
Miserable! Miserable! Estonia lends the airport to drones to attack Russian troops and will face retaliation

author:Curious about how Kelly sees the world


On August 30, 2023, Russia experienced an unprecedented shock, when a military airport in Pskov Oblast became the center of a serious attack. More than 20 suicide drones raided in the dark, which caused a huge shock to Russia. The attack not only damaged four Il-76 transport planes of the Russian Aerospace Forces, but also carried a special plane of Russian President Vladimir Putin. And what is even more shocking is that these drones turned out to be one of the latest UAVs provided to Estonia by the United States, called "Gray Eagle".

Miserable! Miserable! Estonia lends the airport to drones to attack Russian troops and will face retaliation

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In the snow-covered Pskov region, the night of August 30 is like a silent cemetery. However, at this moment of calm, a sudden storm broke through Russia's military airfields. More than 20 suicide drones, like shadow lurking hunters, fly silently towards the airport, their goal of destroying everything mercilessly. All this is just the beginning.

When the first drone broke through the night sky, Russia's radar monitoring station instantly alerted, however, it was too late. These drones are equipped with advanced stealth technology, and electronic jamming equipment makes them ghosts on radar screens. They cleverly evaded Russian air defense and approached the target silently. When the first missile was launched, the airfield's defense system fell into chaos, and drones began to bombard the airfield fiercely. The explosions were deafening, the light of the fire lit up the night sky, the buildings of the airport collapsed, and the sky over the airport was filled with gunsmoke. The Il-76 transport plane of the Russian Aerospace Forces was seriously damaged, and one of them unfortunately carried the special plane of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Miserable! Miserable! Estonia lends the airport to drones to attack Russian troops and will face retaliation

It was Russia's worst airstrike since the collapse of the Soviet Union and one of the largest drone strikes since World War II. After an urgent investigation, Russian intelligence confirmed that the attack originated in Estonia, and the attacker used the latest type of drone provided by the United States, called the "Gray Eagle". The discovery sparked global shock and outrage.

Russia has always been known for its resolute and decisive attitudes, and Estonia's audacity makes it difficult for Russia to compromise. However, the small country could have to pay a heavy price for its actions. Russia responded to the attack in a variety of ways, including economic sanctions and blockades. As one of Estonia's largest trading partners, Russia can cut off energy supplies to it, plunging it into an energy crisis and economic difficulties. At the same time, Russia can also ban the import and export of goods and services to Estonia, depriving it of an important market and source of income. On the international side, Russia can push other countries to impose sanctions and isolate Estonia, leaving it in the dilemma of diplomatic isolation.

Miserable! Miserable! Estonia lends the airport to drones to attack Russian troops and will face retaliation

However, Russia's response to Estonia is not the only way out. Despite Russia's firm position, the possibility of resolving the dispute through diplomatic means is not excluded. In order to reach a solution, all parties need to remain calm and restrained and be willing to sit down and engage in dialogue.

Estonia plays a key role in the current crisis. As the birthplace of the attack, Estonia has a responsibility to take positive measures and demonstrate its sincerity in its willingness to resolve the dispute. This could include apologies, compensation, and direct talks with Russia to avoid further escalation. In addition, Estonia can play an active role in resolving this crisis through the mediation of international organizations and allies and the support of the international community.

Miserable! Miserable! Estonia lends the airport to drones to attack Russian troops and will face retaliation

Ultimately, the entire international community should remain vigilant about this incident. An escalation of tensions could pose a threat to global security and stability. Therefore, countries should advocate the peaceful settlement of disputes and resolve differences through diplomatic means. After all, any further escalation could lead to irreversible consequences, which should be avoided by all parties.

Opinion-based analysis:


Regional Stability and Global Security: This incident not only poses a threat to regional stability in Russia and Estonia, but also raises global security concerns. An escalation of tensions could lead to more countries getting involved in disputes and even sparking regional conflicts. The international community must actively work to prevent the further escalation of this incident through diplomatic channels to ensure regional and global peace and stability.

International Relations and Cooperation: This incident highlighted the complexity of international relations. Relations between Russia and the United States are already strained, and Estonia's involvement in the dispute has added to the uncertainty in the international community. At this critical juncture, States need to exercise restraint and seek ways to cooperate and resolve disputes, rather than engaging in hostile actions.

Technological development and ways of warfare: This drone strike demonstrates the impact of modern technology on the way warfare is conducted. Advances in drone technology have made warfare more stealthy and flexible, posing new challenges to the international community. States must think carefully about how to respond to this new type of threat in order to ensure their own security and international peace.

The Importance of Diplomatic Dispute Resolution: Finally, this incident once again underscores the importance of diplomatic dispute resolution. Conflict and confrontation will only lead to more harm and destruction, while diplomacy can provide the parties with an opportunity for peace and negotiation. The international community should work together to promote dialogue and consultation in order to resolve the issue

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