
Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

author:Its Man Le Entertainment

On December 22nd, a cold winter day, a story about love and friendship spread out on the Internet. A netizen shared a moving footage on his video account, showing him carrying flowers to mourn the deceased Zhang Hengyuan. And in the message office, those words made people feel teary-eyed and deeply touched the hearts of countless people. Brother, you have been away from Ma for half a year (actually more than half a year), I have not been able to accept your departure, the weather is cold, Heaven pays attention to keeping your body warm, the world is impermanent, Bi Xia is strong. The original parting seemed like yesterday, but it seemed to be a thousand years ago. Whenever I think of this news, the time gap between the past and the present always makes me grit my teeth and silently bear the pain in my heart. For more than half a year, you have been far away on the other side of heaven, but I have been staying in the world, flowing silently forward like a stream.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

And I, on the other hand, seemed to be stuck at a certain moment, motionless. In life, we often meet some people, they are like light, shining brightly, people can't help but be attracted. They have a special charm, warm the people around them, and become the focus of everyone's attention. Zhang Hengyuan is such a person, everything about him shines with a unique and charming brilliance, and has become an indelible memory in people's hearts. On that day, the cold wind was howling, the temperature plummeted, the streets were crowded with pedestrians, and the clouds were tightly blocking the sun. On this cold day, flowers bloomed in the hands of a netizen. The flowers he held in his hand were red and delicate, resisting the icy cold wind, as if it was a ray of sunshine, quickly dispelling the haze.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

This bouquet of flowers is his last tribute to the late Zhang Hengyuan, vividly showing the deep friendship between them to the world. Brother, after you are gone, I find myself stronger in life. Perhaps it is because of your departure that I have re-examined myself and understood the true meaning of the impermanence of life. Between the wind, frost, rain and snow, I seem to see your smiling face, which is your unique strength and calmness. You told me to face life's setbacks and difficulties with optimism, because nothing in the world can fail you. Time flies, day after day, and I am reminded of your motto in my lonely moments: "Bixia is strong." These four words seem to have become the best spur and encouragement for me. I no longer wallow in the loss and helplessness of your departure, but strive to become a better and stronger person.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

Brother, do you know? In the past six months or so, I have worked hard and moved forward bravely. Challenges at work, tribulations in life, there is always your voice ringing in my ears, giving me strength and supporting me with wordless strength. Sometimes, I speak with you as if you're still with me. This netizen's move is not just an expression, but also a ritual, a way to pay tribute to friendship. In this noisy and lonely world, true friendship quietly blooms, like an azalea blooming in a hidden valley, and only a close friend can truly perceive its existence. This friendship, perhaps ordinary, is the most precious treasure in the world.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

Recalling Zhang Hengyuan's life, he is an ordinary person, but his heart contains a deep kindness and love. He changes the world in his ordinary way, making everyone who interacts with him feel warm. His approach to friendship is like sunshine shining on a cold earth, warming everyone who comes, and bringing hope and courage to everyone around him. The tacit understanding between friends is not just an empty cliché. When the netizen stood in front of the cemetery with flowers, the tacit understanding between him and Zhang Hengyuan seemed to emerge in the air, like a warm breeze blowing on his cheeks. This tacit understanding is not only a communication between the two people, but also a kind of spiritual connection, allowing the two hearts to listen to each other and support each other in the constraints of time and space.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

This tacit understanding is a pure trust, and the two have established an indestructible cornerstone of friendship in each other's hearts. The dreams they hold up to each other are no longer just illusions in each other's hearts, but begin to grow in reality. They know that when they are with each other, whether they are flat or bumpy, they can become warm and reassuring, bringing a touch of calmness and firmness. The best moments of life are often short-lived, but those moments can become a lifetime of wealth. Zhang Hengyuan and that netizen both tasted this preciousness. The friendship between them may not have flowery words or pompous vows, but there is sincere mutual support and support. They are like a complete picture, blending with each other, so that each other no longer feels lonely and lost.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

