
"CCTV update layout?" The unreused partner is still the turn of Zhu Xun and Zhang Zequn this time

author:Sprinkle passion fruit 1is

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CCTV has undergone a series of personnel adjustments in recent years, with old faces gradually leaving and new faces constantly emerging, which seems to have injected new vitality into CCTV. However, there are also two sides to this development that cannot be ignored. The audience's expectation and love for the Mesozoic host still exists, especially old faces like Zhu Xun, who once left a deep memory on the audience.

After Zhu Xun, Dong Qing, Li Sisi and other middle-generation hosts retired on the stage, the audience felt uncomfortable, they were once stars of CCTV, representing Guotai Minan. However, now that CCTV has updated its layout again, it is an unreused host who appears, and Zhu Xun and Zhang Zequn have become one of them.

"CCTV update layout?" The unreused partner is still the turn of Zhu Xun and Zhang Zequn this time

Zhu Xun has not appeared on the CCTV stage for a long time, and new faces have gradually taken her place. Even if she reappears on stage, it seems that her career will never return to the top. Similarly, Zhang Zequn has almost retired due to the development of CCTV, and even if he reappears, he will not be able to attract the attention of the audience.

Over time, the influence of TV shows has gradually declined, and viewers' preferences have changed. The status of the host is gradually less important, and the audience prefers lighthearted and humorous variety shows. Perhaps, what the audience needs now is a unique emotional experience, not a single host image.

While the host's influence has declined, we can still find those special people, those who can emotionally resonate with the audience. They may no longer be stars, but those real life companions, ordinary people who can resonate with the audience.

"CCTV update layout?" The unreused partner is still the turn of Zhu Xun and Zhang Zequn this time

TV shows create countless memories, and the host is an integral part of those memories. They have guided us through the unknown, but as time goes by, the audience seeks different emotional experiences. No matter how the status of the host changes, television will continue to accompany us and create new memories.

However, CCTV's continuous updates and adjustments still arouse the attention of the audience. The emergence of new faces has injected new vitality into CCTV, but it has also triggered many discussions and doubts. In this round of personnel adjustments, Zhu Xun and Zhang Zequn have become the hosts of much attention, although they are no longer the focus of CCTV.

The co-hosting of Zhu Xun and Zhang Zequn aroused the curiosity of some audiences. These two hosts once had brilliant moments, but now they no longer seem to be CCTV's first choice. Audiences began to wonder if this collaboration would revive their careers or be short-lived.

"CCTV update layout?" The unreused partner is still the turn of Zhu Xun and Zhang Zequn this time

The evolution of television shows also reflects the needs of viewers. The audience is no longer satisfied with a single host image, but prefers diversified content and experience. In this day and age, audiences crave more interaction, more innovation, and moderators are just one part of this complex ecosystem.

Although the appearance of Zhu Xun and Zhang Zequn is highly anticipated, whether they can adapt to this changing environment remains to be judged by the audience. With the passage of time, the audience's expectations for the host are also changing, perhaps, what really remains in the inner memory is no longer the glorious image of the individual host, but the memory that accompanies the audience to grow together.

"CCTV update layout?" The unreused partner is still the turn of Zhu Xun and Zhang Zequn this time

TV programs are like mirrors that constantly reflect the needs of society and audiences. The update and adjustment of CCTV is inevitable, and the audience will change with the progress of the times. Perhaps, the future hosts will be those who can be close to the audience's emotions and resonate, rather than a single focus. This change is not only a challenge for CCTV, but also an opportunity, in order to stay in the hearts of the audience, the host needs to constantly adapt and innovate to become the companion who can lead the audience to re-explore the TV world.


CCTV's updated layout and the continuous replacement of hosts have brought us some profound inspiration. First, it's a reminder that in media and entertainment, times and audience tastes are inevitable. The addition of new faces can breathe new life into the media, but it can also trigger discomfort among the audience, especially for the departure of Mesozoic hosts, who were once the emotional bond of the audience.

"CCTV update layout?" The unreused partner is still the turn of Zhu Xun and Zhang Zequn this time

Secondly, this situation also reflects that in the competitive media industry, no one can remain unchallenged forever. Even once-popular hosts need to constantly work hard and adapt to new circumstances. Changes in audience reputation and market prospects can have a profound impact on their careers.

In addition, this situation also tells us that in the entertainment industry, audiences value emotional resonance and unique experiences. No longer just pursuing the influence of a host, but a desire to be moved by the content of the program, generating deep memories and emotional connections. This may indicate that the media will focus more on content creation and storytelling, rather than relying on the aura of individual hosts.


CCTV's updated layout and host rotation reflect the evolving media industry and changing audience tastes. The addition of new faces brings new vitality, but it also causes discomfort in the audience, especially for the departure of the Mesozoic host. This tells us that the media landscape needs to constantly adapt to changing times, and it is also a reminder of the need for presenters to constantly strive and develop their skills in a competitive environment.

Although the host's influence is gradually declining, viewers can still find those who resonate emotionally with them in the show. This may be a new direction, allowing media to pay more attention to content creation and emotional connection, rather than relying on the star effect of individual hosts. The future of the media industry will focus more on the emotional experience of the audience than on the single halo of the host.

It also reminds us that change is inevitable, not just in the media industry, but in all sectors, whether it's technology, market trends, or audience tastes, which evolve over time. This means that we have to be flexible and adaptable, both as media practitioners and as people working in other fields. Only by constantly learning, adapting and innovating can we survive and prosper in a competitive environment.

On the other hand, the situation is also a wake-up call for those presenters who were once in the spotlight. Even if you have been prosperous, you can't be complacent. In the media industry, continuous effort and innovation are essential. They can sustain their careers by constantly upgrading their skills and adapting to new media formats and audience needs.

Finally, changing audience tastes remind us that emotional resonance and unique experiences are key to engaging audiences in today's media. In the world of content creation, it is increasingly important to focus on deep emotional connections and compelling storytelling. This is an opportunity for creators to focus on content that touches the hearts and minds of their audience, rather than just relying on the appeal of a particular host or star.

Overall, CCTV's updated layout and host rotation reflect the evolution of the media industry and audience tastes. This has not only influenced the career of presenters, but also changed the way media content is produced. In this ever-changing environment, adaptability and innovation will be key to success, while emotional resonance and engaging content will continue to capture the audience's attention.

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