
Yunyang Historical Exploration: The Legend of the Qingqu Old King's Palace

author:Qin Chu issue number

Text/Yang Zhenglin Editor/Yun Yang Issue No

Laojundian is located in the Sibaoshan area of Quyuanhedian, Qingqu Town, Yunyang District, Shiyan City, forty miles west of the ancient Yunyang Province (now the central urban area of Yunyang District). According to historical records, the Old Jundian was built at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. From the Ming and Qing dynasties to the end of the Republic of China, there have been many repairs and expansions, the largest scale of the establishment covers an area of about one square kilometer, the main hall building by the front hall, the apse, the east and west side halls of the four parts, the main hall enshrines including Lao Tzu and Confucius including the seventy-two statues of various gods, ancient times known as the first hall of the three provinces, there are many unknown legends in history.

Yunyang Historical Exploration: The Legend of the Qingqu Old King's Palace

The Qing Dynasty Xianfeng three-year old jundian rebuilt the inscription


Old King's Hall,

The temple is dedicated to the gods.

The bell rings,

Pendulum case,

Pilgrims kneel on a large piece.

Burn high incense,

Snort your head,

Lao Jun said his wish in front of him.

Do good deeds,

Do more good,

Pray for blessings and peace.

...... ......

This is a folk song that has been sung for hundreds of years. Today, the Four Treasures Mountain is still there, and the Old Jundian of the First Hall of the Three Provinces has disappeared into the smoke of history, and only the distant folk songs and the ruins and walls of the Great Hall still sing the legendary story of the Old Jundian endlessly.


The Sibaoshan Mountains are the remnants of the southern extension of the Qinling Mountains, starting from the southwestern end of Yun, then running south through the town of Qingqu in Yun County, to the north bank of the Han River, stretching for more than 100 miles, and the famous Quyuan River flows around its feet from north to south. Because the terrain in the area is north of the Qinling Mountains and south of the Han River Valley, it is known as "Qinfeng Churui" and "Yong Portal", which is the main road connecting Shangluo, adjacent to Shaanxi, and distant from Jingxiang in the old days. It has the reputation of "Wanchongshan Mountain And Mountain Air Transport", "Wuding in Shu Dao, Wuling Taoyuan". Qingqu Town, where Sibaoshan is located, was once an important economic and cultural distribution center in Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi regions, and a link linking the political, economic and cultural development of the eastern and western regions. The geographical environment of the surrounding mountains and the living environment of the river and the gradual reduction of the geomorphological characteristics of the northern mountainous areas to the central Han River valley have formed a unique pattern of geological mountain water resources with longitudinal valleys, forested gangs, vast fields, and both mountains and basins. The Old King's Hall is located on the main peak of the Four Treasures Mountain.

According to historical records, the Old Jundian was built at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. From the Ming and Qing dynasties to the end of the Republic of China, there have been many repairs and expansions, the largest scale of the establishment covers an area of about one square kilometer, the main hall building by the front hall, the apse, the east and west side halls of the four parts, the main hall enshrines including Lao Tzu and Confucius including the seventy-two statues of various gods, the gods are divided into clay sculptures, pottery, wood and copper, of which the statue of Lao Jun is made of copper, one point five meters high, weighs about sixty-five kilograms, and there is a stone incense burner with a strange structure in front of the statue. Lao Jun's god was like a fairy wind Dao bone, and his posture was ethereal. Its Taoist style of being quiet and inactive, avoiding the world, transcending things, and not being trapped by the world is about to come out. The side hall enshrines the tablets of 111 virtuous men of the past. Under the ancient tree in front of the hall hangs a bronze bell about 100 centimeters high and about 70 centimeters in diameter. There is a saying that "the cigarettes are continuous, the bells are endless". During the Ming and Qing dynasties, when incense was flourishing, pilgrims from the three provinces of Eyu and Shaanxi gathered from all directions. The Old King's Hall was once revered as the "First Hall of the Three Provinces".

