
Tan Jianci's "Filter" is finished, looking forward to Tang Qi shining again


As the years go by, from the end of the year to the beginning of spring, we have witnessed Tang Qi @MIC Tan Jianci's wonderful performance in "Filter", and now this journey of light and shadow has come to an end, announcing the official completion. In this season full of hope and vitality, let's look back on this short but profound "adventure" together, feel the moving story intertwined with colorful colors under the lens, and how Tang Qi played by Tan Jianci gives the character endless brightness and vitality in the "dark world".

Tan Jianci's "Filter" is finished, looking forward to Tang Qi shining again

The encounter at the end of the year, like the warm winter sun penetrating the cold fog, Tang Qi walked into our sight. He wears a pair of glasses, which seems ordinary, but in the world of "Filter", with his delicate acting skills and deep-rooted character creation, he has unveiled a different story for us. Every shot and frame is like a palette in the artist's hand, skillfully integrating Tang Qi's performance with the colorful colors of the plot to construct a visual narrative that is both unique and moving.

Tan Jianci's "Filter" is finished, looking forward to Tang Qi shining again

Tang Qi, the bespectacled boy, seems to have the power to see through the filter between reality and fiction. He uses glasses as a medium to convey the rich layers of the character's inner world to the viewer through the lens. In his eyes, there is not only a keen insight into life, but also an in-depth analysis of human nature, both perseverance in the face of difficulties, and a longing for a better future. In the context of "Dark World", Tang Qi uses warm and firm strength in his unique way to fill in a bright color for the characters and even the whole story.

Tan Jianci's "Filter" is finished, looking forward to Tang Qi shining again

In "Filter", Tan Jianci not only accurately grasped the personality traits of Tang Qi's character, but also seamlessly connected his internal emotions and external performance, presenting a wonderful audio-visual feast. He uses "mirror" as a guide to lead the audience into the depths of the character's heart, and experience Tang Qi's joys, sorrows, love and hatred together. Every time the eyes flow, every smile blooms, and every tears fall, it is a vivid interpretation of Tan Jianci's deep understanding of the role and superb acting skills. He looks at himself through the "mirror", but also looks at the world with his heart, and presents the emotional world of the characters in front of the audience delicately and realistically.

Tan Jianci's "Filter" is finished, looking forward to Tang Qi shining again

With the joy of the completion of the crew of "Filter", we have to temporarily say goodbye to the Tang Qi who lit up the light of hope in the "dark world". However, this brief separation only makes the anticipation of seeing each other again more enthusiastic. We look forward to seeing Tang Qi played by Tan Jianci on the screen again in the near future, and see how he continues to write his own legend in the world of light and shadow with a new character image.

Tan Jianci's "Filter" is finished, looking forward to Tang Qi shining again

Here, we sincerely congratulate the crew of "Filter" on their success, and thank everyone in front of and behind the scenes for their hard work, it is you who have jointly created this work full of color and emotion. At the same time, we also look forward to Tan Jianci continuing to shine on the road of acting in the future, and repay the support and love of the audience with more popular roles and works. Let's look forward to seeing Tang Qi and everyone as soon as possible and going to the next "adventure" journey together!

Tan Jianci's "Filter" is finished, looking forward to Tang Qi shining again
Tan Jianci's "Filter" is finished, looking forward to Tang Qi shining again
Tan Jianci's "Filter" is finished, looking forward to Tang Qi shining again

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