
Hanging orchid feng shui placement three do not put what position is best not to affect feng shui


As a popular indoor plant, hanging orchid not only has a beautiful appearance, but is also considered to have good feng shui energy. In feng shui, placing the right plants can improve the energy flow of the home, bringing good luck and good fortune to the occupants. In this article, we will explore the feng shui placement methods of hanging orchids, help you understand the importance of hanging orchids in feng shui, and give you some suggestions on where to place hanging orchids to give full play to their feng shui effects.

Hanging orchid feng shui placement three do not put what position is best not to affect feng shui

The feng shui of the hanging orchid is placed three do not

When placing hanging orchids, there are three important principles not to overlook, which will ensure that hanging orchids perform optimally in feng shui:

1. Do not place it in the bedroom

The hanging orchid has a fresh breath and relaxing effect, but the bedroom is a space that needs tranquility and a calm atmosphere, so it is not suitable to place the hanging orchid in the bedroom. The growth and active properties of the orchid may interfere with sleep quality, so we recommend placing it in an active area such as the living room, study, or office.

2. Do not leave in kitchens and dining rooms

Kitchens and dining rooms are areas in the home related to cooking and eating, and odors and fumes can negatively affect the growth and health of hanging orchids. In addition, since hanging orchids are often placed in hanging containers, they may hinder the space where people move while cooking and eating. Therefore, avoiding hanging orchids in kitchens and dining rooms is a wise choice.

Hanging orchid feng shui placement three do not put what position is best not to affect feng shui

3. Do not place in direct sunlight

Hanging orchids prefer scattered light and cool environments, and too strong sunlight can cause damage to hanging orchids, causing their leaves to turn yellow or burn. Therefore, we recommend placing the hanging orchid in a softly lit indoor location to avoid direct sunlight.

The best placement of the hanging orchid

Hanging orchids are seen in feng shui as a plant capable of absorbing negative energy and bringing good luck. Here are a few of the best places for hanging orchids:

1. Living room

Placing hanging orchids in the living room is a common choice. The living room is the core area of family activities, and the fresh breath and greenery of the hanging orchid can enhance the atmosphere of the entire space, bringing a pleasant and comfortable feeling to the family and guests.

2. Study or office

Hanging orchids are also suitable for placement in study rooms or offices. It can provide a relaxing and calm atmosphere, which helps to improve work and study efficiency. At the same time, the hanging orchid can also absorb harmful substances in the room, improve air quality, and provide you with a fresh working environment.

3. Near the entrance door

Placing hanging orchids near entrance doors is a common feng shui practice. It can welcome guests, attract good luck into the home, and purify the energy that enters the home. At the same time, hanging orchid is also a suitable plant for interior decoration, which can enhance the overall beauty and home atmosphere.

Hanging orchid feng shui placement three do not put what position is best not to affect feng shui


As a feng shui auspicious plant, the choice of placement is crucial. Avoid placing hanging orchids in bedrooms, kitchens and dining rooms, as well as in direct sunlight to avoid affecting their feng shui effect and healthy growth. The best placements include the living room, study or office, and near the entrance door, which maximize the feng shui effect of the hanging orchid.

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