
10 pairs of star fathers and sons whose sons are uglier than their father! Chen Kun's son is like a passerby, and it's a pity to see Dillon's son

author:Pick the moon for wine money

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On the long road of chasing starlight, people are often fascinated by those high-looking and charming stars. However, in this colorful entertainment world, it is not difficult to find that the children of some stars have not inherited the beauty of their fathers, which has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions.

Chen Kun, the male god who created the coveted image of Jin Yanxi in "Golden Fan Family". His appearance is simply a model for the son of the Republic of China. However, Chen Kun's son Chen Zunyou failed to inherit his father's elegant demeanor. Chen Zunyou's facial features are completely different from Chen Kun's, giving people an ordinary feeling. Nevertheless, Chen Zunyou's fashionable dress and unique personality make him exude a unique charm, which is completely different from his father's noble temperament.

10 pairs of star fathers and sons whose sons are uglier than their father! Chen Kun's son is like a passerby, and it's a pity to see Dillon's son

Dillon, when he was young, he was handsome and charming. However, his son Tan Junyan is not as outstanding as his father's. Tan Junyan's temperament is mature, gentle and intellectual, and has a striking resemblance to the popular actor Lee Jung-jae in recent years. Although his appearance is slightly inferior to his father, Tan Junyan's inner charm is undoubted.

Jiang Hua, the killer of the grandmother of the year, when he was young, he was handsome and compelling, and his style was peerless. However, although his son Chen Yaoshu was handsome in childhood, he lost the delicacy of his childhood when he grew up. However, Chen Yaoshu did not rely on his parents' fame, chose the profession he loved, became a male nurse, and showed a full sense of social responsibility.

10 pairs of star fathers and sons whose sons are uglier than their father! Chen Kun's son is like a passerby, and it's a pity to see Dillon's son

Mo Shaocong, the "first handsome in Hong Kong" of that year, was handsome and personable. And although his son Zhang Haolian is a handsome young man, there is a clear gap compared with his father. However, Zhang Haolian did not slack off because of his father's aura, and he used his efforts to achieve good results in the field of design and show his independent character.

Miao Qiaowei, when he was young, he was handsome and extraordinary, handsome and compelling. However, his son Miao Jun failed to inherit his appearance. Miao Jun's appearance is quite different from his father, but with his excellent acting skills, he presents an impressive role in the play.

Lv Liangwei, known as the ageless male god, is still young in his 60s. However, his son Lu Shanyang's appearance is far from his father's. Although Lu Shanyang's facial features are three-dimensional, due to his fat figure, he and his father have a sharp contrast in appearance. Despite this, Lu Shanyang has performed well in his acting career and has shown his unique charm.

10 pairs of star fathers and sons whose sons are uglier than their father! Chen Kun's son is like a passerby, and it's a pity to see Dillon's son

Ma Tak Zhong, known as the male god of Hong Kong, is extraordinarily handsome. However, the appearance of his son Ma Zaiqiao is shocking. The difference in appearance between father and son is large, but the handsome image of Ma Zaiqiang with a height of 1.9 meters still attracts the attention of many people.

Zhou Huajian, when he was young, he was sunny and handsome, handsome and dashing. However, his son Zhou Hou'an's appearance is very different from his father's. Zhou Houan's appearance is in stark contrast to his father, but he has won the love of the audience with his outstanding performance on the road of acting.

Wang Zhifei, his handsome and dashing appearance has made him a generation of leaders in the entertainment industry. However, his son Wang Ye is not as good as his father. Despite this, Wang also rose to prominence in his acting career through his own efforts, showing his talent and charm.

10 pairs of star fathers and sons whose sons are uglier than their father! Chen Kun's son is like a passerby, and it's a pity to see Dillon's son

Zhang Fengyi, his handsome appearance and tough guy image have made him extremely successful in the film and television industry. However, his son Zhang Boyu's appearance is not comparable to his father's. Despite this, Zhang Boyu has created an impressive role in the play with his solid acting skills, which has been recognized by the audience.

The appearance of these star fathers and sons

In this entertainment industry, the appearance of stars has always attracted much attention, especially those handsome and dashing stars, who often become the object of everyone's envy. However, in the star family, sometimes you will find that the difference in appearance between some fathers and sons is very obvious, which makes people want to explore the mystery of this.

10 pairs of star fathers and sons whose sons are uglier than their father! Chen Kun's son is like a passerby, and it's a pity to see Dillon's son

First, let's look at the father and son of Chen Kun and Chen Zunyou. Chen Kun, the gentle and elegant male star in front of the camera, his beauty has moved countless people's hearts. And his son Chen Zunyou, although he looks slightly ordinary when he is in the same frame as his father, exudes a unique fashion charm. This gap may be due to the fact that life gives them different personalities and temperaments.

