
Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears

author:Jiu is useless

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I didn't know that Zhang Hengyuan had passed away for three months. For fans, all this is like a dream, and for Bixia, who has been married for less than two years, it is a "fatal" blow. But he must choose to be brave, forget the pain, and work hard for the sake of the child.

Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears

On September 11, Bi Xia made a rare update on social media, leaving a message saying: Mom, wife, I took you to the Holy Mountain. This is my first time in the mountain and I am grateful for the care of my brothers and sisters along the way. All merit is reserved for all sentient beings in the Dharma world. May all beings be free from suffering and have happiness. The pilgrimage is over.

Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears

It was then that many Zhang Hengyuan fans realized that Bi Xia was clearly hiding his ambitions. Judging from his current performance, his past doubts are completely "wicked hearts". Bi Xia not only did not forget Zhang Hengyuan, on the contrary, he silently prayed for him in his heart, but in a different form.

Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears

It is understood that the sacred mountain Bixia refers to the sacred mountain Kailash . It has always attracted the attention of pilgrims and explorers, but no one has ever been able to climb this sacred mountain, or rather, no one dares to break through it. The center of the world.

Therefore, Bisha's behavior is very admirable and makes many believers sympathize.

Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears
Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears

As for the so-called "turning mountains", it is a very popular religious activity in Tibet and other regions. Many devout believers come to participate every year, especially during the Tibetan Horse Year. It's oversized.

Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears

It is not difficult to see from the obvious pictures that the environment is quite harsh, the mountain roads are rough, the sky is blank and snowy, and the weather is cold. These factors are enough to make many people discouraged, but Bi Xia has perseverance in his eyes and steps under his feet. Sonorous.

Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears
Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears

Due to the distance and danger, I had to travel with other people during the process.

There is a very bare rock near the mountain. If you look closely, you can easily see that there are two photos of Hengyuan on it. One belongs to Zhang Hengyuan, and the other belongs to his mother. It was tearful to see their loving photos.

Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears
Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears

At 32, I have no mother, no wife, just a child waiting for food. What a tragedy that is unacceptable.

Perhaps now, neither money nor power can help Bixia get rid of this pain, but the faith is different. It can make Bi Xia feel unprecedented power. I believe that when praying, Bisha's heart must be full of energy.

Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears

In addition, Bixia also performed a very complicated ritual in this process, that is, three steps of kowtowing. This is not only a religious ceremony, but also a blessing to loved ones.

Bi Xia took Zhang Hengyuan's posthumous photo to the sacred mountain! Three steps and one knock with a pious attitude. Tears

I hope that Bi Xia will be as happy as possible in this life and as less tired as possible.

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