
My two-faced mother-in-law scared my son away, and my granddaughter cried and frightened me

author:Love is in the current 168
My two-faced mother-in-law scared my son away, and my granddaughter cried and frightened me


As soon as I entered the room, I saw Wu Zhifeng sitting on the sofa, his face black.

In the past six months, Wu Zhifeng has not smiled at home.

I sighed, my mother-in-law has been taking care of the children for half a year, but other people's homes are full of contradictions between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

I was caught in the middle and in a dilemma.


I poured a glass of water and handed it to Wu Zhifeng. Wu Zhifeng grabbed my hand and prayed, "Wife, can you send Yue Yue to kindergarten?" ”

Yue is our daughter, only one and a half years old. It's too early to go to kindergarten.

Although the kindergarten is now monitored, it is still not assured.

Seeing my hesitation, Wu Zhifeng suggested: "Otherwise, let's find a nanny." If we weren't at ease, we would install a monitor at home and I would stare at my phone. ”

"Let me think."

I knew that Wu Zhifeng wanted to send her mother-in-law away, but Yue Yue needed someone to take care of her.

There is no way to be both satisfying and satisfying. The contradiction between Wu Zhifeng and her mother-in-law really made me angry.


I am a unresponsive person. At first, I didn't notice that Wu Zhifeng rejected his mother-in-law.

When I was pregnant, I had a big reaction during pregnancy. When I had a baby at home, Wu Zhifeng took my mother to take care of me.

He said to me, "No matter how good my mother-in-law is, I don't have my own mother at home."

In the days when my mother came, Wu Zhifeng was smiling every day. As long as he was at home, he never let my mother get tired and rushed to do everything. He gave my mom 5,000 yuan a month and said he was filial to her money, but she had to accept it.


After Yue Yue was born, my mother left to take care of Yue Yue.

Until half a year ago, my sister-in-law gave birth to a big fat boy, and there was no old man to help her, so my mother was ready to go back and take her grandchildren.

Knowing that his mother was leaving, Wu Zhifeng proposed to find a nanny to take care of Yue Yue.

But during that time, the news of the nanny's child abuse kept coming and going, and I was very uneasy. My mother also said, "No matter how good outsiders are, they are not as good as their own homes."

I asked Wu Zhifeng to invite her mother-in-law to her hometown.

Wu Zhifeng hesitated for a long time, and finally took his mother-in-law from his hometown according to what I said.


My mother-in-law was a rural woman in her fifties, with a round face, always smiling, easygoing and approachable.

The neighbors liked her, praised my mother-in-law for her kindness and good character, and said that I was blessed.

At home, the mother-in-law treated me very well, whispered softly and took care of us every day. When I got home, she and I rushed to do housework, and I didn't mean to make her tired, I wanted to let her rest.

The mother-in-law always smiled and waved her hand: "No, you young people are more tired at work for a day."

Where can you find such a good mother-in-law? I privately expressed my feelings to Wu Zhifeng: "My mother-in-law is so good. There is no mother-in-law contradiction that others are worried about. You are happy. ”

Wu Zhifeng listened and did not comment.


After my mother-in-law came home, I was very comfortable, but Wu Zhifeng did not smile and came home later and later. When asked, she was working overtime.

I felt that his work was very stressful, so I advised him to relax, think about his daughter and home, and then he had a future.

Wu Zhifeng wanted to talk and stopped, I asked, he only shook his head and did not say anything.

One day, Wu Zhifeng did not go home to eat. I called and said he was working overtime.

After hanging up the phone, I sighed and my mother-in-law asked me what was wrong.

I didn't think much about it, only that Wu Zhifeng worked overtime all day and was worried that his body couldn't stand it.

The mother-in-law did not reply after listening.


It was late at night, and Wu Zhifeng had not yet returned home, so Yue Yue and I went to bed.

