
With US military aid to Taiwan, 21 military planes and 11 warships from the mainland, combined with sea and air, rushed straight to the Bass Strait


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Bus Strait, the focus of tension in the Taiwan Strait. Recently, PLA warships and aircraft have been frequently active in this vicinity, which has aroused widespread concern. Not only that, the US military aid plan of 500 million is also driving turmoil in the Taiwan Strait behind the scenes. In this article, we'll dive into this issue and break down the key factors one by one.


Let's first focus on the PLA's activities in the Bass Strait. The Taiwan military released information that the mainland side has 21 sorties and 11 warships continue to operate in this area, especially the Bass Strait has become their main assembly place. Judging from the PLA's track chart, it is no coincidence that various military aircraft such as the J-16, H-6, Y-9 communication countermeasure aircraft, and BZK-005 UAV are operating here.

With US military aid to Taiwan, 21 military planes and 11 warships from the mainland, combined with sea and air, rushed straight to the Bass Strait

It is likely that the PLA is conducting joint naval and air formation combat training aimed at further strengthening the coordinated operation of its naval and air forces. The Bass Strait is strategically located and is an important passage for the PLA to enter and exit the western Pacific. The series of actions underscores the importance of the Bass Strait in geopolitics, and the PLA's activities there reflect its strong power in the air and naval domains.


However, there are more complications behind this situation. Taiwan media reports mentioned that the United States has provided $500 million in special military aid to Taiwan, which has caused concerns about the People's Liberation Army. This special power allows the Biden administration to quickly provide armaments to Taiwan, which not only arouses the resentment of the mainland, but also puts Taiwan in a dilemma.

With US military aid to Taiwan, 21 military planes and 11 warships from the mainland, combined with sea and air, rushed straight to the Bass Strait

Public opinion within Taiwan generally believes that although US military aid is beneficial to Taiwan's national defense, it is also accompanied by high political costs. This special power, which was used against Ukraine, is now again on the issue of Taiwan. This raises questions about the intentions of the United States, whether it is trying to make Taiwan a "second Ukraine"?

One of them:

The number of 21 sorties and 11 warships is unprecedented, indicating that the PLA's activities in the Taiwan Strait are of an unprecedented scale. Why did the PLA suddenly increase its military activities in the Taiwan Strait? Taiwan media reports mentioned that "500 million US military aid has provoked the mainland", which is a key factor.

With US military aid to Taiwan, 21 military planes and 11 warships from the mainland, combined with sea and air, rushed straight to the Bass Strait

The Biden administration has been given special authority to bypass Congress and directly provide $500 million in weapons and equipment to Taiwan, calling it "military aid to Taiwan." This power has been used many times against Ukraine, so in the tense situation in the Taiwan Strait, the mainland side regarded this as an escalation of collusion with Taiwan, so it took countermeasures.


In addition, Taiwan media also pointed out that although the Taiwan authorities began to purchase Stinger missiles from the United States as early as 2019, the Taiwan military had not received deliveries until May 24. This is not surprising, since the US military-industrial complex has always had the problem of lagging deliveries. However, with the escalation of tensions in the Taiwan Strait recently, the United States has accelerated the pace of arms sales to Taiwan.

Part of the $500 million special military aid package is to accelerate deliveries to Taiwan, including Stinger missiles, which will help Taiwan authorities play an important role in hedgehog tactics. This tactic is seen as an asymmetric tactic of the Taiwan military, and it is also a key factor for the United States to help Taiwan become a "hedgehog".

However, considering the backlog of US arms sales to Taiwan, whether the Biden administration will continue to use special powers to speed up deliveries to Taiwan in the future is also a questionable question.

Against this backdrop of complexity and uncertainty, the Bass Strait has become the focus of geopolitics, and the dynamics of the Taiwan Strait will continue to affect the nerves of the international community. How to balance the interests and concerns of all parties has become a global problem. This issue will continue to receive extensive attention and research.

The situation in the Bass Strait: interpretation and implications

The current tension in the Taiwan Strait Bus Strait has aroused widespread concern. Interpreting this situation, we can draw some important lessons.

First, the U.S. special military aid program for Taiwan provoked a huge reaction. The decision of the United States to provide $500 million in arms aid to Taiwan has triggered large-scale military activities by the PLA in the Taiwan Strait. The event revealed the complex interaction between international politics and regional stability. The U.S. decision shows its support for Taiwan, but it has also triggered an escalation of regional conflicts. This tells us that international assistance may provide the necessary protection on the one hand, but it can also provoke fierce confrontation on the other.

Second, Taiwan's need for U.S. arms assistance is already evident. Taiwan has been expecting military support from the United States, especially in the face of threats from Chinese mainland. However, U.S. arms deliveries have always had the problem of slow delivery. This demonstrates the complexity of cooperation between States and the importance of accelerating military assistance in emergency situations. This case is also a reminder that arms contracts need to be maintained to ensure timely supply.

Most importantly, the geographical location of the PLA's activities in the Taiwan Strait suggests the possibility of joint air-sea grouping. The Bass Strait is an important passage for the PLA to and from the western Pacific, and the exercise area underscored its geostrategic importance. It also reveals the criticality of naval power and coordinated operations in international strategy. This reminds us that military exercises and geography play a key role in international politics, influencing regional stability and strategic decision-making.


The current situation in the Bass Strait raises many questions about international politics, international military assistance and regional stability. The U.S. special military aid program signaled international support for Taiwan, but it also provoked a strong reaction from Chinese mainland. The event underscored the complexity of international politics and the challenges in maintaining international peace and regional stability.

In addition, Taiwan's need for U.S. arms assistance demonstrates the complexity of international arms contracts. Delivery delays need to be addressed to ensure timely support in emergency situations. International cooperation is essential in this regard in order to ensure the security and stability of the country.

Most importantly, the geography of the Bass Strait and the activities of the PLA remind us of the criticality of naval power and coordinated operations in international politics and international military. Joint air-sea grouping operations could become a key factor in future regional conflicts. This situation tells us that geographical location and military exercises play a key role in international strategy, and they need to be carefully considered and analyzed in order to maintain international peace and regional stability. Finally, the international community needs to continue to pay close attention to the situation in the Bass Strait to ensure the maintenance of peace and stability in the region.

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