
I am in my junior year and have 7 months to go for the national exam, how should I prepare?

author:Migrant workers who want to retire early

Hands! I will!

Congratulations, when you have this idea, it is equivalent to one foot already stepping into the system! Leave the following to me!

You know, a good choice is half the battle, this is the truth, please write it down in your notebook.

The reason for this is that in the preparation for the civil service examination, the most important part is to choose the right position, as long as the position is selected well, there is no problem at all in increasing the probability of going ashore by 30 or 40%. How to choose a position I will talk in detail next, all you have to do is continue to look down.

In addition, for the subject, who is in contact with the public exam for the first time, he must make a reasonable plan before preparing for the exam, so that his road to preparation can be unimpeded.

Why do you say that? Because for Xiaobai, many things are not understood, the skills of the test and the writing format of the argument are not understood, then if you blindly study without understanding, it is easy to fall into the pit of no progress in how to learn, and if you make a good study plan, you will have more direction.

As a passer-by, I will tell the whites who are taking the public examination for the first time how to formulate this plan, and what are the specific preparation methods to help you successfully win the written exam and finally successfully land!

I am in my junior year and have 7 months to go for the national exam, how should I prepare?

First, how to choose a position to prepare for the public examination

Job selection is a metaphysics, depending on controllable strategies, and that ethereal and uncontrollable luck~

All we have to do is make the choices we can make and the variables we can control to the extreme, and leave the rest to luck.

(1) Prerequisite for job selection: Suitable conditions are the key

If you want to choose the right position, then the first thing is to meet the recruitment needs.

1. Conditions in the announcement

The announcement will include the scope, objects and conditions of recruitment, and the basic conditions for registration include age range, educational background, household registration, and recruitment targets for targeted recruitment posts.

2. Conditions in the job list

The job list not only contains the specific conditions of the recruitment position, but also some specific requirements mentioned in the announcement.

Such as specific academic qualifications, professional requirements, and other columns of the job list. The requirements in this column will be more complicated, it is recommended that you first match according to other conditions when screening positions, and then carefully screen.

I am in my junior year and have 7 months to go for the national exam, how should I prepare?

(2) Judging the time and sizing up the situation: making choices in combination with competition

When selecting a job, pay attention to the competition of the position, try to avoid the fierce competition position, and improve the chance of entering the interview.

If you're hesitant to choose between several positions, you can also check your application before making a decision. To be on the safe side, it is recommended to choose the middle and late registration, so that you can not only understand the registration situation, but also prevent problems from encountering, and have enough time to solve them.

(3) Personal interests: Inner thoughts are important

After all, it is a career that may work until retirement, so personal ideas are also very important, don't rush to apply for a position, even if you are admitted, it may not be long-term.

Work location, work content, salary and benefits, and future career planning must become the content you consider before choosing a position, don't choose a job impulsively!

A considerable number of positions have a minimum length of service, and once you join the job, you will not be worth the loss, so it is important to choose a job that you are interested in!

Second, it is best to apply for a class to prepare for the written exam

The reason why it is recommended that everyone apply for the class is also very simple, because from the general environment, the public examination is the most competitive of all the exams, and there are all kinds of people.

There are old birds who have participated many times, and there are students with amazing learning talents, etc., so if you want to defeat these unknown opponents and go ashore once, signing up for classes is undoubtedly the best choice.

For example, the reason why I was able to enter the interview at that time was because I signed up for the class, otherwise I really didn't have the confidence to finish the test questions on time, and I didn't even think about the high score.

As for the institution, I chose the flash energy public examination after comparing chalk and flash energy, and I also went for the better effect of raising scores.

First of all, let's talk about the chalk I have heard, the advantage of his family is that it is friendly to Xiaobai, and the curriculum at all stages is biased towards the basics, and he can't understand anything. The disadvantage is that because it is too basic, it will make it difficult to go to the high score, which is also the difference between the average score and the high score.

Besides, Flash Energy, his family has a more targeted improvement plan, and I can find the cause of my bottleneck period "card score" in class and solve it.

For example, when I learn judgment reasoning, I always lose points on the figure deduction questions. Especially when I was asked to find patterns in various shapes of figures, I was dazzled and could not find it.

I am in my junior year and have 7 months to go for the national exam, how should I prepare?

But later, after learning different graphic change skills such as mirroring, flipping, displacement, and translation with the teacher, I can basically see at a glance how to do this question when I do the question again (because the teacher explains it in class in combination with specific reality, and with specific references, it will be easier for me to understand and master in class) And it took me 40 seconds from reading the question to selecting the correct answer~, and this part never dragged its feet.

3. Suggestions for efficient exam preparation

1. Look at the textbook

The chalk textbook tests the thinking and the rules of argumentation, which are particularly detailed, and the above is divided according to the major modules, and the knowledge points are given very comprehensively.

And they are all very simple question types, which can be quickly passed. When I read it at that time, I read one book a day, and drew some chapters that I thought were more important and organized them into notes, so that I could study more effectively later.

Tip: If you feel that your learning efficiency is very low, this link will be skipped directly, after all, holding the textbook to nibble is almost not helpful for doing questions, at most understand the question type, and it is also very good to directly follow the class to understand the foundation in the later stage.

I am in my junior year and have 7 months to go for the national exam, how should I prepare?

2. Do practice questions

Chalk decisive battle test 5000 questions and 100 questions are also very famous in the examiner, which is according to the questions of each module, a module of the line test is roughly about a thousand questions, I was only the three modules of speech understanding, judgment reasoning and data analysis were brushed, and the changes after brushing were still very large.

I think the biggest advantage of this set of books is that the typesetting paper is good, although it is full of topics, but it is pleasing to the eye, and it is very cool to brush, and the more you brush, the more you want to brush.

This state of brushing questions is very perfect, I was still brushing questions regularly, brushing up is very enjoyable.

I only started brushing after following the class, what questions skills and formulas are listed as a mind map, you can take it out and see if you can't do it when you encounter the question, which is particularly trouble-free.

You can brush the questions after laying all the basics like me, or you can brush the questions according to the progress of the course while following the class, which is also very good, and you can grasp your mastery in time.

I am in my junior year and have 7 months to go for the national exam, how should I prepare?

3. Do the real question paper

When all the skills are practiced, there are only a few days left before the exam, at this time it is definitely necessary to do the real question paper, I use the Huatu past years real question paper, do the real question paper can really experience the specific difficulty of the exam, understand the question maker's question routine, in addition, through practice can learn to control the time of the question, find your own suitable answer order, in advance to adapt to the rhythm of the examination room.

The order of the questions in my test is: common sense judgment - speech understanding - judgment reasoning - data analysis - quantitative relationship, the argument is to first small questions and then large composition, put simple and easy to do question types in the front, and solve complex question types later, which can ensure a very smooth answering idea.

Of course, this is for reference only, you must practice more and find the order that suits you.

In addition to standardizing the time to answer questions, it is also necessary to sort out the wrong questions in time, take out the previous wrong question notes, and constantly sort out and review, so that the various knowledge points you missed can be more firmly mastered, and you will not make the mistakes you have made before.

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