
Lilies: legends and allegories

author:Xiao Qiyun's travels

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There are multiple versions of legends and stories about the origin of lilies, so there are certain cultural differences. This is one of the more widely circulated versions:

Lilies: legends and allegories

The legend of the lily originated in Greek mythology and was associated with the gods of Mount Olympus. According to legend, lilies did not exist on earth at first, but opened on Mount Olympus, the holy place of the gods. Among them, the most famous version is related to the goddess Hera and her husband Zeus.

Legend has it that Hera was the most beautiful of the goddesses, and her marriage to Zeus has always been a symbol of harmony. However, from time to time, Zeus would fall into a relationship. Once, Zeus fell in love with a beautiful maiden on earth, which angered Hera. To punish the maiden, Hera turned her into a lily.

Lilies: legends and allegories

Thus, the lily became a symbol of the emotional entanglement between Zeus and humanity, as well as purity and beauty. The white petals of the lily represent purity, while its fragrance represents beauty. The legend also expresses an ethical concept that emphasizes the importance of loyalty and purity.

It is important to note that this is just one of the legends about the origin of lilies, and different cultures and regions may have different versions of the story, but this version of Greek mythology is one of them and is also relatively well-known.

Lilies: legends and allegories

In Chinese culture, lilies have the meaning of a century-old good union, a beautiful family, and great love, and represent deep blessings and pure emotions. These legends and stories have a long history and rich cultural connotations, let's walk into these magical stories about lilies and feel the profound meaning.

Legend 1: Lily saves the kingdom of Shu

The story is set in the early Sichuan region, a country called the State of Shu. The monarch and the queen were very affectionate, and gave birth to a hundred princes, which can be described as family harmony and happiness. However, as he grew older, the monarch married a young and beautiful concubine, which caused a series of changes.

Lilies: legends and allegories

The concubine suspected that her son would not be able to inherit the throne, so she falsely accused the queen of instigating the princes to rebel, causing the monarch to lose his way and expel the empress and a hundred princes from the country. The neighboring Kingdom of Dian took the opportunity to invade, and the State of Shu fell into crisis.

However, as the Dian army approached the capital, a heroic reinforcement suddenly appeared—it turned out to be a hundred princes and their courtiers who had been expelled from the palace. They withstood a strong enemy and finally turned the tide of the war and saved the Shu state.

This story tells the power of unity, loyalty and justice, and also makes people understand the symbolism of the lily, which becomes the embodiment of brotherly unity, witnessing the truth of home and prosperity.

Lilies: legends and allegories

Legend 2: Lilies and mutual love

Another story takes place on a distant cliff where a beautiful lily grows, as well as a fairy named Lily. Only those with deep ties can see it, and those with evil thoughts will be turned away.

One day, a boy smelled the fragrance and found this wonderful place. In front of the lilies, he felt a strange beauty, as if he saw the lover of his dreams. He spends every day on the hillside, taking good care of the lily as his beloved.

Finally, Lily Fairy is impressed by the boy's sincerity, and she decides to leave the cliff and spend the rest of her life with him. However, fate played a cruel joke on them, and the boy turned his back on Lily, who ended up becoming the legendary flower fairy.

Lilies: legends and allegories

This story is about sincere love and trust, and it also warns us to cherish the people in front of us and not to live up to our heart-to-heart commitments.

Legend 3: Alice and the lilies of Mount Harz

In the Harz mountains of Germany, a legend has it that a story about lilies took place. A girl named Alice was harassed by the Grand Duke of Laumobao, but she persevered and eventually turned into a lily.

The story conveys the quest for purity and respect, showing a woman's steadfast character in the face of adversity. Lilies have become a symbol of nobility and chastity here, and also make us feel the yearning for innocence and beauty.

Lilies: legends and allegories

The meaning and inheritance of lilies

These legends carry rich cultural connotations, allowing us to see the multiple meanings of lilies as symbols. It represents family harmony, the great power of love, innocent emotions and pure and unblemished character.

The beauty of lilies lies not only in their delicate flowers, but also in the cultural traditions and people's yearning for beautiful values. We should cherish these stories and let the meaning of lilies continue to bloom in our lives. Perhaps, each blooming lily is a continuation of a beautiful legend, let us pass on this pure and sincere emotion together.

The legend of lilies allows us to appreciate the profound cultural connotation and feel the power of love, loyalty and beauty. These stories are not only the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient wise men, but also a mirror in our lives, allowing us to reflect on our own qualities and emotions.

Lilies: legends and allegories

Perhaps, in our daily life, we can also find resonance from the story of lilies, so that this beautiful tradition continues in our hearts. Whenever we see a lily, we may stop and think about the meaning of this beautiful flower.

The story of the lilies is a precious cultural heritage woven by wise men to pass on virtues, virtues and values. These stories travel through time, pinning on the wisdom and emotions of the ancients, and also leaving us a precious spiritual wealth.

When we face difficulties in life, or feel the power of love and innocence, we may be able to recall these stories and gain courage and faith from them. The beauty of lilies is not only a gift from nature, but also the yearning and call of wise people for a better life.

Lilies: legends and allegories

In modern society, we may be busy with various trivial matters, but often neglect inner peace and beauty. Perhaps, it is these ancient legends and stories that can hit beautiful ripples in our hearts, making us re-examine ourselves and think about the true meaning of life.

Let's cherish these stories and pass them on. Let the meaning of lilies become a part of our lives and let them bloom in our hearts. Perhaps, this is also our best tribute to the wisdom of the ancients, and our most sincere pursuit of a better life.

Therefore, wherever we go, no matter how life changes, the story of the lily will always be with us, showing us the way forward, bringing us strength and courage. Let us carry this beauty, inherit it together, and pass it on. Because these stories are not only the wisdom of the ancient wise men, but also the sustenance and nourishment of our hearts.

Lilies: legends and allegories

When we look back at these lily legends, we can also hold this common heritage and pass it on. More than just a tradition, these stories represent a continuation of wisdom, morality and emotion, and are guides for us to draw wisdom from the ancients and apply it to modern society.

The legend of lilies is like a precious book, full of wisdom and truth of life. They teach us how to be better people, how to appreciate the beauty of life, and how to cherish the people with whom we share it.

Perhaps, in our busy daily lives, these stories can bring us a sense of tranquility, make us feel the beauty of life more keenly, and understand the importance of love and unity more deeply.

Lilies: legends and allegories

When we walk in the season when the lilies are in full bloom, or see the picture of the lilies, let's stop and think about the meaning of this beautiful flower. It is not only a miracle of nature, but also a cultural treasure, a nourishment of the soul.

The legend of the lily is a time tunnel that connects us to the wisdom of the ancients and leads us to a better future. In this story, we not only feel the beauty of lilies, but also feel the inheritance of culture, the preciousness of wisdom and the innocence of human nature.

No matter where we are, no matter how our lives change, the story of lilies will always accompany us, show us the way forward, and bring us strength and courage. They are the treasures of our culture, the guides of our lives, and the sustenance of our hearts.

Lilies: legends and allegories

Let's cherish these stories together, pass them on, and let the meaning of lilies continue to bloom in our lives. Perhaps, every blooming lily is a continuation of a beautiful legend, let us jointly inherit this pure and sincere emotion, so that the beauty of the lilies will never wither. Thank you for your listening and support, and let's move forward together as we pass on these meanings and stories together!

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