
In summer, heat detoxification, wind and heat dissipation must be necessary - honeysuckle

author:Hubei Xia Xiaozhong

More than ten days have passed since the summer solstice, and the weather is gradually getting hot.

According to the latest data, many northern regions such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei in the mainland have successively issued high temperature orange warnings, and there has been a high temperature weather of 40 °C, and the temperature is significantly higher than that of some southern cities.

According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, Chongqing, Wuhan, Nanchang and Changsha, known as the "four furnaces", will also maintain the temperature around 26~35 °C in the next 7 days.

In summer, heat detoxification, wind and heat dissipation must be necessary - honeysuckle

When the weather is hot, some small problems in daily life will follow, heat stroke, internal heat, heat, sweating, drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy, etc., constantly plaguing us, not only work will be affected, but also interfere with normal life and endanger physical and mental health. However, these small problems cannot run to hospitals and pharmacies every day. Moreover, it is a three-point poison, and it is not a good thing to take drugs frequently.

In fact, these problems do not need to worry, in Chinese medicine, a few flowers and plants can solve the problem, and there are no side effects.

Meet honeysuckle

In summer, heat detoxification, wind and heat dissipation must be necessary - honeysuckle

Although it is rare in big cities, it can be found almost everywhere in rural fields. It is distributed in all provinces of the country, but its main planting areas are concentrated in Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei, Hubei, Jiangxi, Guangdong and other places.

In summer, heat detoxification, wind and heat dissipation must be necessary - honeysuckle

Honeysuckle, aka honeysuckle. It is also commonly cultivated in hillside shrubland or sparse forests, in piles of rocks, along mountain footroads and on village fences, at altitudes up to 1500 m. It is a commonly used Chinese medicinal herb, and flowers and vines can be used in medicine, can be combined with formulas, or can be used alone.

It blooms in March and emerges in May, slightly fragrant, with red pedicels, white at the beginning of the flower, yellow after one or two days, hence the name honeysuckle. And because of one stem and two flowers, two stamens protruding outside, in pairs, inseparable, like male and female companions, and like mandarin ducks dancing, so it is known as the mandarin duck vine. Medicinal honeysuckle is a dried bud or flowers with first blooms of honeysuckle and plants of the same genus.

Its buds are in the shape of a thin stick mallet, thick at the top and thin at the bottom, slightly curved, 2~3cm (cm) long, about 3mm (mm) in diameter at the top, and about 1.5mm (mm) in diameter at the bottom. The surface is yellowish-white or greenish-white (darkening over time), densely covered with short pubescent hairs. Occasionally leaf-like bracts. The calyx is green, 5-lobed at the apex, and the lobes are hairy, about 2 mm (mm) long. opener corolla tubular, apex bilabial, 5 stamens, attached to tube wall, yellow; 1 pistil, ovary glabrous. The breath is fragrant, light and slightly bitter.

Medicinal value

Honeysuckle has a long history of medicinal use, and it has been used to prevent and treat diseases more than 3,000 years ago. The name "honeysuckle" first appeared in the earliest existing color herbal atlas on the mainland, "Walking Rock Materia Medica", and the second volume of the book recorded: "Heron vine, warm and non-toxic, cures muscle and bone pain, named honeysuckle." "And accompanied by color pictures, it is no different from the current honeysuckle plant.

It is also believed that "honeysuckle" first appeared in the "Compendium of Materia Medica, Grass Seven, Honeysuckle" recorded that "honeysuckle, good at poisoning, rheumatism, and sincerity is medicine." ”

The "Shennong Materia Medica" contains: "Honeysuckle is cold and sweet, with the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and removing stasis, mainly treating external wind and heat, initial onset of pestilence, sores and boils, redness, swelling, heat pain, pus and blood in the stool" and so on.

In summer, heat detoxification, wind and heat dissipation must be necessary - honeysuckle

Sun Simiao's "Thousand Golden Wings" follows the "Famous Doctors" record that "it is ranked as the best grade, sweet, warm, and non-toxic." Mainly treats cold and heat, body swelling. ”

In summer, heat detoxification, wind and heat dissipation must be necessary - honeysuckle

Chen Ziming said in "Essentials of Surgery": "Honeysuckle wine, cure carbuncle hair back, the first bento should take this, its effect is very amazing, better than red internal elimination." ”

Modern pharmacological research

Honeysuckle has the effect of anti-pathogenic microorganisms and has inhibitory effects on a variety of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Its decoction has inhibitory effect on leptospira and injection on Pseudomonas aeruginosa; The extract inhibits Streptococcus mutans and Actinomycobacter; The decoction also has a significant inhibitory effect on anti-coxsackie B5 virus in cultured cells.

In addition, it also has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anti-allergic, anti-endotoxin, hypolipidemic properties, liver protection, choleretic and improve body immunity.

In the modern "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" recorded: honeysuckle, alias silver flower, double flower, two flower, two treasure flower. Sweet, cold, return to the lungs, heart, stomach meridians. Mainly treats heat and detoxification, cools and disperses wind and heat. For carbuncles, boils, laryngeal paralysis, erysipelas, heat poisonous blood dysentery, wind fever cold, warm disease fever.

Matching Groups

First, honeysuckle tea

Composition: honeysuckle (licorice, mint, etc. can be added according to personal circumstances)

Brewed with boiling water for more than one hour, it can be drunk, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, cooling and dissipating wind heat, dispersing carbuncles and reducing swelling, etc., suitable for people suffering from carbuncle sores and people suffering from heat poisonous blood dysentery, and can also assist in the treatment of sore throat and children's heat sores and prickly heat.

In summer, heat detoxification, wind and heat dissipation must be necessary - honeysuckle

Dried honeysuckle

Note: Spleen and stomach deficiency and cold and qi deficiency sores and pus clear, allergic patients should not take it; People with weak spleen and stomach or yang deficiency, women who are menstruating, should not take a large amount.

Second, "Wen Sick Article Discrimination" - silver dispersed

Composition: silver flower, forsythia, bitter bellflower, peppermint, light bamboo leaves, raw licorice, wattle mustard ear, light tempeh, burdock seed.

Indications: Wind, heat, and temperature are in Weifen. That is, body heat, chills, headache, weight, fatigue, chest tightness, or cough, lack of thirst, yellow urine and other symptoms.

In summer, heat detoxification, wind and heat dissipation must be necessary - honeysuckle

Dry silver warp

Summer weather is hot, prone to heat stroke, internal heat on fire, sweating and other symptoms, avoid eating a large number of cold drinks, cold food, when replenishing water, you can choose some herbal tea drinks such as honeysuckle tea, chrysanthemum tea, etc., which can not only clear heat and detoxify, prevent heat stroke, but also nourish the mind and calm the mind, regulate the physical and mental state.

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