
When is the best time to sow Kelsang flower seeds? Uncle Ma teaches you how to plant this holy flower

author:Eslite Green Warehouse

The Kelsang flower, also known as cosmos, is a beautiful and hardy herb that is regarded by the Tibetan people as a holy flower that symbolizes love and good luck. Kelsang flowers come in a variety of colors, such as red, yellow, white, purple, etc., and bloom for up to four months, making them ideal for home potting or landscaping. So, when is the best time to sow Kelsang flower seeds? This article will introduce you to the cultivation methods and precautions of Kelsang flowers from the following aspects:

When is the best time to sow Kelsang flower seeds? Uncle Ma teaches you how to plant this holy flower

- Sowing time

- Sowing method

- Conservation management

- Control of pests and diseases

## Sowing time

Kelsang flowers are usually sown in spring or summer, depending on the climatic conditions of the region. The seeds of Kelsang flowers germinate at temperatures above 15°C, but if the temperature is too high or too low, it will affect their growth. Therefore, it is recommended to sow in March-May or August-September, avoiding the season of high temperatures or frosts. If sown indoors or in greenhouses, they can be advanced or delayed by about a month.

## Seeding method

There are two ways to sow Kelsang flowers: live streaming and seedlings. Direct streaming refers to sowing seeds directly in the soil, and seedling breeding refers to germinating seeds in the seedbed before transplanting them into the soil. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, live broadcast is simple and convenient, but it is easily affected by external factors, seedling breeding can ensure the stability and quality of the seedling stage, but more labor and equipment are required. The specific steps are as follows:

When is the best time to sow Kelsang flower seeds? Uncle Ma teaches you how to plant this holy flower

### Live streaming

1. Prepare soil suitable for the growth of Kelsang flowers, generally choosing loose and fertile, well-drained, slightly acidic sandy loam or peat soil.

2. Spread the soil and make shallow grooves on the surface, one every 10 cm or so, the depth of the trench is about 0.5 cm.

3. Sprinkle the seeds evenly in the groove, about 0.5 grams per square meter.

4. Cover the seeds with fine sand or thin soil, about 0.5 cm thick.

5. Water with a watering can or a trickle to keep the soil moist but not stagnant.

6. Place the sowing site in semi-shade to avoid exposure to strong light.

7. Observe the germination, usually within 7-10 days to see the seedlings emerge.

8. When the seedlings have grown 3-4 true leaves, perform seedling interplanting and transplanting. Interseedling refers to the removal or removal of overly dense seedlings, leaving robust seedlings. Transplanting refers to transplanting seedlings into other places or pots. Care should be taken to protect the root system of seedlings when planting seedlings and transplanting, and maintain a distance of about 10 cm between each seedling.

### Seedlings

1. Prepare soil suitable for the growth of Kelsang flowers and seedling trays. A seedling tray is a plastic tray with many small holes to manage and move seedlings conveniently.

2. Fill the soil into the seedling tray, put a pinch of soil in each small hole, and compact.

3. Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the soil, placing one seed in each small hole.

4. Cover the seeds with fine sand or thin soil, about 0.5 cm thick.

5. Water with a watering can or a trickle to keep the soil moist but not stagnant.

6. Place the seedling tray in a semi-shaded place to avoid exposure to strong light.

7. Observe the germination, usually within 7-10 days to see the seedlings emerge.

8. When the seedlings have grown 3-4 true leaves, transplant them. Transplanting refers to transplanting seedlings along with soil to other places or pots. When transplanting, pay attention to protecting the root system of the seedlings, and keep a spacing of about 10 cm between each seedling.

When is the best time to sow Kelsang flower seeds? Uncle Ma teaches you how to plant this holy flower

## Maintenance management

The conservation and management of Kelsang flowers mainly includes the following aspects:

- Watering: Kelsang flowers prefer a humid environment, but are not tolerant of standing water. Therefore, water in moderation to keep the soil moist but not too wet. When the summer is high temperature and dry, it is necessary to replenish water in time to prevent the soil from drying and cracking. When it is low and rainy in winter, reduce watering to prevent the soil from getting too wet.

- Fertilization: Kelsang flowers do not need too much fertilizer, and excessive fertilizer will cause the plant to grow and not flower. Generally, after sowing and before flowering, apply well-rotted organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer once, and the amount of each application should not exceed the surface layer of the soil. After fertilization, it is necessary to water in time so that the fertilizer can be fully dissolved and absorbed.

- Topping: Kelsang flowers are treated during growth to promote branching and flowering. Topping refers to the removal of shoots or flower buds at the top of the plant to allow nutrients to be distributed to the side branches. The timing of picking is generally carried out when the plant has grown to 15-20 cm, every 10-15 days, a total of 3-4 pickings.

- Pruning: Kelsang flowers should be pruned in time after flowering to remove withered flowers and branches and leaves to keep the plant neat and beautiful. Pruning promotes the regeneration of new flowers and prolongs the flowering period. Pruning tools should be disinfected to prevent the spread of germs.

When is the best time to sow Kelsang flower seeds? Uncle Ma teaches you how to plant this holy flower

## Control of pests and diseases

Although the Kelsang flower is hardy and drought-resistant, it can also be attacked by some pests and diseases. Common pests and diseases are:

- Botrytosis: is a disease caused by fungi that occurs mainly in warm and humid conditions. It is manifested by the appearance of a gray mold layer on the plant, and the leaves, stems and flowers gradually wither. Prevention and control methods include: improve ventilation and light transmission, reduce humidity; timely removal of sick and residual bodies; Spray sulfur, carbendazim and other fungicides.

- Aphid: is a common juice-absorbing pest that concentrates mainly on young leaves and shoots. It is manifested by delayed plant growth

Delayed, the leaves turn yellow, curl, or even fall off. Control methods include: increase light and promote plant robustness; Timely removal of the affected part; Spray insecticides such as imidacloprid and oxidized fruit.

- Flower bug: is a common stinging pest that concentrates mainly on flowers. It manifests as deformation, discoloration, shrinkage, and even decay of the flowers. Control methods include: timely removal of weeds and reduction of hiding places; Timely removal of the affected part; Spraying insecticides such as dichlormid and Pinus borer.

The above is the relevant content about when to sow the best Kelsang flower seeds, I hope it will be helpful to you. Kelsang flowers are a flower that is both beautiful and meaningful, if you like it, you might as well try planting some to add a touch of color and warmth to your life.

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