
Kelsang flowers only bloom once a year, and if you want to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the next year? Practice has shown otherwise.

author:Pastoral gardener

Florists who have farmed Kelsang flowers must know that it is an annual flower, and the plant withers and withers after the flowers bloom that year. If you want to continue to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the seeds to germinate again, but many flower friends think that the seeds need to wait for the second year to germinate again. In fact, the Gesang flower of the editor's family is now undergoing the second round of bud bringing, and the editor has also observed for a while and photographed a lot of practical materials for this experience sharing. Below I will introduce the operation method and the corresponding breeding points in detail.

Kelsang flowers only bloom once a year, and if you want to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the next year? Practice has shown otherwise.

1. How do Kelsang flowers bloom twice a year

In fact, the 2 blooms here does not mean that all the flowers will bloom again after withering, after all, Kelsang flowers are annual plants. The reason why this pot can be opened twice this year is also due to seed propagation.

First of all, the Kelsang flowers of the editor's family were all in full bloom in May this year, and they did not enter the flowering period in June as the Internet people said. And by mid-to-late June, the seeds are all in bloom and ripe. At that time, I thought that since the seeds germinate on their own in the spring every year, can they sow again and try it again if they wither so early this year.

Kelsang flowers only bloom once a year, and if you want to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the next year? Practice has shown otherwise.

Sure enough, soon the seeds all germinated, and now buds began to appear. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to say on the Internet that it blooms once a year, and if you want to enjoy the blossoms until the next spring, it is not entirely correct. Practice has proved that if the flowers wither early, the seeds mature early, and the flowers can be planted in two rounds.

Kelsang flowers only bloom once a year, and if you want to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the next year? Practice has shown otherwise.

Xiaobian is in the state that the branches of the plant are still green, the seeds are about to fall out of the state, directly evenly sprinkled in the larger pot, did not cover the surface, just watered, they germinated. The branches that had been plucked off the seeds were also uprooted and thrown away. Therefore, it is not as stated on the Internet, the latest planting should not exceed April, the editor can continue the second round of flower appreciation in a few days after sowing in June, and flower friends can also follow the method of Xiaobian.

Kelsang flowers only bloom once a year, and if you want to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the next year? Practice has shown otherwise.

Second, summer breeding precautions

1. Too dense and easy to yellow leaves

The Kelsang flowers of the editor's family bore a lot of seeds, and there was only one large pot left, and it was also for testing, so they were all scattered in it, and after germination, a cursory look at it was almost a few hundred. So there are many problems, the most obvious of which is that it is too dense and causes no ventilation and the lower leaves yellow, as shown in the figure below.

Kelsang flowers only bloom once a year, and if you want to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the next year? Practice has shown otherwise.

If you want to avoid this, you can cut seedlings like Xiaobian, pull out some transplants and plant them elsewhere, or you can sow less when you sow seeds. Leave enough space for the plant to grow so that it will not cause the problem of yellow leaves.

Kelsang flowers only bloom once a year, and if you want to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the next year? Practice has shown otherwise.

2. Lack of light will bend and fall easily

The second problem is mainly because it is currently in the hot summer, the shade net has long been built, and the Kelsang flowers are cultivated under the shade net, and only the oblique sun in the evening can be directly exposed. So there is a problem of length and length and bending.

The longer side is obviously stronger in the outer part of the place that can get direct light in the evening, and on the other side, the lack of light causes the plant to be thin and long, and because the light-deficient plant is curved from the seedling, this trend will continue until it grows. The editor did not move the place for the pot, so now the branches are thick but still curved.

Flower friends want to avoid this situation, the shade net should not choose too high the shading rate, it is best to get enough scattered light. In this way, the seedling stage is thick and not easy to lodging. Of course, there will be no problem of long-term apprenticeship.

Kelsang flowers only bloom once a year, and if you want to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the next year? Practice has shown otherwise.

3. Top pruning should be timely

Another way to avoid apprenticeship is to top pruning. Kelsang flowers are generally about 10 cm unearthed and are about to be topped, and through top pruning, the plant can germinate more side branches, and can also make the plant shorter.

4. If you want to flowering for the second time, water and fertilizer should keep up

Regarding the issue of water and fertilizer, it should be freely adjusted according to the specific situation. Because the conventional practice is not to apply fertilizer on hot days in summer, so as not to burn roots and dead seedlings. However, there is a long rainy season in summer, and the temperature is not so high when it rains for a long time. So it is possible to fertilize at this time, and this is how Xiaobian operates.

However, because the potting soil is not easy to dry when it rains for a long time, Xiaobian did not use liquid fertilizer, but sprinkled some compound fertilizer on the edge of the pot and then combined with the method of spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1000 times liquid. Just pay attention to the compound fertilizer not to sprinkle too much, rather less than more, Xiaobian family 35 cm caliber large pot, also sprinkled about 20 grains. Once in 10 days, soon the plant is thick and the buds are sprouting out.

Kelsang flowers only bloom once a year, and if you want to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the next year? Practice has shown otherwise.

5. The branches are watery enough to be careful of pest bites

The last one should be paid special attention to, because the branches of Kelsang flowers are very moisture, and this type of flower plant is easy to attract pests such as red spiders and whiteflies. Therefore, hang yellow boards on the edge of the pot every day, and spray pesticides in time if there are traces of insect bites. Like furoxidin, acetamiprid, imidacloprid, ethoxazole, butflufenate, etc. are very effective insecticides. The concentration must not be operated according to the ratio of water casually said on the Internet. After all, the brand is different, the active ingredients are different, and the dilution ratio with water is naturally different, so you can ask the boss the specific dilution ratio when buying.

Kelsang flowers only bloom once a year, and if you want to enjoy the flowers, you can only wait for the next year? Practice has shown otherwise.

Well, the above is the operation method to make Gesang flowers bloom more than once a year, although it is not the second flowering of the original plant, but in fact, there is not much difference, after all, Gesang flowers grow very quickly, as long as the maintenance requirements keep up, they can bloom soon. It is also possible to plant seeds left after secondary flowering next year.

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