
The warships dare not compare, the coast guard can't compare, the fishing boats are far behind, the Philippines tosses all over it, and then what?

author:Liu Dayi 2021
The warships dare not compare, the coast guard can't compare, the fishing boats are far behind, the Philippines tosses all over it, and then what?

claimed that 100 fishing boats, carrying people, came to Scarborough Shoal to do things, and faced 11 Chinese warships, large coast guard ships, and 350,000 fishing boats rushed to ......

Learn from the People's Liberation Army and salute the fishermen of the South China Sea!

What is national strength?


The Great Wall of Steel on the Sea!

What is the National Fortune?

Mindfulness ......

The just demands of 1.4 billion Chinese people to defend national sovereignty!

Zigui is still crying blood in the middle of the night, and I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood.

The warships dare not compare, the coast guard can't compare, the fishing boats are far behind, the Philippines tosses all over it, and then what?

The Philippines has done so many things, we are the rarest, do you know what it is?

1. They have never taken advantage of the slightest advantage, and the PLA has protected our country well;

2. We are always professional, lawful, compliant, reasonable, and responsible. It's hard! However, it shows that there is enough strategic determination unique to Great China, and it cannot be done in any country in the world today.

3. No matter how insidious the United States is, how vicious the United States and Japan are, and how unscrupulous the Philippines is, we have seen through them one by one, broken them all, broken them all, put everything under control, and occupied the strategic initiative.

The warships dare not compare, the coast guard can't compare, the fishing boats are far behind, the Philippines tosses all over it, and then what?

China, it's too hard.

It's really hard.

Last year, there was no fertilizer in the Philippines, Marcos Tian face and China wanted, we gave; This year, the Philippines has another food shortage, and we think of China again, and we still give ......

What do you mean?


Lose face in front of the 10 ASEAN countries!

We have to give something, even if it's symbolic, what does it symbolize?

Marcos: A white-eyed wolf.

There is no symbiosis.

Difficulty and ease come together.

Fighting with China, where does it come from?

The warships dare not compare, the coast guard can't compare, the fishing boats are far behind, the Philippines tosses all over it, and then what?

Why don't you fight a good fight and subdue him?

What do you mean by pleasure?

Forbearance, more high-end.

Why not fight?

Not good enough, it's not worth beating him.

A 055 drive is worthy of the entire navy of one of their countries!

How to fight this battle?

Fighting, one charge ends the battle, it's too boring.

Will the United States take action, and then China and the United States will decide the winner?

The United States can be regarded as a qualified opponent.

But compared with the great rejuvenation that the great Chinese nation's 5,000-year-old civilization + is realizing, the United States is far behind, and taking care of him can be regarded as giving him face-

With what he is doing now, what he is doing now, what he is doing, and what he can't do, if we stay up for a few more years, he will collapse himself!

The warships dare not compare, the coast guard can't compare, the fishing boats are far behind, the Philippines tosses all over it, and then what?

Still haven't figured it out?

On the way forward of the Chinese, there are no opponents at all, they are not opponents, and what we have to face is always ourselves.

Be cautious until the end:

The 1.4 billion Chinese people have stood up, become rich, and become strong.

And then what?

And the so-called powerful United States, is there anything wrong with Japan, and the Philippines?

Only when you get out of the water do you look at the mud on your legs.

Things work themselves out.

The United States and the Philippines, which are splashing hooligans and rolling around to find their deaths, still abide by the 12-character principle of our great man: tit-for-tat, every inch of land must be fought for, and every inch of profit must be gained.

I don't hit you, I save your face.

If I don't beat you now, I won't beat you in the future.

It hurts more if I don't hit you like this than if I hit you like this.

Fighting and killing all day long, our Chinese nation has not had this hobby since ancient times.

However, here in the People's Liberation Army and in the Chinese people, there will never be the slightest room for the imagination of any reactionary......

The warships dare not compare, the coast guard can't compare, the fishing boats are far behind, the Philippines tosses all over it, and then what?

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