
After losing the street kiosk, Ma Mo was "cut off with tears" by Zhuge Liang? Masashi: He ran away

author:Kui Ge said history

Speaking of the Three Kingdoms, we should know very well about the plot of Zhuge Liang's tear-jerking and horse-slaying, which is too sadistic for everyone to forget for a long time! However, have you ever thought that in the main history, Ma Mo was really "killed by tears" by Zhuge Liang? In the right time, he escaped.

Tearfully chop the horse rumors

The tear-jerking horse is a story that takes place after the Battle of the Street Pavilion. At that time, Zhuge Liang's first Northern Expedition, ordered Zhao Yun to send troops to Jigu Valley to attract the main force of the Wei army, and personally led a large army to attack Longyou, which caught Cao Wei by surprise, and the five counties of Longyou directly surrendered to the three counties. Zhuge Liang's actions shocked the people of Cao Wei, so the State of Wei sent Sima Yi to quickly lead troops to help, and when he learned of the arrival of reinforcements from the Wei army, Zhuge Liang prepared to order people to defend the street pavilion to block the pace of the Wei army's attack.

After losing the street kiosk, Ma Mo was "cut off with tears" by Zhuge Liang? Masashi: He ran away

In terms of the selection of people to defend the street pavilion, it is reasonable to say that Wei Yan is the most suitable, after all, he has experienced hundreds of battles and his ability is recognized by everyone, but Zhuge Liang unexpectedly chose Ma Mo, let Ma Mo take the responsibility of defending the street pavilion, and let Wei Yan play auxiliary, which is surprising. In fact, this is Zhuge Liang deliberately promoting Ma Mo, preparing to let Ma Mo obtain this battle merit, and then naturally promoting Ma Mo. As a result, Ma Mo had no strategy, but no actual combat experience, and wasted a piece of Zhuge Liang's kindness!

While guarding the street pavilion, Ma Mo not only did not go down the road to occupy the water source, but instead ran to the mountain to camp, and was eventually cut off by the Wei army, and was defeated! As soon as the street pavilion was broken, Zhuge Liang's rear road was threatened, so he could only abandon his previous achievements and order the whole army to retreat, and in this way, the first Northern Expedition, which was originally in a good situation, failed.

After losing the street kiosk, Ma Mo was "cut off with tears" by Zhuge Liang? Masashi: He ran away

After withdrawing to Shudi, Zhuge Liang began to investigate the responsibility for the loss of the street pavilion, and learned the ins and outs of this battle from the mouths of the generals, and found that the main responsibility lay in Ma Mo, so in order to give everyone an explanation, Zhuge Liang chose to kill Ma Mo on the spot.

Original text: Self-restraint kneels in front of the tent. Kong Ming changed color: "Ru has been reading military books since childhood and is familiar with the art of warfare. I have warned Ding Ning: The street kiosk is my fundamental. At the behest of his whole family, Ru took up this heavy responsibility. If Ru had listened to Wang Ping's words earlier, would he have had such a calamity? Now the defeated army will be broken, the land will be lost and the city will be trapped, and all will be blamed! If we do not understand the law of the army, how can we serve the people? "Pushing out the chop left and right... The samurai offers horses and horses at the first level below the steps. Kong Ming cried unceasingly.

After losing the street kiosk, Ma Mo was "cut off with tears" by Zhuge Liang? Masashi: He ran away

Because Ma Mo lost the street pavilion, which led to the failure of the Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang killed him with tears. However, after all, this is the plot of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the novel is always different from the main history, so in the main history, what is the death of Ma Chen?

Death of Matthew

In fact, in the main history, Zhuge Liang did not tear up and cut off the horse! In the rendition, Ma Mo returned to Zhuge Liang with the defeated soldiers, but in the main history, Ma Mo actually did not bring the troops back to Zhuge Liang's side, but directly escaped from the battle. It is even said that after he was defeated and fled, he did not take the initiative to return to Zhuge Liang's side and confess his mistake to Zhuge Liang, but directly hid it!

Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Five years, with liang Hanzhong. Lang Su and Ma Moshan fled, But Lang did not know about it, and He hated it, and he was relieved of his official duties and returned to Chengdu.

After losing the street kiosk, Ma Mo was "cut off with tears" by Zhuge Liang? Masashi: He ran away

In a passage of the Three Kingdoms Chronicle about Xiang Lang, it is said that "Chen fled, and Lang did not know", which actually means that after ma Mo was defeated in the street pavilion, he did not think of gathering the defeated troops and assuming the responsibility of the main general, but directly fled, which can be seen from Zhuge Liang's promotion of Wang Ping, because the person who gathered the defeated troops at that time was Wang Ping! After that, Xiang Lang did not know about it, which means that after Ma Mo ran away, he did not go to Zhuge Liang to ask for guilt, but hid, wanted to avoid responsibility, and xiang Lang knew about Ma Mo's situation but did not report to Zhuge Liang, so Xiang Lang was also implicated and demoted.

In addition to this record, there is another record in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that after Ma Mo was captured, he wrote a letter to Zhuge Liang in prison, the content of which was actually to entrust Orphans, hoping that Zhuge Liang would help take care of Ma Mo's family. From this point, we can see that after Ma Mo was imprisoned, Zhuge Liang actually did not come to see him, otherwise he would not have had to write a letter to Zhuge Liang, and could directly explain it in front of Zhuge Liang.

That is to say, in fact, the plot of Zhuge Liang's tears and horse rumors in the rendition is completely fictional! After Ma Mo fled in defeat, because he hid and refused to take responsibility, Zhuge Liang never saw him, but directly put him in prison! Since the two have not met, naturally there will be no plot of "tears and horses"!

After losing the street kiosk, Ma Mo was "cut off with tears" by Zhuge Liang? Masashi: He ran away

In fact, marching to fight, where there is a 100% victory! Fighting a war, there is always a risk, the ancients Yun victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers, Ma Mo's defeat is not an unforgivable thing, many famous generals also have the experience of defeat, the point is that Ma Mo this person did not take responsibility, after the defeat actually fled, and hid not to admit his mistake to Zhuge Liang, this is his problem! If this is not punished, how will the army be governed in the future?


In the history, after losing the street kiosk, Ma Mo was actually not "killed by tears" by Zhuge Liang, but fled. Because since the defeat of the street pavilion, Ma Mo had no responsibility, abandoned his robe, fled directly, and hid his tracks, which made Zhuge Liang very angry. Therefore, Zhuge Liang only ordered him to be executed, and did not "kill him with tears"!

(This article mainly refers to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms)

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