
To prepare the sea cucumber fungus pork rib soup

author:The grass is nameless
To prepare the sea cucumber fungus pork rib soup

Liaoning ginseng

Thorn ginseng is one of the best quality sea cucumbers eaten in China. As one of the "Eight Treasures" of seafood. Because of its medicinal properties and warm supplements, it is called sea cucumber. In the past 10 years, the ginseng farming industry has developed rapidly, from the original only in the coastal area of Dalian, and now it has expanded to the entire coastal area of Liaoning from the mouth of the Yalu River to Huludao. Modern scientific research proves that the nutritional value of ginseng is very high, containing 15 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, and 0 carbohydrates per 100 grams. 4 g, calcium 357 mg, phosphorus 12 mg, iron 2. 4 mg, as well as vitamin B1, B2, niacin and other more than 50 kinds of nutrients beneficial to human physiological activities, of which the protein content is as high as 55% or more, 18 kinds of amino acid taurine, chondroitin sulfate, ginseng mucopolysaccharide a variety of components, arginine is the main component of male sperm cells, but also the main raw material for the synthesis of human collagen, can promote the regeneration of body cells and the repair of the body after damage, but also can improve the body's immune function, prolong life, eliminate fatigue.

To prepare the sea cucumber fungus pork rib soup

Sea cucumber fungus pork rib soup


raw material:

Sea cucumbers: 2

Ribs: 460 g

Fungus: 40 g

Ham: 25 g

Onion: A little

GINGER: A little


1. Take a clean plate, do not have a little oil stain, wash the sea cucumber and put it on the plate, pour it into pure water and refrigerate it. Take it out every 12 hours for water, and after soaking for 24 hours, the sea cucumber begins to soften.

To prepare the sea cucumber fungus pork rib soup

Foamed sea cucumber

2. Cut it from under the belly of the sea cucumber, remove the teeth (sand mouth) of the sea cucumber, and rinse the sea cucumber clean. Pour in pure water and refrigerate. Take out every 12 hours for water and continue soaking for 24 hours.

To prepare the sea cucumber fungus pork rib soup

Removes impurities from sea cucumber visceral

3. Put the sea cucumber into the stew cup, add pure water, stew until the sea cucumber can be gently inserted with chopsticks, turn off the electricity, and let the water cool naturally. Take it out and put it in a clean basin. Add pure blisters, or refrigerate them. Change pure water every 12 hours, and you can do it for two days.

To prepare the sea cucumber fungus pork rib soup

Stew the sea cucumber

4. Prepare the ribs, chop the ribs into lumps and boil them in boiling water for five minutes, scoop up and wash, soak the black fungus in water until the hair is large, tear it into small pieces, put it in boiling water and cook for five minutes, scoop up and wash, slice the ham, cut the ginger into strips, cut the green onion into green onions.

To prepare the sea cucumber fungus pork rib soup


 5. Add water to the stew cup, add ribs, ham, ginger, fungus and green onion and simmer for 2 hours, put down the sea cucumber and simmer for another hour, during which time add salt to taste.

To prepare the sea cucumber fungus pork rib soup


1. Sea cucumber has the function of tonifying and improving sperm, nourishing blood and moisturizing, wood ear fungus can strengthen the body, activate blood and stop bleeding, ribs are beneficial to the marrow, nourish the yin and dry function. Replenish vitality, strengthen the body, strengthen the bones and muscles.

2. Food phase grams

Sea cucumber (water immersion): Sea participates in vinegar phase grams; should not be taken with licorice.

Fungus (dry): Wood ear fungus should not be eaten with field snails, from the perspective of food medicinal properties, cold field snails, encounter slippery fungus, is not conducive to digestion, so the two should not be eaten together.

People with hemorrhoids should not eat fungus and pheasant together, pheasant has a small poison, and the two are easy to induce hemorrhoid bleeding.

Wood ear fungus should not be eaten with wild ducks, which taste sweet and cool, and are prone to indigestion.

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