
Who saved these old brands of Donglaishun and Quanjude?

author:Yong said

Speaking of "Quanjude" and "Donglaishun", people's minds will instantly appear fragrant, roast duck hanging in the oven and flowing oil, and tender shabu lamb next to the winter hot pot. They are also one of the most famous "old brands", and they have experienced many storms and waves until now.

It is not only necessary to have a food that can stand the test of people's taste buds, but also to have a good business that can withstand the test. In everyone's impression, the "old brand" is always bright and glamorous, and it seems that the prosperity has not changed for a hundred years. What everyone may not know is that at the beginning of the founding of the country, the old brands had encountered crises.

What kind of crisis did they encounter at that time? Who saved "Quanjude" and "Donglaishun" so that we can still see these ancient shops?

Who saved these old brands of Donglaishun and Quanjude?

Great men and old-fashioned brands

The story begins with a public-private partnership, there is more than one long-established shop in the public-private partnership, and the most serious crisis is Donglaishun. How serious is it?

So serious that the People's Daily deliberately wrote a long report of 5,000 words to attack Donglaishun's mutton for its taste, which is equivalent to the length of a small paper, which shows the depth of people's love and responsibility. Although the great man once said that the People's Daily is a third-rate newspaper, this article is indeed written with a sense of truth.

The article uses the technique of contrast, talks about the contrast between the present and the past of Donglaishun, discusses where the present of Donglaishun is worse than in the past, and also sets off the unsatisfactory of Donglaishun through the reaction of the citizens. This is a big problem. In the past, Donglaishun was so good, so why is it not good now? Is there something wrong with the PPP?

Who saved these old brands of Donglaishun and Quanjude?

Although Donglaishun is just a restaurant with a good business, it represents the daily life of the people of Beijing. In that era of alternating old and new, people were inherently insecure. It is easy to go on the line, is the lamb not delicious, because it should not be reformed, or not, we still have lamb to eat! No, no, no, no, no

At this thought, society began to be turbulent, and the foundation of the country moved. In fact, it is because the people's material life is not rich enough, so lamb is people's daily life, daily life is not good, naturally it is easy to diverge. At first glance, this is not okay, this is also a deviation that occurred in the process of reform, and it cannot be omitted like this.

Therefore, when listening to the report of the person in charge of the Handicraft Administration, the great man said: "Always maintain and carry forward the quality and characteristics of time-honored brands such as Donglaishun." He also famously said: "The lamb of 'socialism' should be better than the lamb of 'capitalism'." ”

Who saved these old brands of Donglaishun and Quanjude?

This remark was taken seriously, and it began to truly regard the protection of the quality of long-established goods as an important task. The taste of the old brands has also returned to the previous level.

Nature always emphasizes the survival of the fittest, and the same is true of social Darwinism, but are the things that have disappeared really meaningless and should be eliminated? not necessarily. Animals that live peacefully in nature would not have been extinct so quickly if it were not for human hunting.

Normal biological chains will not disrupt the ecological balance, but people will use their absolute advantages to treat biological chains as a child's play. The same is true of society, if it is only for the reason of artificial repression, rather than being eliminated for the development of the times, then the mistake should not be the eliminated but the people who live in the past, they are suppressing the vigorous development of living things.

People should give this part of the thing appropriate protection.

Who saved these old brands of Donglaishun and Quanjude?

The reason for the crisis

Although the great men provided protection for the old brands, what was the real reason for the problems of the old brands at that time? It really has something to do with reform. Reform needs to be explored, so some mistakes are inevitable, not to mention problems that arise in the corners of the unnoticed corners.

In the words of the leader, it is: "There is a 'Donglaishun' in Beijing, and the shabu lamb is very famous, but it is not delicious now." Why? It's because we changed its rules so easily. It originally used only thirty-five to forty-two pounds of small-tailed sheep, and this kind of sheep, the meat is quite tender.

