
The tip of the tongue of the food Shanxi Shaanxi cat ear noodles, those who have eaten are said to be delicious, and every day they do not eat enough cat ear noodles

author:MengTi cuisine said

"Food is not boring, and the neck is not tired of fine". Hello everyone, welcome to pay attention to Mengdi cuisine said. We share with you every day the knowledge of food, how to choose ingredients, make exquisite food, so that your life is alive and fragrant because of food.

Introduction: The tip of the tongue of the food Shanxi Shaanxi cat ear noodles, those who have eaten are delicious, and they can't eat enough every day

Shanxi Shaanxi has a lot of food, there are noodles, like Shaanxi oil noodles, Shanxi knife noodles, etc. are very famous, in Shandong there are many such door shops, every day at noon and night there are many people to queue up to eat noodles, 13 yuan a portion, ladies eat a bowl basically can eat, men have to add a meat sandwich steamed bun, in fact, compared to eating stir-fried vegetables and rice, the price is similar. Shanxi cat ear noodles are the daily staple food on the local table, basically eating every day, their approach is very simple, skilled, of course, to be the best to eat, it must also have a trick.

The tip of the tongue of the food Shanxi Shaanxi cat ear noodles, those who have eaten are said to be delicious, and every day they do not eat enough cat ear noodles

Cat ear noodles in the streets and alleys of Shanxi are also many, using their own hand and noodle methods, with very soft dough, kneaded into a very small cat ear style, and then rolled up, put in the pot to cook, cooked and then put into the pot to fry or stew, with soup and vegetables to eat more delicious, this is the cat ears that people like to eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > cat ear surface</h1>

Ingredients: The ingredients of this noodle are mainly flour, and the ingredients inside are very flexible, generally home-cooked dishes and meats that we usually eat at home, like leeks. Prawns, mushrooms and ham, etc., like to eat lean meat can also put a little lean meat or shredded meat, are very delicious, love to eat vegetables can also put more dishes. You can make whatever flavor you want at home, without restrictions.

The tip of the tongue of the food Shanxi Shaanxi cat ear noodles, those who have eaten are said to be delicious, and every day they do not eat enough cat ear noodles

There are many kinds of cat ear noodles, Shanxi and Shaanxi don't look at only one word, and they are not the same, some are big and some are small. Shaanxi's approach is to cut the noodles into a fingernail-sized pattern, which is particularly small and slightly troublesome, but it is delicious. When doing it, it is necessary to pay attention to both aesthetics and taste. Some Shaanxi people will farm lace, and they look very appetizing.

The tip of the tongue of the food Shanxi Shaanxi cat ear noodles, those who have eaten are said to be delicious, and every day they do not eat enough cat ear noodles

Preparation steps: First, the prepared soybeans, shiitake mushrooms, fungus, yellow cauliflower and other ingredients are soaked to the soft, kneaded and washed, and washed in water 3-4 times until clean. Now buy these ingredients are basically dry, so be sure to wash them carefully.

Next prepare ordinary flour, flour can be wheat flour, can also be rich and strong flour or high fiber flour, etc., and how much dough is determined according to the number of people in the family, noodles should not be made more, more can not eat, so plan in advance. Add water to the flour, stir well, knead your hands into a dough, the dough is similar to the dough wrapped in dumplings, too soft to do, you have to knead the long strips below.

The tip of the tongue of the food Shanxi Shaanxi cat ear noodles, those who have eaten are said to be delicious, and every day they do not eat enough cat ear noodles

Leave the kneaded dough for 5 minutes, then remove a piece, knead the long strips, and then you can make cat ears. You can cut it directly, and the cut out is basically equal, but don't use too much force when pressing, otherwise it will not look good.

Tip: When making cat ears, some people like to eat seafood flavor, seaweed can also be put in, especially appetizing. Some people like to eat spicy flavors, that is, chili oil and sesame oil. After cooking, you can also fish out the noodles, and it is also delicious topped with chili oil and brine. See which way you like to eat, and come to a bowl of absolute rice at noon in the summer.

The tip of the tongue of the food Shanxi Shaanxi cat ear noodles, those who have eaten are said to be delicious, and every day they do not eat enough cat ear noodles

After kneading, cut all the ingredients, boil water in a stainless steel pot, put the soaked soybeans into it and cook, about 30 minutes, after the soybeans are cooked, pour them into water to cool, fish them out and drain them for later.

Then stir-fry in an iron pot, add peanut oil to fry the chopped green onion and ginger, put all the vegetables in it and fry until it is 8 ripe, add soy sauce, five-spice powder and salt and season, pour boiling water into it and boil it, put seafood and other ingredients into it, good cooked can be put later, difficult ingredients can be put in first, so that you can retain the nutrition in the food.

The tip of the tongue of the food Shanxi Shaanxi cat ear noodles, those who have eaten are said to be delicious, and every day they do not eat enough cat ear noodles

Finally, put the cat ears in and bring to a boil, usually about 3-4 minutes. After cooking, beat 2 eggs, stir into egg flowers, cut a diced tomato, colorful and more beautiful, taste sour and delicious.

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