
Guochao consumption is at the right time The long-established brand Quanjude Shouzheng innovates and actively builds a new revenue growth point

author:National Business Daily

The national tide of consumption continues, and long-established brands are actively innovating to grasp a new round of consumption boom.

On the evening of October 14, Quanjude released its performance forecast for the first three quarters of 2021, in which Quanjude said that during the reporting period, multiple measures were taken to promote the recovery of catering operations, and the company also increased product research and development efforts, forced special single product sales, and strived to form a new revenue growth point as soon as possible.

The store innovates to shape the image of the national tide, enters the Universal Avenue of Universal Studios Beijing, and develops Winter Olympic dishes around the theme of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics... Quanjude is looking for a new growth curve through all-round innovation.

Guochao consumption is at the right time The long-established brand Quanjude Shouzheng innovates and actively builds a new revenue growth point

New attempts by long-established brands to build new growth points

On the evening of October 14, Quanjude released a performance forecast for the first three quarters of 2021, and it is expected that the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company will be -69 million yuan to -65 million yuan.

In the performance forecast, Quanjude said that from January to September this year, the company continued to focus on the main line of work of the time-honored "Shouzheng Innovation", open source and reduce expenditure, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and strive to improve business results. In the first half of the year, operating income increased month by month and achieved profitability in the second quarter, but since the outbreak of a new round of the epidemic in August, operating income has once again declined significantly, which has a greater impact on the operating results in the third quarter.

Founded in 1864, the long-established brand "Quanjude" has now spanned 157 years of history. With the continuous innovation and development of dishes, Quanjude has formed a Quanjude cuisine with the unique Quanjude roast duck as the leader and more than 400 specialties in one, which has been on the big stage many times. In 2004, with the fangshan restaurant, Fengzeyuan Hotel and Sichuan Hotel becoming the company's brands, the current formation of quanjude brand as the leader, multi-brand common development trend. Since the beginning of this year, in the face of the pressure of the epidemic, Quanjude has adhered to innovation, advanced with the times, and actively embraced young consumers while adhering to the principle of doing a good job in dishes and digging deep into the history and culture of time-honored brands.

Although the performance of the first three quarters was under pressure, during the reporting period, Quanjude also took many measures to promote the recovery of catering operations. Qianmen Store Pin · Taste Light shadow theme restaurant to create a new image of the national tide of the old brand, the Global City Avenue store opened as scheduled, the global group meal continuous profit, the brand promotion sign "pay attention to dishes", around the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics theme research and development of Winter Olympic dishes, the construction of online shopping malls, the development of private traffic operations, continue to implement the foodization of catering products, increase product research and development efforts, and force special single product sales... Explore in all directions and form a new revenue growth point as soon as possible.

Specifically, with the official opening of Universal Studios Beijing Resort, Quanjude Universal City Avenue store has become a popular restaurant for tourists in the park to share with punch cards, products and services designed to brand customized products, old Beijing regional specialties, open-air bar leisure drinks and Quanjude classic heritage dishes as features, through the interactive design of Ming kitchen, consumers can enjoy the whole process of Quanjude hanging oven roast duck production, but also can make their own unique DIY roast duck rolls. In addition, the newly invested plush cute duck dolls on the first floor are also a highlight of the restaurant, and the store's unique global love rolls, blue planet duck meat loose buns, snail powder, various milk teas, etc. are loved by consumers.

In addition to the Universal Studios project, Quanjude will also develop Winter Olympic dishes. On September 23, at the 2021 Beijing Listed Companies Investor Online Collective Reception Day, Zhou Yanlong, general manager of Quanjude, said that it will develop Winter Olympic dishes in conjunction with the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, and at the same time select outstanding talents to enter the Olympic service team.

The national tide continues to be hot, and the old brand welcomes new opportunities

Since the beginning of this year, the national tide consumption is hot, itself has a strong cultural heritage of the old brand, in this national tide fever has a natural advantage, in order to seize this wave of consumption boom, Quanjude is also actively creating IP, embracing young consumers.

As a time-honored brand in China, Quanjude has developed over several generations and has become a symbol of Beijing's traditional culture. The façade of Quanjude Qianmen Roast Duck Shop was announced as "Beijing Municipal Cultural Relics Protection Unit". The "Quanjude Exhibition Hall" located in Quanjude Hepingmen store is listed as a patriotic education base in Beijing.

