
The kitchen is clean, why are there still cockroaches? How to completely solve cockroaches in the kitchen?

author:It's really good

The kitchen is the most prone breeding place for cockroaches in the home, and even if we keep the kitchen clean and hygienic every day, we may still find cockroaches. So why are cockroaches in the kitchen when it's clean? And how to completely solve the cockroach problem in the kitchen? This article will elaborate on the living habits, reproductive ability and how to prevent and eliminate cockroaches.

The kitchen is clean, why are there still cockroaches? How to completely solve cockroaches in the kitchen?

First of all, we need to understand the life habits of cockroaches. Cockroaches like to live in damp, shady, food-rich places, and the kitchen fulfills just that. Food scraps, water sources and various crevices in the kitchen provide a good living environment for cockroaches. In addition, cockroaches have a strong reproductive ability, and a cockroach couple can produce tens of thousands of offspring every year. Therefore, even if we take certain measures, cockroaches may multiply rapidly in a short time, causing cockroaches to appear again in the kitchen. It is embodied in the following aspects:

The kitchen is clean, why are there still cockroaches? How to completely solve cockroaches in the kitchen?

1. Cockroaches from the neighbor's house enter your home by sharing structures such as walls and floors. Cockroaches can enter the home through small gaps, such as cracks in walls or splices in floors. If the neighbor's cockroach problem is not solved, then even if your kitchen is clean, there may be cockroaches entering your home.

2. Pipelines that cannot be completely blocked. Some pipes, such as drains, ventilation ducts, etc., may not be completely plugged. If cockroaches breed in these pipes, they can still enter the home. Therefore, when plugging the pipeline, the plugging effect should be ensured as much as possible, and the inside of the pipeline should be checked and cleaned regularly.

The kitchen is clean, why are there still cockroaches? How to completely solve cockroaches in the kitchen?

3. Items carrying cockroaches. If you bring in items carrying cockroaches from the outside, such as food, packaging materials, etc., then these cockroaches may breed at home, leading to the appearance of cockroaches. Therefore, when buying food or using packaging materials, care should be taken to check for signs such as cockroaches or cockroach egg sheaths.

4. Water source problems. Even if your kitchen is clean, if there is a problem with the water source, such as a leaky pipe, dripping faucet, etc., it will provide an environment for cockroaches to survive. Therefore, faucets, pipes and other equipment should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure that there are no problems such as leakage or dripping.

The kitchen is clean, why are there still cockroaches? How to completely solve cockroaches in the kitchen?

5. Temperature and humidity. Cockroaches need a certain temperature and humidity to survive and reproduce. If the temperature and humidity in the kitchen are not suitable for cockroaches to survive, they may look elsewhere to survive. Therefore, while keeping the kitchen clean, attention should also be paid to controlling the temperature and humidity to keep them within a range suitable for cockroaches.

6. Other potential survival conditions. In addition to the above, there are other potential survival conditions that can lead to the appearance of cockroaches. For example, garbage bags are not tightly tied, there are dead spots, etc. Therefore, while keeping the kitchen clean, these potential survival conditions should also be eliminated as much as possible.

The kitchen is clean, why are there still cockroaches? How to completely solve cockroaches in the kitchen?

To completely solve the problem of cockroaches in the kitchen, you can take the following measures:

1. Keep the kitchen environment clean. Clean the kitchen regularly, including food debris, garbage, oil stains, etc., and keep kitchen countertops, stovetops, etc. clean. In addition, trash cans should be cleaned in time and garbage cans and garbage bags should be cleaned once a day.

2. Plug gaps and holes. Check whether there are gaps in various pipes, electrical pipes, sockets, etc. in the kitchen, and use silicone sealant or other sealants to block to prevent cockroaches from entering. At the same time, check the gaps in windows, doors, etc. to make sure that there are no opportunities for cockroaches.

The kitchen is clean, why are there still cockroaches? How to completely solve cockroaches in the kitchen?

3. Clean up water sources. Check water pipes, faucets, dishwashers, etc. for leaks or dripping water, and fix these problems in time to avoid providing water for cockroaches. In addition, regularly clean the sink and faucet to keep the water source clean.

4. Keep ventilation. Make sure the kitchen has good ventilation and avoid humid and stuffy environments. Clean ventilation equipment such as range hoods and exhaust fans regularly to ensure that they are clean and operate properly.

The kitchen is clean, why are there still cockroaches? How to completely solve cockroaches in the kitchen?

5. Place items to repel cockroaches. You can place some cockroach repellent items in the kitchen, such as camphor balls, lavender essential oil, etc. These items can give off a smell that cockroaches don't like, thus repelling cockroaches.

6. Regularly check sewers and floor drains. Cockroaches may breed in sewers and floor drains. Regularly check whether the sewers and floor drains are unblocked to avoid blockages and water accumulation. At the same time, wash the sewers and floor drains with hot water and laundry detergent to kill cockroaches and eggs that may be present.

The kitchen is clean, why are there still cockroaches? How to completely solve cockroaches in the kitchen?

7. Maintain the safety of food storage. Store food in well-sealed containers to avoid food residues and moisture residues. In addition, the place where food is stored should be kept away from water and heat sources to avoid the survival and reproduction of cockroaches.

8. Use pesticides. After taking the above measures, if the cockroach problem persists, the use of insecticides can be considered. Choose an insecticide suitable for household use and use it correctly according to the instructions for use. At the same time, attention should be paid to safety issues to avoid harm to human beings and the environment.

The kitchen is clean, why are there still cockroaches? How to completely solve cockroaches in the kitchen?

In short, to completely solve the problem of cockroaches in the kitchen, a variety of measures are required. Keeping kitchens clean, plugging gaps and holes, cleaning water sources, maintaining ventilation, placing cockroach repellent items, regularly checking sewers and floor drains, keeping food storage safe, using pesticides, etc. are all effective solutions. At the same time, attention should also be paid to issues such as personal hygiene and dietary safety to avoid providing an environment and conditions for cockroaches to survive.

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