
Looking back on from the painter to the first brother of the Fengyue film, the real Xu Jinjiang subverted my cognition

author:Healthy chubby is irradiated

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In 2019, in Hunan Satellite TV's reality show "All the Way to Adulthood", Xu Jinjiang unveiled the inherent impression of him in people's hearts with a height of 1.85 meters and a beard. He unabashedly confessed that he was born in Heilongjiang and used to have the nickname Little Sheep.

Judging from Xu Jinjiang's career, he was a potential painter in his early years, studying under the Chinese master Guan Shanyue. However, Hong Kong's rapid development of the film industry caught his attention. Although he is expected to become a master of Chinese painting, he chose to devote himself to movies and become the first brother of Fengyue film, a decision that his family did not understand, but he stuck to his choice.

Xu Jinjiang's life is not only full of twists and turns in his career, but also experienced many twists and turns in his feelings. It wasn't until he was in his 30s that he met true love. He and Yin Zhuping fell in love at first sight, and the love story between the two is legendary. Their marriage was not ordinary, experiencing financial crises, career lows, and Xu Jinjiang's depression. However, with the company and support of his wife, they overcame all difficulties and stayed together.

Looking back on from the painter to the first brother of the Fengyue film, the real Xu Jinjiang subverted my cognition

When Hong Kong's financial crisis broke out, Xu Jinjiang's life changed drastically. He went bankrupt, his family property was taken away by the bank, and the family was forced to move to a cottage. He had to work desperately to pay off his debts, but also fell into depression. However, with the support of his wife, he eventually overcame depression, picked himself up again, and continued to pursue his dreams.

Today, Xu Jinjiang is back in his career, continuing to paint and act. His love story and life experience teach us that no matter how difficult we encounter, as long as we have a strong will and firm support, we can overcome all difficulties and welcome a new life.

Looking back on from the painter to the first brother of the Fengyue film, the real Xu Jinjiang subverted my cognition

Summary: Xu Jinjiang's life experience is full of ups and downs, but through his firm belief and the power of love, he overcame all difficulties and re-found happiness and career opportunities. His story tells us that no matter how many setbacks we encounter, with courage and perseverance, we can create a better future for ourselves.


Xu Jinjiang's story is a dramatic life journey, from the son of a medical family, to the painter, the first brother of Fengyue film, to the unexpected encounter of marriage and the trough of depression, each stage shows his tenacity.

His life is full of twists and challenges, from pursuing art to pursuing his dream of acting, to regaining the brush, his multiple identities constitute a colorful and deep character. Not only that, but his warmth and love in the family is also admirable. He is not only a superb actor, but also an affectionate husband and loving father.

Looking back on from the painter to the first brother of the Fengyue film, the real Xu Jinjiang subverted my cognition

Xu Jinjiang's story tells us that life is often full of unknowns, and sometimes, even if you are in trouble, you must keep chasing your dreams. His experience with depression is also a reminder to cherish our mental health, brave challenges, and seek support and help.

To sum up, Xu Jinjiang's life experience is full of ups and downs and thorns, but his tenacity and courage allowed him to overcome all difficulties and finally find happiness and inner peace. His story is an inspiring example of how to face life's challenges positively, pursue our dreams, and cherish the affection and love around us.

Looking back on from the painter to the first brother of the Fengyue film, the real Xu Jinjiang subverted my cognition

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