Zhang Hengyuan's departure undoubtedly left a wound in that friend's heart that could never heal. However, their friendship will last forever, like an endless starry sky and sea. Zhang Hengyuan used his short life to sketch an eternal picture, and his existence is the most beautiful scenery in the hearts of that netizen. Friendship, like flowers, sometimes blooms in people's lives and leaves beautiful traces. When that netizen stood in front of the cemetery with flowers in his hand, he was not only mourning a person, but also mourning a beautiful and precious friendship. This friendship has a deep emotion, there is no extravagant and wasteful show-off, only sincere and simple true feelings.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

The power of friendship is great, it can withstand the cold winter and warm people's hearts. The flowers in the hands of that netizen are like the beacon of friendship, illuminating the touching that people once buried. His actions have inspired many people to think about and cherish friendship. They also began to think back to the friendships they had had, the beautiful and sincere encounters, the moments of mutual support and help. Although friendship is not as flamboyant as love, it quietly nourishes people's hearts like a river, making people feel quiet and warm. It is with the support of friendship that people can get out of setbacks and difficulties and move forward bravely.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

In our lives, we will meet a special friend who not only brings us laughter, but also accompanies us through the most difficult moments of our lives. They may seem ordinary, but they shape our souls with sincere emotions and selfless dedication. They are like those inconspicuous flowers, although they do not sway on the bustling stage, they infect the whole world with their fragrance and beauty. Winter is coming, the weather is getting colder, and pedestrians on the street are wearing thick down jackets. I saw an old man selling roasted sweet potatoes on the side of the road, the breeze blowing, and the fragrance of sweet potatoes filled the air, and I couldn't help but think of the scene when we were children eating roasted sweet potatoes together. At that time, we especially liked to gather around the campfire on a cold winter day, chatting and nibbling on hot roasted sweet potatoes. Now that you're gone, the warmth melts in my heart like snowflakes.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

More than half a year has passed, and I find myself gradually adjusting to life without you. Maybe that's the power of growth, adapting and adapting, and then moving forward. Sometimes, I sit alone in the middle of the night, thinking about your warmth. I know that even though you are gone, you will always watch for me and bless me in heaven. Every time I think back to your half-smiling and half-crying appearance, I sigh at the impermanence of the world. The thoughts brought about by the parting of life and death, everyone will fall into it at some point. However, as long as we are strong on our hearts, as long as we can face difficulties with a smile, we will be able to face everything as strong as you are. You have taught me to use the power of life to meet challenges with your departure.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

The flowers in the hands of that netizen took away a person's thoughts, but they also brought a revelation of friendship to the world. His actions evoke a deep appreciation for friendship in our hearts and also sound our thinking about life. Friendship is like a flower, which needs to be maintained with our hearts and watered with love, so that it can bloom and bloom with beautiful brilliance in the cold winter. In this flashy and mundane world, we need to know how to treat friendship and create a good past. Whether it's sending flowers or sending a greeting, we can freeze friendship on the scroll of life and make it an eternal memory. Because friendship is a kind of power to transmit, a kind of purest and most beautiful existence in life.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

We cherish the actions of that netizen and offer deep condolences to Zhang Hengyuan. May that bouquet of flowers bring him warmth and peace, and may friendship bloom forever in the lives of all. Let us feel this hard-won friendship with our hearts and learn to cherish and pass it on. Brother, whether it is me at this time or me in the future, I will miss you and miss you. Every time I feel helpless, I think of your smiling face, as if you are whispering in your ear: "Bixia is strong." "Brother Sun, you have left us forever, but your place in my heart will never change. Life is so complicated, the world is so impermanent, but we must learn to be strong and adapt, because you told me: nothing in the world can be difficult for us. I will keep it in my heart and face every day in the future with your firmness and calmness.

Zhang Hengyuan passed away half a year after his death and his friends visited! The cemetery was full of flowers, and his mother had to wash her face with tears all day long

Brother, Heaven, please keep your body warm, and I will always remember your smile and love. See you again in this life. Friendship is like a flower, and the flower blooms sometimes, always in the heart. #文章首发挑战赛#

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