
At least 3 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers at risk of scrapping?

author:Liu Ye loves to speak

Regarding the direction of the construction of large aviation ships, some people continue to adhere to the traditional position of non-nuclear power, although there are also proposals to accept nuclear power. There is an opinion that two nuclear-powered supercarriers can be built first as an example to show the direction of future development. This avoids accusations that there are no nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and have been lagging behind the superpowers.

At least 3 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers at risk of scrapping?

In fact, however, the superpowers have fully achieved nuclear powerification of aircraft carriers after the end of the Cold War. However, there are a number of internal problems, such as a decline in integrated combat capability. It currently has 11 giant nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, plus the Ford-class No. 2 ship under construction, for a total of 12 aircraft carriers. However, in recent years, it has been difficult to form a regular two-carrier formation, let alone maintain the combat duty status of 3 regular aircraft carriers. One of the main reasons for the low carrier sortie rate is the aging of the Nimitz-class carriers, and the new Ford-class is in an awkward position due to technical reasons when it cannot fill the gap.

At least 3 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers at risk of scrapping?

In addition to the severe aging of Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, another major risk is the increasing likelihood of nuclear accidents and the increasing risk of nuclear leakage. This issue transcends individual will and is an objective technical risk.

At least 3 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers at risk of scrapping?

It has been emphasized in the past that with current technological capabilities, the full life of most nuclear submarines is 35 years, and in fact the first 30 years are the most effective. Similarly, the safe life of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is 40 years, and the most effective use period is also the first 30 years. If a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is in service for more than 40 years, the risk of nuclear accidents and leaks increases exponentially. Even if the reactor is strictly managed, metal fatigue is still inevitable. Under perennial high temperature and high pressure, the metal will undergo plastic deformation or even burst suddenly, which may lead to serious nuclear accidents.

At least 3 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers at risk of scrapping?

In fact, radiation can affect the metal components of nuclear-powered ships, causing the metal to become brittle and increasing the risk. Therefore, risk management of nuclear-powered ships is crucial. The maintenance and management of nuclear-powered ships requires an extremely high level of technology.

Before a nuclear accident, special attention needs to be paid to the possibility of the first or second circuit bursting. In the event of a burst, the carrier or submarine will be immediately scrapped. These technical issues are particularly critical for the maintenance of the Nimitz-class carriers. The Washington and Bush Sr. have been docked for a long time, and the issue of the Reagan has attracted widespread attention. All three carriers face higher risks.

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