We now give it to goats, old sheep also give it, frozen lamb also gives it, how can shabu lamb be delicious? The original price of lamb was a piece of two corners and eight, and after the joint venture, it was the same as that of the general shop, all reduced to one piece and eight, saying that it was for the people and for the consumer. In this way, it also uses the lamb that should not have been used as shabu, of course, it is not as good as the original. ”

Who saved these old brands of Donglaishun and Quanjude?

Simply put, it's a matter of cost. After the public-private partnership, the price of sale was also unified. In order to reduce costs, the ingredients can only be changed like other stores, and the way the ingredients are handled and cooked has also changed. This is equivalent to letting Donglaishun disappear into the "shop", and what is special about Donglaishun that has lost its characteristics?

And this is just the case of the Donglaishun family. At that time, old brands like Wang Mazi and Quanjude also had more or less such problems. Therefore, the later "old-fashioned" protection policies are protecting their particularity.

This is true of shops, and it is actually true of people. Find your own strengths, not lose your own characteristics in order to compare yourself with others. Isn't that enough to be yourself? Nor is it. The first is to recognize their own positioning, and then to determine their own strengths and weaknesses, to make the most of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, and to overcome their shortcomings as much as possible, so as not to let their shortcomings drag down their own development in the future.

When writing business reports, market positioning is an important part, catering to market demand, the ideal state of opening up the market is carried out without abandoning the original market. On the road to job hunting, it is also necessary to choose a suitable type of position, rather than looking at other people's eyes and discarding their original possibilities at will, so that they can be homogenized with others.

Who saved these old brands of Donglaishun and Quanjude?

The old brand is only "old"

After the "old-fashioned" public-private partnership crisis was resolved, they maintained their own characteristics and developed for many years. However, the time has been adjusted to the present, and the "old brands" are once again facing a huge crisis, taking Quanjude as an example, which has lost more than 90 million yuan this year due to the impact of the epidemic. "Old brand" is now only synonymous with "old" in people's eyes.

The current "old brands" are once again facing a huge crisis because of the changes of the times. When it comes to the old brand is expensive, the price is not equal to the physical object, under the impact of the market environment, the quality advantage of the "old brand" is not obvious, and the price is not advantageous compared with other brands.

Although the only brand advantage can rely on the tourism industry to bring some business, but the long-term bad reputation in the era of information explosion can not be hidden at all, the store online store to give a bad review, no e-commerce platform on social media complaints, in the end someone can see. It can be said that the crisis facing the current "old brands" comes from their own derailment from the times.

Who saved these old brands of Donglaishun and Quanjude?

Quanjude launched takeaway, and Tongrentang sold coffee. The "old brands" have been seeking changes, hoping to get rid of the current crisis that is difficult to return. In fact, the biggest problem is still in the word of mouth, the same price, other restaurants eat more, but also better. Why go to a "long-established" shop to be angry with the high-ranking shopkeeper.

The signs that the great man personally protected were regarded as gold medals for avoiding death, and one by one they became the indisputable children of the imperial relatives and relatives. How much effort will the "old brands" smash the brands themselves to save?

It is okay to save once, it is okay to save twice, but the helping hand of others is not always effective. God only saves those who save themselves, and if there is no self-help, it is difficult to save anyone. And the of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest. Little by little, the collapse seems to be just a thin crack, but when something happens, it is the whole store and even the entire industry that carries the pot together.

Who saved these old brands of Donglaishun and Quanjude?

Protection is not a reason to be a blessing in disguise, nor is it a reason to stagnate. The eyes of the masses are shining. What should not be eliminated will not be eliminated, and those who should be eliminated cannot escape. Although the history witnessed by these old shopkeepers is very precious, if it is really impossible to save in the end, it is also a great regret, but the alternation of the old and the new in the world has no emotion to talk about.

The history of physical objects may be preserved, but things that are used as practical objects are too backward and will only bring inconvenience to people who are now alive. When only research value remains for a thing, that is, it should be eliminated.

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