Next, let's talk about Dillon and Tan Junyan. Dillon, when he was young, he was handsome and dashing, with outstanding acting skills, and he could be called a handsome guy at that time. And his son Tan Junyan has an intellectual Korean opa sense. Although he is slightly inferior in appearance, his maturity and gentleness make him exude a different kind of charm.

In the hearts of Hong Kong opera fans, Jiang Hua is a legendary existence. His handsomeness and appearance in his youth are unforgettable. Unlike him, his son Chen Yaoshu's appearance is far from his father's. However, Chen Yaoshu did not feel inferior because of this, he was a down-to-earth person who exuded a kind of truth and firmness.

Mok Shaocong is once the number one handsome in Hong Kong, and his appearance and image are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. His son Zhang Ho-lian is much more ordinary, he did not inherit his father's handsome appearance, but he has a healthy and sunny temperament, showing a simple beauty.

Zhou Huajian, the sunny and handsome singer, when he was young, he was the dream lover in the hearts of many people. His son Zhou Hou'an did not inherit his father's handsome appearance. However, their relationship and harmony show the beauty of a kind of family affection.

Lu Liangwei is an ageless male god, and his face is still so handsome under the baptism of years. And his son Lu Shanyang looks ordinary. Although his appearance is not as good as his father's, his sincerity and kindness make him exude an inner beauty.

Wang Zhifei, that handsome actor, he was charming when he was young. However, his son Wang did not inherit his appearance. This gap may be unavoidable, but Wang Ye chose to go his own way and show his charm in his own way.

Finally, let's look at Zhang Fengyi and Zhang Boyu. Zhang Fengyi is a powerful actor whose acting talent is highly recognized. And his son Zhang Boyu is far from his father in appearance. This gap did not affect Zhang Boyu's choice, he still chose to embark on the path of actor and prove his worth with his efforts and talents.

These star fathers and sons, although there is a gap in appearance, but each has their own unique charm and characteristics. Life is not just about appearances, but also about inside. Everyone has their own shining point, and everyone deserves to be respected and cherished. May these star fathers and sons continue to shine and show their most true selves in the days to come.


In the difference in appearance between these star fathers and sons, we see the wonderful performance of genes in appearance. However, there are also several lessons to be drawn from these examples.

First of all, appearance is not the only criterion that determines a person's worth. Although some celebrity children do not inherit the physical advantages of their parents, they still show excellent talents and traits in their respective fields. For example, some choose the profession they love, some show good acting skills in the entertainment industry, and some play an active role in society, which are all factors that truly define a person's value.

Secondly, the family environment and education also play a very important role in a person's growth. Some celebrity parents not only succeed in their careers, but also give their children good education and care in the family, and cultivate children with moral character and responsibility. This family background also has a decisive influence on a person's inner qualities and cultivation.


By observing the difference in appearance between these star fathers and sons, we can see the diversity of appearance in genetic inheritance, and each person has unique appearance characteristics. However, appearance is not the only factor that determines a person's worth. In real life, everyone should be respected and cherished, regardless of appearance. More importantly, a person's worth lies in his inner qualities, talent, and sense of responsibility. Family education and environment also play an important role in shaping a person's character and behavior. Therefore, we should abandon excessive demands on appearance, pay more attention to a person's inner characteristics, and encourage everyone to realize their potential and make beneficial contributions to society.

When observing the differences between these celebrity fathers and sons, we can also find that family background, values, and educational styles have a profound impact on a person's development trajectory. Some celebrity parents not only make achievements in their careers, but also pay attention to cultivating their children's personality charm and sense of social responsibility in the family. This family environment provides a solid foundation for the inner qualities of children, enabling them to face challenges with a resilient mindset and a positive attitude even when their appearance cannot be changed.

In addition, the differences between these celebrity fathers and sons also reflect society's excessive attention to appearance. In today's society, appearance factors are often exaggerated, and people are easily bound by appearance standards, which affects individual self-confidence and self-esteem. However, we should recognize that each person is unique and has their own unique charm and value. True beauty is not only reflected in appearance, but also in inner wisdom, kindness and courage.

From these examples, we can also see the high expectations and harsh evaluation of celebrity children in society. This phenomenon shows that even in families with seemingly perfect appearance, children still face great pressure and challenges. This pressure comes both from society's expectations and from its own comparison of parents' images. In this case, the support and understanding of the family becomes particularly important. Parents should encourage their children to develop their own interests and strengths, cultivate their independence and self-confidence, and allow them to find their place and value in a competitive society.

Finally, the differences between these celebrity fathers and sons also call us to be objective and fair in evaluating others. Everyone has their own life trajectory and growth process, and appearance is only part of it. We should respect everyone's choices and efforts, do not judge a person's value by appearance, and do not judge a person's value based on appearance factors. Only in an atmosphere of tolerance and understanding can society be more harmonious and everyone can find their own happiness and contentment.

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