
In 1992, Yu Qiuyu married female star Ma Lan, who was 16 years younger than her, in ...

author:To the oak tree

In 1992, Yu Qiuyu, a well-known writer and scholar, married a female star Ma Lan, who was 16 years younger than herself. On their wedding night, Yu Qiuyu made a request that most ordinary women would refuse, but surprisingly, Ma Lan agreed. Looking back on Yu Qiuyu's life, we will find that his success is inseparable from the support of his original wife Li Hong. Yu Qiuyu was born in a small town in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province, to ordinary parents, but their careers were successful. My father ran a shop and my mother loved learning and reading. Under the influence of her mother, Yu Qiuyu also cultivated a love of books. Later, he was admitted to the literature department of Shanghai Theater Academy and successfully entered the recruitment work after graduation. In one of the admissions programs he was in charge of, he met a girl 5 years younger than him, named Li Hong. Due to composition problems, Li Hong was unable to enter university, and Yu Qiuyu felt deep sympathy for her plight and decided to help her. Soon after, the two fell in love with each other, and despite Li Hong's parents objecting to their relationship, they married five years later.

In 1992, Yu Qiuyu married female star Ma Lan, who was 16 years younger than her, in ...

Yu Qiuyu's career flourished, becoming the vice president of the Shanghai Theater Academy, and even later the dean, and his power gradually increased. However, fate played a big joke on him and Li Hong. Yu Qiuyu suddenly fell ill with a serious illness and spent a lot of money. At the same time, Li Hong also lost her job and could not receive her salary. In order to maintain the family and her husband and children, Li Hong decided to go to Shenzhen alone to work. She endured hardships and worked overtime to earn money, and most of her income was sent back to her husband and family. She hoped that her husband would recover as soon as possible. In order to achieve this goal, she was reluctant to eat and use it herself, saving every penny and sending it home. Yu Qiuyu wrote a work at home "Cultural Hardship Journey", which was widely praised after its publication, became a bestseller, and made a lot of money. Li Hong is happy with her husband's success, she feels that she can finally stop working so hard and can go home to reunite with her husband. However, when she returned home, she found that her husband had started a relationship with another woman behind her back. She stumbled upon a love letter they wrote, and the discovery was a thunderbolt for her.

In 1992, Yu Qiuyu married female star Ma Lan, who was 16 years younger than her, in ...

Despite her heartbreak, for the sake of her children, she decided not to expose the secret. She tried to persuade her husband to turn back, feeling guilty for not being around. She understands her husband's loneliness without a woman. However, when she returned to her husband, he handed her a divorce settlement directly. Li Hong was shocked, she understood that she was old compared to Ma Lan and could not be compared with her. She had to fulfill Yu Qiuyu and Ma Lan, and the two divorced smoothly. Less than two months after the divorce, Yu Qiuyu married Ma Lan. On the wedding night, Yu Qiuyu made a request: "Give my daughter and Li Hong a sum of money every month until my daughter grows up to be 18 years old." Ma Lan agreed to this request, she was also a kind woman, and said firmly: "I don't regret marrying Yu Qiuyu in this life." However, Li Hong maintained her dignity and repeatedly refused Yu Qiuyu's help. She wants to live a life of dignity, and she doesn't want others to pity her or sympathize with her. Although they divorced, Yu Qiuyu still felt indebted to Li Hong, and he was deeply grateful to her. Ma Lan can tolerate Yu Qiuyu and also loves him very much.

In 1992, Yu Qiuyu married female star Ma Lan, who was 16 years younger than her, in ...

Their marriage is happily happy, but in terms of feelings, their performance is really not perfect. What do you think of this story? Why do you think Yu Qiuyu will cheat in marriage? Please leave your comments.

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