
The tea horse ancient road "Fu Village" comes to life: villagers cook "happiness pot tea" for tourists

author:China News Network
The tea horse ancient road "Fu Village" comes to life: villagers cook "happiness pot tea" for tourists

Fuba Village, a beautiful village in Kang County, Longnan City, Gansu Province, excavates the "Fulu Culture" to develop tourism. The picture shows the village's "Fluke Square". (Data map) Yan Jiao photo

(New Year walk grassroots) Tea Horse Ancient Road "Fu Village" revitalized: villagers cook "happiness pot tea" for tourists

Zhongxin Network Lanzhou, February 5 (Yan Jiao) Fu Ji Tai Lai, Ji Fu Ning Rui, DeFu Honghou... In the mountains of Kang County, Longnan City, Gansu Province, fuba Village on the thousand-year-old Tea Horse Ancient Road, on the door plaques of villagers' homes, in the center of the leisure square, next to the ancient well on the side of the road... Everywhere you go, you can see the word "Fu".

Fuba Village has always been known as "Fu Village" by the outside world, and the local old man explained that the village is backed by mountains and water, rich in natural landscapes, and simple folk customs, and most of the people have a long life. For this reason, the village simply created a "Fulu culture", built fulu, shou, kang, and ning theme squares; every household replaced the Fulu door plaque; and the family that ran the farmhouse inn hung up the Fulu guise.

Near the New Year, red lanterns were hung in front of and behind the houses of villagers, and the sign of "Happiness Jar Tea" was very conspicuous. Every morning, he prepares tea, tea pots, tea clams, and begins to make a fire, boil tea, roast steamed buns, and master each step to wait for tourists.

The tea horse ancient road "Fu Village" comes to life: villagers cook "happiness pot tea" for tourists

The picture shows the "happiness pot tea" operated by the villagers of Fuba in Kang County, Gansu Province. (Data map) Yan Jiao photo

Longnan city has a strong tea culture, and canned tea is a local traditional refreshment diet, and it is also an indispensable part of the life of local villagers. Farmers pour a cup of tea, supplemented by eggs, walnut kernels, fried noodles and fruits, etc., which are eaten as both tea and rice. During the New Year's Festival, people sit around the stove and sip tea while chatting, which is very comfortable. Quan Lianping said that he would like to convey the warm and relaxed feeling of tea to tourists.

Cao Minghua, a cadre stationed in the village, said in an interview that the village used to be a poor village, with imperfect infrastructure, uneven roads, and dilapidated houses. In recent years, through the "demolition of danger and chaos" to beautify the countryside, the development of rural tourism, villagers or open inns, or sell noodle tea, rice and other local cuisine, seeking "money scene".

Last year, Chinese officials named Fuba Village "2020 China's Beautiful Leisure Village", and the "Belt and Road' Beautiful Countryside Forum" was also held in the village.

Quan Lianhua, secretary of the Fuba Party Branch, said that today, the village has been built into a new type of beautiful village with good infrastructure, good living environment and good security services, and has also developed diversified industries such as walnuts, shiitake mushrooms, peppercorns, and Chinese medicinal materials at the same time to ensure that villagers "do not leave the land and employment without leaving home."

In Kang County, there are many beautiful villages like Fuba. Kang County is located in the south of the West Qinling Mountains, for more than ten years, the county has explored the project fund integration mechanism of "multiple channels into the water, a faucet out of the water, each stir-frying a dish, and a table for sharing", and all 350 administrative villages have been built into beautiful villages, and the villagers have also enjoyed the ecological dividend. (End)

Source: China News Network

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