
Chen Muchi in the right to come out? Tanjian sub-goose factory bundled? Zhang Zhenyuan grabbed resources? Ren Min stepped on Zhao Jinmai?

author:Ripe citrus

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The sweet and sour behind the stars

1. The character behind the bright starlight

When we admire the starry stage, we rarely care about the bitterness of every artist behind it. The story of Ren Min and Zhao Jinmai allows us to see that Xiao Hua Dan, who is also in the entertainment industry, often faces embarrassment and pressure because of some outside voices. Peer competition often becomes-for-tat.

2. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are ready

The story of Zhang Zhenyuan and Song Yaxuan tells us that in the entertainment industry, opportunities are very precious. Resources don't always belong to the one with the highest popularity, but to those who are ready for the opportunity. Whether it is the popularity of the team or its own personality, only by truly finding its own characteristics and showing its own charm can we gain a firm foothold in this circle.

Chen Muchi in the right to come out? Tanjian sub-goose factory bundled? Zhang Zhenyuan grabbed resources? Ren Min stepped on Zhao Jinmai?

3. Mutual benefit between artists and big platforms

The cooperation between Tan Kenci and Goose Factory allows us to see the choices made by an artist for better resources. Not every artist has the ability to fight alone, and relying on a large platform will undoubtedly bring them more opportunities and guarantees. But it also means that they need to make more sacrifices and compromises for the platform.

Chen Muchi in the right to come out? Tanjian sub-goose factory bundled? Zhang Zhenyuan grabbed resources? Ren Min stepped on Zhao Jinmai?

4. The private life of celebrities has become the focus of public attention

The story of Chen Muchi and Yu Shi reveals the public's concern and curiosity about the private lives of celebrities. When the emotional life of the star is exposed, many fans will have a strong reaction to it, some supportive, some opposed. And how to deal with these negative news has also become a problem that the star team has to consider.

Chen Muchi in the right to come out? Tanjian sub-goose factory bundled? Zhang Zhenyuan grabbed resources? Ren Min stepped on Zhao Jinmai?

5. The influence of family background on artists

The story between Ouyang Nana and her sister Ouyang Didi allows us to see the influence of a family on artists. Sometimes, celebrities not only have to work hard for their careers, but also bear the expectations of their families. When there are multiple public figures in the family, their relationship will also be noticed and judged by the outside world.

Chen Muchi in the right to come out? Tanjian sub-goose factory bundled? Zhang Zhenyuan grabbed resources? Ren Min stepped on Zhao Jinmai?

6. The changing situation in the entertainment industry

From the above story, we can see that the situation in the entertainment industry is changing very quickly. Today's red star may be replaced by a new face tomorrow. And every artist needs to make continuous efforts in this circle to find their own place in order to shine on this star-studded stage for a long time.

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