Yunyang Historical Exploration: The Legend of the Qingqu Old King's Palace

The old king's hall weighs more than 100 kilograms of giant stone incense burner


   At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, in order to meet their growing material needs, the rulers continued to collect various taxes from the people, especially the Han people were particularly oppressed. Therefore, the Han people rose up in various forms to resist the tyrannical rule of the Yuan Dynasty, and in the second year of Taiding, that is, in 1352 AD, The Henan Zhao Ugly And Guo Bodhisattva rose up at the junction of Henan and Hubei to resist the tyranny of the bitter officials, and were later brutally suppressed. Among them, the three Wu brothers led a small peasant army to break through the siege in the bloody battle, and then turned to fight in today's Biyang and went all the way west through today's Tanghe and Neixiang, turning south into Dengzhou, folding northwest to Huaichuan, crossing today's Shaanxi border into Shangnan, where they were blocked and severely damaged, and the last three brothers took the remnants to the south, along the southern extension of the Qinling Mountains into northwest Hubei, and along the mountain all the way south to the Phoenix Mountain in the territory of Qingqu in Yun County, which is now the Four Treasure Mountain. The three brothers traveled all the way, long and tired. One day, day after day, the three brothers were hungry and fell asleep on the ground. However, the eldest brother tossed and turned and fell asleep and could not ,——— think of that year, since he was forced to have no way, the blood covenant was in trouble, the sword and light sword shadow, the blood rain and the wind, the death was escaped, and he had been uprooted from his hometown for more than three years. But now, at present, he is still naked, hungry, and without a place to stand, so it is difficult to predict life and death, and pessimistic and world-weary emotions rush to the heart, looking up to the sky and pitying: Heavens, where is the heavenly reason? ......。 Dreaming in a trance: Lao JunDao people floated in and said, "Man Law Land, Earth Law Heaven, Heaven Law Dao, Dao Law Nature, Dao Ke Dao, Extraordinary Way", "Where Misfortune and Blessing Depend, Where Blessings and Misfortunes Lie", "Old Dao Goes South to Wudang, Has Passed Through This Mountain Many Times...", Yunyun. Lao Dao said while pointing to the head of the eldest brother, he also said, "This is a treasure land, you can set up a temple to preach, and it is enough to do things..." When the eldest brother woke up, his head was in great pain, and when he stood up, he found that there was a large round bluestone under his head, and there were two clearly visible footprints on the stone. At this point, the eldest brother Daigo was empowered, and Mao Sai suddenly opened up and suddenly realized. On the third day of March of that year, the three Wu brothers, with the full support of the local people, took the initiative to raise funds to build a temple in Sibaoshan, known as the "Old Jundian". And cast a bronze statue of Lao Jun, and used the large circular bluestone that Left Footprints when Lao Jun passed south to stop here as a base. The statue of Lao Jun is enshrined in the middle of the main hall and accepted by the world for several hundred years.

  According to legend, when the temple was first built, there were only three statues of gods with "Three Qing Zun Gods" in the hall, namely Daode Tianzun, Yuan Shi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun. "Sanqing" is a collective name for the three supreme gods that Taoism worships. These three supreme gods refer to: "Jade Qingjing Qingwei Tianyuan Shi Tianzun, ShangqingJing Yu Yu Tianling Bao Tianzun, Taiqing Realm Great Red Heaven Daode Tianzun." Among them, the so-called Jade Qing Realm, Shangqing Realm, and Taiqing Realm are the differences between the immortal realms in which they live, the Qingwei Heaven, the Yu Yu Heaven, and the Great Red Heaven are the divisions of the Heavenly Realms that are unified, and the meaning of Tianzun is that the supreme being of the Extreme Dao is the supreme being, so it is called Tianzun.

  Daode Tianzun, or Taishang Laojun, is the supreme deity enshrined in Taoism. It has always been worshipped by the world's faith, and the reason why the eldest brother of the Wu clan dreamed of the old jun may be because he had thought about it every day.

