
Artificial intelligence painting is only a combination of materials, not a real artistic creation. When I created these four works, I combined different inspirations and ideas. Although they seem independent, they are inside


Artificial intelligence painting is only a combination of materials, not a real artistic creation. When I created these four works, I combined different inspirations and ideas. Although they may seem independent, there is a certain continuity inside. After creating my first painting, I started conceiving and creating the next three. There is also a correlation and innovation between these three works. In the process of creating, I got an important revelation: each work has infinite extension. As long as you have ideas and keep adding and improving, you can create unlimited works. When creating this painting, I naturally thought of Baidu's AI Journey project. These artificial intelligence painting tools or generative image tools can create works of high artistic value in a short period of time. But only if there is a rich database of all the outstanding works in art history. They can create works in a specific style based on the user's instructions or ideas. What is the artistic value of these works? If it is just a simple combination, even using Leonardo da Vinci's painting techniques, it is possible to create different works in the style of Picasso or Gagar.

Artificial intelligence painting is only a combination of materials, not a real artistic creation. When I created these four works, I combined different inspirations and ideas. Although they seem independent, they are inside
Artificial intelligence painting is only a combination of materials, not a real artistic creation. When I created these four works, I combined different inspirations and ideas. Although they seem independent, they are inside
Artificial intelligence painting is only a combination of materials, not a real artistic creation. When I created these four works, I combined different inspirations and ideas. Although they seem independent, they are inside
Artificial intelligence painting is only a combination of materials, not a real artistic creation. When I created these four works, I combined different inspirations and ideas. Although they seem independent, they are inside

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