of the event is still a painting of a family of four. In addition, Srina's clothes were personally designed by the King of Thailand to match the sporty style, and he even used bow hairpins to better reproduce the funny character.

Thai royal family dispute, Shinina's quest for fame failed! The royal family does not recognize the two sons!

Although Srinina did not say it explicitly, the official visit was actually to fight for the rights of her two children. However, members of the royal family expressed disappointment and asked the university to throw the paintings in the trash. Srina's approval rating has waned, and he tries to save the situation with his children, but is left out. Although this result is reasonable, it is still chilling.

Thai royal family dispute, Shinina's quest for fame failed! The royal family does not recognize the two sons!

Members of the Thai royal family have always enjoyed high status, and the Thai king is revered as a "demigod". However, Shinina and her children were treated unfairly. People seem unable to accept his identity and disdain his property. Perhaps this is because Srinina is still a concubine and is not considered worthy of comparison with other members of the royal family. While the King of Thailand has a soft spot for him, the public clearly sees him differently. At every official royal event, only a portrait of Queen Suthida is accepted, and Sinina's fans don't seem to be many.

Thai royal family dispute, Shinina's quest for fame failed! The royal family does not recognize the two sons!

The attitude of the Thai royal family put a lot of pressure on Srina. While the King of Thailand is trying to get the public to gradually accept Srina's child, it seems a bit rushed. Sinina's current status is still that of a concubine and cannot provide adequate protection for her children. While Queen Suthida's children may be recognized in the future, Srina's children may never enjoy such treatment. The royal family seems to be waiting for the right moment to announce Queen Suthida's baby, but is more determined about Srina. His situation is complex and unfortunate, and his future development is full of uncertainty.

Thai royal family dispute, Shinina's quest for fame failed! The royal family does not recognize the two sons!

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