
How do geraniums spend summer? The summer strategy should be put away, 4 key points, to help you survive the summer

author:Floating alley old people talk about flowers

Geranium is a very common flowering plant, it has many color choices, long flowering period, and the plant type is compact suitable for potted plants, especially suitable for friends who do not have a yard or terrace and want to raise flowering plants, the "gospel" of the balcony party, also known as the "feast of grass and flowers", raise several varieties at home, the flowering period is huge, the flower type of geranium is round and full, the leaves are shaped like horseshoe, the four seasons are lush and vibrant, many friends say that they don't like geranium, because it has a strange smell, but as long as you don't get close to smell, Or rub the leaves with your hands, this taste is really not worth mentioning compared to its appearance;

How do geraniums spend summer? The summer strategy should be put away, 4 key points, to help you survive the summer

Geranium has almost no difficulties in the maintenance process, and there are very few pests and diseases, the only thing to note is that it is relatively difficult to spend summer, geranium does not like high temperature environment, once it will enter the summer, it will become a "summer difficult household", so if you are a novice friend, do not start geraniums in summer, you can wait for the autumn weather to cool down before starting, otherwise it will be raised accidentally, if it is a friend who has already started, then the following summer strategy you must put it away, It can greatly improve its chances of successfully spending the summer;

How do geraniums spend summer? The summer strategy should be put away, 4 key points, to help you survive the summer

1. Conservation of the environment;

Geranium is most afraid of humid heat, if the maintenance environment temperature is high coupled with stuffy heat and no ventilation, it is easy to occur root rot or stem rot, so the summer maintenance environment is very important, first of all, must shade maintenance, the summer sun will be geranium's leaves directly sunburned, followed by a series of reactions, yellow leaves leaves, dry, etc., so summer to shade maintenance, south balcony can be transferred to the north balcony, in addition to shading, you also need to pay attention to the ventilation of the maintenance environment, good ventilation can reduce the occurrence of many problems, if it is balcony maintenance, you can open more windows for ventilation, and after the temperature decreases in autumn, then move to a well-lit position for maintenance;

Here is a small tip of double-petaled geranium to share with you, if it is a double-petaled geranium, the requirements for light are relatively higher, because in the case of insufficient light, double-petaled geranium may appear less flowering, non-standard flower type, flower color lightening, etc., so pay attention when changing the conservation environment in autumn.

How do geraniums spend summer? The summer strategy should be put away, 4 key points, to help you survive the summer

2. Pruning;

If the spring flowers fail to bloom, the geranium has been pruned, into the summer, you can not prune, because the high temperature environment, it is easy to lead to wound infection, cause black rot, usually as long as you clean up the residual flowers and fallen leaves on the surface of the potting soil in time, the point comes, if the spring has not pruned the geranium, then summer pruning is also essential, you can prune in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, the pruning tools are disinfected, and some too long, too dense, too thin branches are pruned off, It can increase the ventilation of plants, reduce unnecessary consumption of nutrients, and let geraniums spend summer in a relatively "refreshing" state, which can greatly improve the chance of summer.

How do geraniums spend summer? The summer strategy should be put away, 4 key points, to help you survive the summer

3. Water control;

When the temperature is higher in summer, geraniums are in a semi-dormant or dormant state, at this time the root absorption capacity is weak, the plant's demand for water is relatively small, plus geraniums themselves can store more water, so summer watering is recommended to control water, but also need to avoid rain maintenance, once watering too much or because of thunderstorm weather, potting soil for a long time in a wet state, the plant is easy to appear rotten roots and rotten stems.

In summer, watering geraniums can wait for the potting soil to dry 3-4 cm or pick up the potting soil to weigh it, feel that the potting soil has become significantly lighter and then water, watering is watered, pay attention to the watering time try to choose the morning or evening when the temperature is low, and there is watering along the edge of the pot, avoid using shower watering, water droplets stay on the leaves, if it cannot evaporate quickly, it is easy to cause rotten leaves, and then lead to black rot of stems and other situations.

How do geraniums spend summer? The summer strategy should be put away, 4 key points, to help you survive the summer

4. Fertilizer control;

The reason for fertilizer control and the reason for water control are the same, geranium is in a dormant or semi-dormant state, the root absorption capacity is weak, the demand for nutrients is low, this time fertilization more or frequent fertilization, will lead to fertilizer damage to the plant, it not only can not absorb, but will accelerate the death of the plant, so fertilizer control is necessary, really want to fertilize, just sprinkle some slow-release fertilizer on the surface of the potting soil, the fertilizer effect of slow-release fertilizer is relatively slow and durable, the nutrients can be evenly penetrated when watering, and it can be used once in a whole summer.

In the process of maintaining geraniums in summer, if there are some yellow leaves to lose leaves, do not worry, summer temperature is high, geranium has a reaction is normal, timely clean up yellow leaves and leaves, to avoid large areas of yellow leaves or stem black rot, as long as the summer, into the autumn, after the temperature drops, it can quickly resume growth and become vibrant.

How do geraniums spend summer? The summer strategy should be put away, 4 key points, to help you survive the summer

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