
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"

author:Passion Lamb Q6

Photo: Dai Enping,

The author is a retired member of the postal unit and a student of Yutai County University for the Elderly. Members of the Calligraphy and Painting Association, the Literary Composition Association, and other members are sixty-nine years old this year, and they are busy every day. Writing, painting, photography, paper cutting for collection, wearing "five old volunteers" and "civilization created with you and me" red vest, wearing volunteer Little Red Riding Hood, as an elderly volunteer. Every day, I am constantly busy interviewing the scene, like a small bee, flying around to collect some works in the flowers. Jointly share works and send them to various platforms. Everyone shares the good mood of appreciation, which is a little dedication of mine.

The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"

Not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tiredness, the wind and wind tremble every day, many friends and people persuade me, you do this picture of what, I do not want to name and not to make profits, only want everyone to like my work in a good mood, good health and fun. This is the author's whole energy.

The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"

Carry forward the "five old spirit" model figures as an example. In his later years, he studied the heroic models such as Guo Mingyi, Yin Shushan, Xie Liting, Jian Zhaofei, and their advanced deeds.

< >, the spirit of the "five olds"

Guo Mingyi, male, Han ethnicity, born in December 1958, anshan native of Liaoning, joined the Communist Party of China in June 1980, joined the work in 1977, graduated from the Central Party School, won the National May Day Labor Medal, and was a special labor model in Liaoning Province. Since he started working as a stope road administrator in 1996, he has worked 2 hours a day in advance, and in 15 years, he has donated more than 15,000 hours of work, which is equivalent to five years of work, and his co-workers call him "Guo Bodhisattva" Living Lei Feng.

The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"

In 1990, Qidashan Iron Ore called on employees to donate blood voluntarily, and he learned that the blood they donated could save the lives of others, but the blood bank was often insufficient. Since then, he has insisted on unpaid blood donation every year, sometimes twice a year, without interruption. In 2005, Guo Mingyi opened another platelet donation, starting with the extraction of one unit of platelets from 800 millimeters, and then gradually increasing to two units of platelets extracted from 1600 ml.

The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"

Donate once a month, and have donated more than 40 times. According to reports, an adult weighing 75 kilograms, the whole body blood is about 6200 ml, as of the first half of 2010, Guo Mingyi has donated 60,000 ml of blood, (an average of 1,l liters per blood donation, 2,7 times a year), equivalent to more than 10 times the total blood volume of his body. In December 2008, Guo Mingyi won the "National Blood Donation Donation Gold Award" issued by the Ministry of Health. On March 2, more than 100 employees of "Qi Mine" participated in unpaid blood donation, and the total amount of blood donated reached more than 20,000 milliliters. The blood donation of so many people at one time completely exceeded the expectations of the blood station in the center of Anshan, and the staff of the blood station were very moved. Such a large-scale blood donation, Guo Mingyi organized more than 10 times, the cumulative blood donation reached more than 100,000 milliliters. In 2008, the first "Unpaid Blood Donation Volunteer Service Team" in Anshan City was established, and Guo Mingyi was elected as the team leader.

The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"

Supporting underprivileged children:

In 1994, Guo Mingyi watched a short tv clip of the Hope Project Office of the Anshan Youth League Municipal Committee calling on children who were still on the verge of falling out of school to donate funds to fund schooling, and the children's eager eyes deeply stung him. For the first time, Guo Mingyi donated 200 yuan to a boy in Shanyuyan Manchu Autonomous County. A few days later, a thank-you note was placed on Mr. Guo's desk.

As a volunteer of the five elders, the author should carry forward the "spirit of the five elders" and do more good deeds. Good deeds, to Lei Feng, Wang Jie and other heroes as an example, earnestly study.

The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"

(National Lei Feng pacesetter Guo Mingyi),

The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"

(Title of National Bookhouse: Jian Zhaofei, Librarian of Rural Bookstore, is now a villager in Jianwa Village, Qinghe, Yutai County.) )

The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"
The story behind the two red vests of "Five Old Volunteers" and "Civilization Creation Has You and Me"

June 10, 2021.

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