I don't know how long I slept, but I was woken up by the noise outside the door. I pricked up my ears and heard a faint voice outside the door, as if arguing.

I quietly walked to the door and stuck it to the door, and heard Wu Zhifeng and my mother-in-law pressing their throats, and my mother-in-law was cursing Wu Zhifeng.

I think, it's terrible. It may be that the mother-in-law misunderstood because of my complaints at night. Wu Zhifeng was tired all day and had to be scolded, which was not worth it.

I quickly opened the door and tried to explain.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw my mother-in-law and Wu Zhifeng standing in the living room. My mother-in-law's face is long, her eyebrows are upside down, and her face is horribly dark.


The first time I saw my mother-in-law like this, I was scared to take a step back and felt dazzled.

When my mother-in-law saw me come out, she closed her eyes and resumed her round smile. Vincent asked me, "How did you get up?"

I felt like I was dreaming. I muttered two words and said, "I'll get up and drink water."

My mother-in-law quickly poured me a glass of water and handed it to me. The cup left me a little overwhelmed.

Back in the room, I was in a bad mood, so I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Wu Zhifeng.

Not long after, I heard my mother-in-law enter her room, close the door, and Wu Zhifeng came in with his head bowed.

I took Wu Zhifeng and asked him to tell me the truth.


Wu Zhifeng sighed. It turned out that he did not work overtime during this time. He didn't go home, just to hide from his mother-in-law.

Wu Zhifeng said that his mother-in-law has been very strict with him since he was a child. She always said, "Loving mother is a loser!"

Wu Zhifeng grew up with scolding and sticks. In his heart, he was more afraid and rejected his mother-in-law.

With Yue Yue, he wants to be his father. For the sake of the child, his mother-in-law will change, but the mother-in-law does not know how to talk to him normally, and it is a reprimand.

I find it incredible. Every day I come home from work and see my mother's filial piety. Is it acting?

Wu Zhifeng sighed and said, "My mother-in-law is very kind to him in front of people." Whenever no one saw this place, the mother-in-law was accustomed to teaching him how to behave with a sad face. ”。

In the eyes of his mother-in-law, Wu Zhifeng should always knock.

This time, because she was dissatisfied with Wu Zhifeng's overtime, her mother-in-law felt that it was Wu Zhifeng's fault, and it seemed that she could not teach her son, so she blocked the door at night and waited for him to come back and reprimand.


Listening to Wu Zhifeng's description, I remembered the face I had just seen my mother-in-law, and my heart trembled.

I really didn't expect to see my mother-in-law's black face for half a year. Wu Zhifeng hesitated for a moment: "She should like you."

After listening, I felt a little happy. Judging from Wu Zhifeng's description, my mother-in-law is a harsh person and is liked by harsh people, which shows that I am very good.

I suggest Wu Zhifeng put up with it. When Yue Yue was three years old, she could go to kindergarten and send her mother-in-law back.

After all, there is no mother who does not love her children.

It's just that my mother-in-law was wrong. I want to use this time to ease their mother-child relationship.


After that, I came home from work every day, picked vegetables with my mother-in-law, cooked, and chatted. If nothing happens, I will praise Wu Zhifeng for his ability to work and be responsible for his family.

The mother-in-law listened with a smile and said nothing.

But Wu Zhifeng's mood was getting worse and worse, and he often sighed when he slept. He said his mother-in-law was still the same, and he couldn't stand her dark face.

When his mother-in-law was at home, he didn't want to go home. He even took the initiative to apply to go out on a business trip for half a month. When he returned, Yue Yue did not recognize him.

Slowly, I feel that this home is a little different from a home. In the past, it was full of laughter and laughter. Now, it feels a little scary.

Yue Yue also became less lively, often sitting quietly in the corner playing with toys instead of making friends with adults.

Now, Wu Zhifeng begged me to let Yue Yue go to kindergarten or hire a nanny, just to get my mother-in-law to leave the house.

