
The Chinese-made warship was beaten by a group, and the United States and the Philippines were celebrating, and 055 suddenly appeared to point at the United States and the Philippines

author:Scientific knowledge points

The mainland is now beginning to have a greater part of the advantage, and it is precisely for this reason that it has received a lot of support, but in most of the development, everyone has always had the impression that the gap between China's strength and other countries is relatively large, and there are corresponding problems under this impression.

The Chinese-made warship was beaten by a group, and the United States and the Philippines were celebrating, and 055 suddenly appeared to point at the United States and the Philippines

In recent times, Chinese-made warships have also been sunk by a group, and when the United States and the Philippines are celebrating, the mainland's 055 suddenly appeared, and pointed at the United States and the Philippines In fact, China's military strength has been improved as a whole in recent years, and there have been many improvements in the development of naval military affairs.

The highlight of the US-Philippine coalition is finally here, in fact, they have been making some moves in the South China Sea theater on the mainland, and hitting China head-on is actually trying to provoke us, and a retired warship made in China was beaten and sunk by the US-Philippine coalition fighter jets and warship groups, which also makes them feel that they can have more possibilities, after all, they have always coveted China's territory, and if they can occupy an advantage in this aspect, it must also be a possibility to obtain.

The Chinese-made warship was beaten by a group, and the United States and the Philippines were celebrating, and 055 suddenly appeared to point at the United States and the Philippines

But in fact, this kind of development is not very recognized by the Chinese people, because the mainland's 055 drive has reached 16 nautical miles of Ren'ai Island and Reef, and is directly aimed at the United States and the Philippines.

In fact, the Philippines has long ago thrown out to the United States the killing weapon of the decommissioned warships made in China, just to show its loyalty, for the Philippines to purchase a Chinese-made 5,000-ton civilian ship, to make its own Navy large supply ship, and named it the Kaliraya Lake, and after the decommissioning of this ship, it was also directly designated by the Philippine side as the target of the US-Philippine joint forces, in fact, this kind of operation is also the center of the United States.

The Chinese-made warship was beaten by a group, and the United States and the Philippines were celebrating, and 055 suddenly appeared to point at the United States and the Philippines

According to Philippine reports, the Philippine Navy and Senissa met with each other and fired Starfish anti-ship missiles at him, then the Philippine Air Force's FA 50 fighter jets launched air-to-surface missiles at the ship, and finally the U.S. Air Force's F16 black 50 fighters carrying the GB U38 guided missile factory.

He began to celebrate after the sinking, but the Chinese Foreign Ministry made it clear that the countries concerned should stop provocations of maritime aggression, stop provoking confrontation, and do more things conducive to regional peace.

The Chinese-made warship was beaten by a group, and the United States and the Philippines were celebrating, and 055 suddenly appeared to point at the United States and the Philippines

Of course, the mainland is not inactive, after all, in some border areas, it is still relatively sensitive to territorial sovereignty. The mainland People's Liberation Army 055 has also already dispatched the layout, and it is to prevent this situation from appearing after the military exercises held by the United States and the Philippines to celebrate.

The outside media directly disclosed that the 055 drive of the PLA Navy on the mainland has come out, and the activities are near the Philippines, most of which are the activities of the PLA Navy fleet, and 055 has received everyone's attention. After all, the strength of the mainland 055 is very strong, and his front main gun is equipped with a 130 mm main gun, and the strike range even looks at the entire Renai Island and reef.

The Chinese-made warship was beaten by a group, and the United States and the Philippines were celebrating, and 055 suddenly appeared to point at the United States and the Philippines

Once there is a move, it will be the first time that it will be found that what is deployed near 055 Philippines is to oppose the provocative actions of the United States and the Philippines, and now the United States has more anti-China tricks in the South China Sea, but after all, it is a mainland water, so they cannot be allowed to be presumptuous. Once China adopts a preemptive weapon strike, then the United States will not intervene, and will even mobilize public opinion to create a party that will be blamed by other countries.

In fact, this is also their usual way, and at the same time uniting with others, it is also a choice for countries to confront China in the South China Sea, but the emergence of the mainland's 055 drive makes them dare not.

The Chinese-made warship was beaten by a group, and the United States and the Philippines were celebrating, and 055 suddenly appeared to point at the United States and the Philippines

The possibility of the use of the 055 drive has made it very obvious to everyone that we have felt our development advantages, and from the perspective of the use of the main artillery, it is also directly possible, worthy of the military strike capability of an artillery battalion, and now there are more possibilities in the two aspects to ensure the security of the mainland's sea areas to a greater extent.

China has never taken the initiative to take action against any country, but if we are not more vigilant in terms of application, then we may be subject to certain restrictions in the future, and this time they are still more happy on the key to the cent's clean government, because they feel that they can impose restrictions on China.

The Chinese-made warship was beaten by a group, and the United States and the Philippines were celebrating, and 055 suddenly appeared to point at the United States and the Philippines

But the sudden appearance of 055 has also shown our military strength to other countries, and this time the sword pointing at the US-Philippine alliance is actually a direct confrontation mode, and we will never take the initiative to provoke other countries, but if there are restrictions on our development, then we will definitely not be soft.

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