
Foreign Office: Democracy should not be a taste of Coca-Cola worldwide

author:Overseas network

Source: China Net

Foreign Office: Democracy should not be a taste of Coca-Cola worldwide

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on October 19, at today's regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin responded to the US initiative to hold a "Leaders' Democracy Summit", saying that democracy should not disregard the vast differences in the history, culture, social system, and development stage of the world, and try to turn democracy into Coca-Cola, a country produces raw pulp, and the whole world has a taste.

At the meeting, a reporter asked a question, in response to the United States' initiative to hold a "leaders' democracy summit", Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said a few days ago that the United States is bound to invite self-identified democracies, in essence, to use the Cold War mentality to divide the international community into the camp of enemies and enemies. What is China's comment on this?

"I have noted relevant reports and believe that Foreign Minister Lavrov is very reasonable." Wang Wenbin said that democracy is not a slogan. We should not borrow the aura of "democracy" to hide the problems in our own governance and allow our own people to pay a heavy price because of racial discrimination, social rift, and the division between the rich and the poor.

Wang Wenbin further said that democracy is not dogma. Regardless of the vast differences in the history, culture, social system and development stage of the world, we should not try to turn democracy into Coca-Cola, one country produces the original pulp, and the whole world has a taste, depriving each country of the right and freedom to explore its own democratic path.

Wang Wenbin stressed: Democracy is not a cover for promoting hegemony. In the name of democracy, ideologies and values should not be used as tools to suppress other countries and advance geostrategy, inciting division and confrontation at the international level and pushing the world back to the dangerous cold war era.

Wang Wenbin said that what is urgently needed in the world today is not to convene the so-called "democratic summit" or to establish any "democratic alliance", but to abide by the norms governing international relations based on the CHARTER of the United Nations, strengthen global coordination and cooperation, work together to cope with global challenges such as the epidemic and climate change, and jointly promote the cause of human progress.

Wang Wenbin pointed out that if we stir up estrangement and division and incite confrontation under the banner of democracy, it will be a trampling on and betrayal of the democratic spirit and democratic values, and will only bring turmoil and chaos to the world and undermine human peace and development. This is bound to be met with resistance and opposition from the international community.

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