I asked Wu Zhifeng to give me some time to think about it.

I am very entangled, mother-in-law, husband, daughter, how do I balance the three sides to make everyone comfortable?


To that end, I stayed up all night, tossing and turning, keeping my eyes open until dawn.

Two days later, my eyes turned red.

Seeing that something was wrong with me, the leader asked me to go home and rest. I felt bored and went home very early with no delay.

Every day at 4 p.m., the mother-in-law would take Yue Yue to the activity center in the community to play.

I went home and didn't see anyone, so I went into my room to rest, and then I lay down and heard Yue Yue crying.

"Tell you not to eat, tell you to eat, it's too disobedient."

My mother-in-law's spirits came out of the foyer. I jumped out of bed, but opened the door. I saw my mother-in-law with a black face, tearing Yue Yue's things, and Yue Yue cried bitterly.

I was frightened by my mother-in-law's dark face, only to see her eyebrows upside down, staring at Yue Yue, gritting her teeth and shouting: "Shut up, don't cry!"


Heartbroken, I trembled, rushed over, picked up Yue Yue, went back to my room, and closed the door.

I remember what Wu Zhifeng said. The psychological shadow of his childhood came from his mother-in-law.

No wonder Yue Yue didn't like to laugh now, but always played quietly in the corner.

Behind the people, my mother-in-law's face was so terrible. I was afraid of such a stern mother.

I called Wu Zhifeng and told him to come back soon.

Soon, Wu Zhifeng and his mother-in-law had an argument in the living room.

It turned out that the mother-in-law took Yue Yue out to play, and the child next to her was eating lollipops. Yue Yue was greedy, and she looked at her eagerly, letting her mouth suck.

The child's parents handed Yue Yue a lollipop, and the mother-in-law did not refuse, letting Yue Yue eat a few bites. Back home, Yue Yue was still clutching the sugar, and the mother-in-law thought that Yue Yue had a little cough these two days, so she grabbed it hard.

The mother-in-law said, "I am for her own good!"

Wu Zhifeng: "You are good to her, you should not accept other people's sugar in the first place."

Mother-in-law: "What do you know?" For foreigners, we should be polite and not do anything to our children. ”

"So you've been beating me like this since you were a kid?"

"You can only become a talent if you rely on me." Do you dare to be ungrateful? ”

"Yue Yue is a girl after all, you can be so nice to Li Li."

"How can it be the same? Yue Yue's surname is Wu. I only care about my Wu family, but I can't control others. ”


I couldn't hear the sounds outside. Before that, I thought my mother-in-law liked herself. In her eyes, I was just an outsider.

Being an outsider in the eyes of your mother-in-law is much happier than being a family member. At the very least, she could get a warm smile.

In her arms, Yue Yue was already crying tired, she was already asleep, two tears still hanging on her cheeks.

Adler said: "The lucky people will use childhood to heal their lives, and the unfortunate people will use their lives to heal their childhood."

I can't let Yue Yue follow Wu Zhifeng's old path and live in the shadow of childhood.

I decided to resign.


Wu Zhifeng and I sent our mother-in-law back to our hometown.

The mother-in-law insisted that she was right, because relatives and friends liked her, indicating that she had no problem doing things.

I knew I couldn't change the old man's mind. In order to take care of the mother-in-law's face, we announced the company's layoffs, and I was also laid off. I don't want to work for the time being, so I take care of the kids at home.

The mother-in-law did not trust her father-in-law to be at home alone, so she returned.

Every holiday, we are still the same, with children, go back to see the old people in big bags and small bags. The years have quieted down and everything is the same.

Wu Zhifeng sometimes looked at me guiltily: "I have wronged you."

Looking at Yue Yue's cheerful smile, I shook his hand and said, "It is enough for a family to be safe and stable."

Our biggest mistake every day is to be too polite to strangers and too harsh to those close to us.

Sometimes, we can't change others, but we can change ourselves.


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