  Lao Jun and Lao Tzu, also known as Lao Ye (老聃), Li Er (李耳), and Zi Boyang (伯阳), were people from Qurenli (曲仁里, in present-day Luyi County, Henan Province). Legend has it that the mother was born in the seventy-second year of her pregnancy, and when she was born, she was white-haired and pale, so she was called "Lao Tzu". In fact, Lao Tzu was a great philosopher and thinker and founder of the Taoist school in ancient China. Posthumously recognized as the ancestor by the Tang Emperor, Emperor Gaozong of Tang personally visited Luyi to pay homage to Him, and named Laozi the "Emperor Xuanyuan of Taishang", and Emperor Wuhou of the Tang Dynasty was named Taishang Laojun, who was originally a thinker and founder of the Taoist school in the Spring and Autumn Period. On the occasion of Emperor Ming and Emperor Zhang of the Eastern Han Dynasty (58-88), Yizhou Taishou Wang Fu composed the "Monument to the Virgin of Lao Tzu" Yun: "Lao Tzu, Dao ye." Born before the invisible, before the beginning of the taichu, walking in the element of the Taisu, floating in the six voids, going in and out of the netherworld, looking at the mixture of the undifferentiated, peeping into the clouds. The deification of Lao Tzu as a divine object of heaven and earth is equivalent to the "Tao." During the reign of Emperor Shun (126-144), Zhang Ling founded wudou rice road in Heming Mountain, Bashu, that is, he worshipped Laozi as his leader. According to legend, Zhang Ling's "Notes on Lao Tzu's Thoughts" written during his missionary sermons said: "One is also the Tao. One is outside the heavens and the earth, and one is in the heavens and the earth, but the intercourse is in the middle of the human ear. A scattered form is qi, a poly form is Taishang Laojun, Changzhi Kunlun, or words are nothing, or words are natural, or words are nameless, all have the same ear. For the first time, the name of Taishang Laojun appeared in the Dao Book. By the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the name of Taishang Laojun had become apparent. In May of the third year of the northern Zhou Dynasty Emperor Jiande, "the two religions of Buddhism and Taoism were first severed, and the statues were destroyed, and shamened and Daoist monks were dismissed, and the people were ordered to be returned." According to the Taoist Book, at that time, Taishang Laojun sent an apparition. After a month, Emperor Wu immediately issued another edict: "The Dao is deep, the mixture is endless, the body is empty, and the reason is extremely mysterious." Now the passage can be established to view the capital city, and it is advisable to expound it and be consistent. "It shows that at that time, it had already begun to use the Taishang Laojun to interfere in the government. To tang, the will of the Taishang Laojun was even more prosperous. He was not only enshrined as the ancestor of the Li Tang Dynasty, but also helped Li Yuan, the high ancestor of the Tang Dynasty, to stabilize the world, and it is said that when Wu Zetian usurped the Li Tang Dynasty, he appeared to the world, saying that "Wu Hou cannot be revolutionary" and "must not establish a different surname." ...... Empress Wu was also afraid of this in the end, and did not dare to think twice about wu." Therefore, during the Tianbao period, Emperor Xuanzong finally gave him the honorific title of "Great Saint Ancestor Gao Shang Jin Que Xuanyuan Emperor". "Fengshen Yanyi" was written by the Ming Dynasty, which is a novel of gods and demons, based on the wuwang's cutting of the silk. The gods and demons are attached at will, mainly divided into exposition, interception, exposition and teaching, and interception of teachings. So Taishang Laojun (Lao Tzu) is included.

  There are countless legends about Lao Tzu in history, all due to his special and legendary identity. For thousands of years, the Chinese nation has been blessed by Lao Tzu's philosophical ideas, his spirit and Taoism have become our faith, and it is not surprising that his idols have been enshrined in the Old King's Hall of the Four Treasures Mountain by posterity.

Yunyang Historical Exploration: The Legend of the Qingqu Old King's Palace

Inscription of the Old King's Palace


  Because the Sibaoshan Laojun Hall is located on the main road of transportation, it is the throat that guards the west of Yun to Yunyang Province, so it has always been a place where soldiers and families must fight. For hundreds of years, not only the incense of the Old King's Palace has been continuous, but also the smoke of war has also been filled here. During the Liberation War, the first shot of the liberation of Yunyang Province was fired at the Old Emperor's Palace in Sibaoshan.

