
#Women's Volleyball Olympic Qualifier #Serbia without Boskovic is equivalent to the Chinese women's volleyball team without Li Yingying. Three consecutive thanks, thanks to the old pleats' substitute lineup for sending points, thank you to Brazil Tao

author:Gladly 8011

#Women's Volleyball Olympic Qualifier# Serbia without Boskovic is equivalent to the Chinese women's volleyball team without Li Yingying.

Three consecutive thanks, thanks to the old pleats' substitute lineup for sending points, and thank Brazil for eliminating Japan! Thank you Wu Mengjie for bravely standing up to half the sky

How similar this ball is to the last game of the Tokyo Olympics, and when he was already out, he played bravely

Thank you old pleats, for sending charcoal in the snow

#Women's Volleyball Olympic Qualifier #Serbia without Boskovic is equivalent to the Chinese women's volleyball team without Li Yingying. Three consecutive thanks, thanks to the old pleats' substitute lineup for sending points, thank you to Brazil Tao
#Women's Volleyball Olympic Qualifier #Serbia without Boskovic is equivalent to the Chinese women's volleyball team without Li Yingying. Three consecutive thanks, thanks to the old pleats' substitute lineup for sending points, thank you to Brazil Tao
#Women's Volleyball Olympic Qualifier #Serbia without Boskovic is equivalent to the Chinese women's volleyball team without Li Yingying. Three consecutive thanks, thanks to the old pleats' substitute lineup for sending points, thank you to Brazil Tao

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