It can be said that the advantages brought by the historical and cultural effect of Quanjude cannot be copied. For the opportunity of the arrival of the national hot flashes, Quanjude is also actively grasping it.

Zhou Yanlong, general manager of Quanjude, said in a previous interview with the "Chao ren say Beijing" column that "national tide" is a verb, an act of traditional domestic products into the trend, an integration, a process, not simply a noun. This process requires a lot of effort, requires a lot of effort, and is very challenging. "The national tide itself is a kind of courage, an exploration, and an attempt that will never end." Zhou Yanlong also said that as a time-honored brand in China, especially an old store like Quanjude that is more than a hundred years old, in the face of today's irreversible development trend and trend, only by changing themselves can they conform to the development of history.

In order to seize the advantages of the long-established national tide and the current hot spots of the national tide, Quanjude has long been constantly innovating and changing. Previously, Quanjude organically combined classic dish techniques with traditional Chinese 24 solar terms, and continued to launch a short video of Quanjude's 24 solar terms, which was promoted and disseminated through video platforms such as video number, B station, and Douyin.

During the May Day period, Quanjude also launched the 2021 new version of the unified menu in quanjude direct stores in Beijing, and for the first time put forward the concept of "paying attention to dishes", that is, interpreting the classics, interpreting ingenuity, and providing consumers with surprises for their taste buds, the exquisite dishes launched this time include both deeply cultivating the existing classic varieties of saltwater duck liver, mustard duck palm, duck soup vinegar pepper fish, fire-roasted duck heart, duck crisp and other classic traditional dishes of Quanjude, as well as different race crabs, chicory wrapped duck pine, which are developed while excavating traditional cooking, combined with characteristic raw materials. New varieties such as two-color creamy bounty.

From the excavation of raw material characteristics, the processing technology of ingredients, to the application of cooking skills, seasoning technology methods, there are unique "exquisite points", with a delicate attitude, the spirit of craftsmen will present the brand's true kung fu to customers, so that customers can eat delicious dishes and feel the charm of Chinese food culture.

In order to adapt to the trend and create a long-established national tide brand, Quanjude Qianmen Store Pin · Taste Light shadow theme restaurant innovative debut. Qianmen store digs deep into the cultural resources of the old store, focuses on the positioning of the old cultural memory restaurant, implements the new scene transformation, through the new model of innovative scene experience, relies on the blessing of holographic light and shadow interaction technology, forms the collision and combination of "old" and "new", creates the first light and shadow theme restaurant of Beijing catering, and shapes the new image of the old brand of the national tide. Customers reported that the dining form was novel, the environment was pleasing to the eye, the dishes were unique, and the dining experience was very good. The qianmen store jane restaurant upgrade project is being promoted, and after completion, it will create a new scene and new image of the Quanjude brand "culture + catering + food + cultural creation".

In addition to store innovation, Quanjude also launched a new wen innovation image Meng Bao Duck, further combining the cultural connotation of national tide elements with market tide play. During the Spring Festival, Quanjude launched a variety of flavored ice cream in the shape of Mengbao duck for the first time - Mengbao Lollipop. As the temperature rises, sales gradually rise, and Mengbao Lollipops have become one of the punch card items for visiting the front door. In June, Quanjude Exhibition Hall added a new image of Quanjude IP Mengbao Duck Exhibition Area and cultural derivatives sales area, comprehensively displaying and publicizing quanjude brand IP new image Mengbao Duck.

Zhou Yanlong previously said when referring to the cultural creation of Meng Bao Duck that the launch of a new IP image is also a new measure to adapt to the consumption of the national tide, and better tell the story of the old brand. "It's a very cute, very cute doll image. Based on Mengbao Duck Q Duck, Quanjude has also made a lot of extended peripheral cultural and creative products, such as mugs, key chains, refrigerator stickers, small school bags, etc., which are loved by many young people. ”

Zhou Yanlong previously mentioned that this year is the starting point of Quanjude's second entrepreneurship, "How to start again after the epidemic?" After re-examining yourself, enter the market again and participate in the competition. For this question, Quanjude, which has been innovating since this year, is giving the answer. Text/Zhou Mu

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