  At the end of June 1946, the Kuomintang ruling clique headed by Chiang Kai-shek launched a full-scale civil war and launched an offensive against various liberated areas throughout the country. Chen Geng and Xie Fuzhi corps were the Taiyue corps of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Liberation Army. On August 22, 1947, the corps crossed the Yellow River from the Pinglu and Yuanqu areas of southern Jin and advanced into western Henan. On November 10, he successfully crossed the Danjiang River. After the Thirty-fourth Regiment liberated the county seat of Yunxi County, the liberation of Yunxi gave great encouragement to the people of Yunxian County, and the underground party organization in Yunyang sent people to Yunxi to make contact with the plaster troops of the People's Liberation Army, and informed and reported the information on the heavy garrison of the Kuomintang in Yunyang and other defensive information. At that time, the reactionary army was guarding the Old King's Palace. In order to paralyze the enemy stationed in the Old Emperor's Palace, our army vigorously publicized the atmosphere of New Year's Day in Yunxi, displaying lights and colorful lights, rehearsing programs, practicing gongs and drums, and purchasing meat and vegetables. It gave the illusion that the troops were going to spend a lively New Year's Day in Yunxi. On the evening of December 29, the thirty-fourth and thirty-sixth regiments of our Twelfth Brigade set out from Yunxi in two ways, and at dawn on the 30th, the thirty-fourth regiment of our army arrived at Qingqu, YunXian County, after a march of seventy miles, and the second and third battalions suddenly launched a fierce attack on the enemy entrenched in the Old Jundian Palace, and at once captured forty-eight enemy men and captured one small steel cannon and forty-nine rifles. As a result, more than 500 defenders who tried to resist stubbornly and fought to the death actually scattered birds and beasts, and after the remaining enemies of the security brigade lit the last beacon in history on the ancient beacon platform behind the Old King's Palace, they retreated to Yunyang City in a panic and then escaped the Han River. That evening, the battle of our army to cross the river began. At dawn, our army and its ships stopped at the west of the Small River in Dayan and began to cross the river here on a large scale, but the fleeing enemy had already escaped to Junxian County through Shiyan. Yun County was liberated.

  During the Great Revolution, the Old King's Hall of Sibaoshan was once the transportation liaison station of the underground organization of our Party. Many important party activities were once carried out in secret here. At that time, Jueyuan Daochang was the secret liaison officer of the Communist Underground Organization. One night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and the underground party organization held an organizational meeting in the Laojun Hall, but the wind leaked out, at that time, the head of the Jueyuan Dao was outside the palace to let the wind out for the party organization, the Kuomintang agent rushed into the hall with a gun, the chief of the Jueyuan Road cleverly overturned the incense burner, and the members of the party group retreated safely, but the head of the Jueyuan Road was cruelly lit by the Kuomintang agent. The surrounding people learned of the situation, raised funds to buy a coffin, and buried the old dao chief. The story of Kyaw Yuen-do's dedication to the elder is still a good story. Lao Jundian was once also set up as the Township Office of the Kuomintang and later the Sanxiang Township Office. Before and after liberation, there was also a school here.

Yunyang Historical Exploration: The Legend of the Qingqu Old King's Palace

Ruins of the Old King's Hall


  Although the Old King's Hall has experienced disasters, there are still a large number of precious cultural relics that have been preserved. When Xianfeng was presided over by the governor of Jueming Dao, the people of the four directions raised funds to repair the stele of the main hall, and the inscription of more than 500 words recorded the grand situation of fundraising at that time; the peculiar stone cylindrical paper money stove (also known as the incense burner), thick and thin, with a diameter of forty centimeters on the top and thirty centimeters in diameter at the bottom, with a ventilation opening on the side, and an incense ash passage running through the middle; such as stone millstones, tall stone steles, stone house components, brick tiles and a large number of precious cultural relics were scattered deep in the sibao mountain. In addition, there are Jue Ming, Jue Yuan, and nine elders of the Old Jundian Temple, and 12 Dao Chiefs are also buried in the back mountain of the Laojun Hall.

  History entered 1958 AD, and a vigorous steel smelting movement surged up. On the Four Treasures Mountain, this old palace, which carries the good wishes of the people of li people in the three provinces with a history of 500 to 600 years and generations of the previous dynasty, was ruthlessly razed to the ground overnight. The incense on the Old King's Hall and its thick history disappeared into the brilliant steel flowers of the iron furnace, and only the ruined walls and the Daoist abbots who are still buried on the mountain behind the Old King's Hall are still listening to the endless legends and the long folk songs.

   Old King's Hall,

   For the gods,

    But please be safe!

    …… ……

Today, standing at the foot of the Four Treasures Mountain, looking up at the ruins of the Old King's Hall, the melodious bells seem to reverberate over the Great Hall through historical time and space!

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