
Original In 1864, American soldiers shot down an ancient pterosaur and took pictures to prove that there were no traces of PS

author:A welcoming hometown

Flying in the blue sky, like a bird, is a dream of human beings. However, throughout history, the realization of this aspiration has seemed out of reach. It wasn't until 1903, when the Wright brothers invented the airplane, that humans finally had the opportunity to soar freely in the sky. However, flying like a bird in the blue sky requires not only courage and technology, but also deep scientific understanding and creativity.

In the history of pursuing the dream of flying, we have to go back to ancient times, when dream flying was almost regarded as a wishful thinking. However, even at that time, there was a man named Manhu who had unusual dreams, he longed to study novelties, he wanted humans to be able to fly like birds. So, he decided to try his hand at making rockets from gunpowder to send himself into the sky. However, this fantastic idea ended in failure and claimed his life.

Original In 1864, American soldiers shot down an ancient pterosaur and took pictures to prove that there were no traces of PS

Today, we are able to fly in the sky, but this still depends on the help of aircraft and technology. Humans themselves have not evolved wings that can soar in the blue sky. So, to what extent does humanity need to reach to realize this dream? Birds have the answer, the largest of which is the mulberry pseudotooth, with wings spread up to 7 meters, but in contrast, the pterosaur that once lived during the time when dinosaurs ruled the earth is a true sky overlord.

Original In 1864, American soldiers shot down an ancient pterosaur and took pictures to prove that there were no traces of PS

Pterosaurs were the masters of the ancient air, and fossils excavated by archaeologists show that the presence of pterosaurs remains fascinating despite the extinction of dinosaurs. On the earth, there were hundreds of species of pterosaurs, each with unique characteristics and body size. From the smallest pterosaurs, almost as close as a small bird, to behemoths with a wingspan of more than ten meters, their presence is amazing. If humans are to fly freely like pterosaurs, their wings need to be at least ten meters long.

Original In 1864, American soldiers shot down an ancient pterosaur and took pictures to prove that there were no traces of PS

However, the story of dinosaurs and pterosaurs has not completely disappeared from Earth. There is a view that dinosaurs did not become completely extinct, but gradually evolved into other organisms in the evolution of the environment. In 1864, an unexpected incident in the American Civil War sparked widespread controversy when soldiers shot down an unknown creature and photographed it. This unknown creature bears a striking resemblance to a pterosaur, sparking a debate about whether dinosaurs were truly extinct.

The theory of evolution tells us that the evolution of living things is influenced by the environment, and the evolution of living things also affects the environment. We can't say for sure whether prehistoric creatures evolved into new species as a result of environmental changes, so it's still questionable whether dinosaurs actually disappeared. Opinions on the picture, dubbed "pterosaurs," are divided, with some suggesting that it may have been a fake, given that dinosaurs were millions of years away from us.

Original In 1864, American soldiers shot down an ancient pterosaur and took pictures to prove that there were no traces of PS

To resolve the controversy, experts carefully identified the photograph and surprisingly concluded that it was not specially treated and was real. However, even if the photo is identified as authentic, questions have still been raised about whether it is just a model. Eventually, most accepted the explanation behind the photo that the "pterosaur" was just a model and that the extinction of the dinosaurs was an indisputable fact.

In addition to this photo, there are many bizarre events in history about forgery, which often sell as novelty and mystery, bringing huge profits to the participants. In the United States, there are many people who attract public attention by forging all sorts of strange things, such as the Cardiff Giant incident and the Mississippi Mummy incident. These scams allowed the designers to make a huge fortune, but they were all eventually debunked.

Original In 1864, American soldiers shot down an ancient pterosaur and took pictures to prove that there were no traces of PS

History tells us that no matter what, whether you are pursuing dreams or chasing profits, you should follow the rules of morality and law. Even if a gentleman loves money, he should "take it wisely" and not seek personal gain by means of deception and forgery. In today's scientific and technological development and social progress, we may be able to realize the dream of flying, but it is important

It's about being honest and ethical in pursuing this dream. The development of science and technology provides us with the possibility to realize the dream of flying, but we should also explore the unknown in a responsible manner.

Looking back at history, we can see that every breakthrough comes with adventures and challenges. The rocket dream of ten thousand households ended in failure, but this did not stop people from continuing to pursue the dream of flying. The Wright brothers' invention of the airplane changed the fate of mankind and ushered us into a new era where we could fly freely in the blue sky like birds.

As the theory of evolution tells us, life is constantly evolving, and changes in the environment shape the evolutionary path of organisms. Although dinosaurs have disappeared, their genetic information may have continued in some form. In the face of the unknown, we should keep an open mind and constantly seek the truth, rather than jumping to conclusions.

Forgery and deception may bring temporary benefits to individuals, but they will eventually be revealed. The Cardiff Giant and Mississippi Mummy incidents, both of which were forged for profiteering, were eventually debunked, bringing unhappy ends to the designers. These events remind us that the pursuit of wealth and fame should not be an immoral means.

In science and social ethics, we should stick to principles, honesty and ethics. Whether in the dream of flying or in the process of pursuing interests, we should keep in mind the principle of "taking the right way" and pursue our goals in the right way.

In short, flying is one of the dreams of mankind, and many people in history have worked hard to realize this dream. Despite the challenges, advances in science and technology provide us with more opportunities. However, we should also remember to pursue our dreams while remaining honest and moral, not using deception and forgery as a means, pursuing our goals in the right way, and contributing to social progress and the development of human civilization.

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