
The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

author:Sister Rong Flower House

#日常生活分享 #

Some flower friends say that "the end of raising flowers is geranium", mainly because geraniums bloom for a long time and can bloom almost all year round, plus it is easy to raise.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

Some flower friends say, "Geraniums will be finished playing as soon as they arrive in summer", which is too difficult to raise. In fact, it is mainly because of incorrect maintenance methods that geraniums will always empty pots in summer.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "bursting pots". Let's take a look at what are the 3 things! If you empty the pot in summer, it's time to pay attention!

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

First, frequent ventilation

Many flower friends say that geraniums are easy to empty pots in summer, in fact, it is mainly because of poor ventilation, resulting in high temperature and high humidity of geraniums, so that geraniums are difficult to rot roots.

In some areas of the south, there will always be humid air in summer, coupled with high temperatures, it is easy to have high temperatures and humidity. In such cases, geraniums can easily rot roots.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

If you want to prevent geraniums from rotting at temperatures above 35 degrees, you need to keep them in a well-ventilated place. If it can be exposed outdoors, it needs to be properly shaded, because the ventilation effect is very good.

Geraniums raised on closed balconies also need frequent window ventilation, or like many home bloggers, installing a fan on the balcony can also play a role in ventilation, so as not to make geraniums appear high temperature and humidity.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

On the contrary, it will also be conducive to growth, even if the temperature is as high as 35 degrees or more, it can grow and bloom well.

Second, the temperature exceeds 35 ° C, keep in the environment of scattered light, and always play after exposure to the sun

Although geraniums prefer warm sunlight, and more such sunlight is conducive to geranium leaf growth and long flower bud flowering.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

However, because I like a warm environment and am afraid of high temperatures above 35 degrees, I am afraid of sunlight when the sun is strong above 35 degrees in summer.

However, if there is no sunlight in summer, geraniums will not bloom, so there is still a need for some sunlight. Geraniums raised outdoors can be kept in the shade of trees to scatter light. In this way, it can accept sunlight without being too strong. It also plays a cooling role, which is conducive to the growth and flowering of geraniums.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

The geraniums raised on the balcony, as long as they are kept in the place inside the balcony, there is also some scattered light, which will not be too strong in sunlight, and can also play a cooling role. Sister Rong's geraniums are raised in this way, even if they are high temperatures above 35 degrees, they also have the effect of bursting pots.

3. Water frequently

Although it is said that there should be no high temperature and high humidity in summer, otherwise, geraniums are prone to rotten roots. However, after the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, the amount of water evaporates particularly quickly. Even if geraniums grow slowly and need less water, they also need to be watered frequently, otherwise the soil is too dry and more detrimental to its growth.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

For example, the geraniums raised by Sister Rong on the open balcony will be watered once every 1 to 2 days. And the watering time is usually in the evening, mainly because the temperature at night is relatively low, which is conducive to the absorption of water by geraniums, so as to grow better.

If the local air humidity is relatively large, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the number of watering. To judge when to water geraniums, it is not decided according to the number of days, but according to the time when the soil of geraniums dries out and the leaves are wilted, it proves that there is a lack of water.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", in addition to the above 3 aspects often do, there are two points not to do:

(1) Do not get rained frequently

In some places, it rains frequently after the temperature exceeds 35 degrees. In this case, it is also necessary to move the geranium to a place to shelter from the rain. After a short rain, it looks like geraniums will be more energetic, mainly because the soil is drier and it is time to water. However, if it rains for a long time, the soil is too wet and rotten yellow leaves are prone to appear.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

In addition, if the outside air humidity is too high and the temperature is too high, you can also move the geranium to an air-conditioned room to raise. First, it plays a cooling role, and secondly, the ventilation is also very good, so that the bamboo sunflower can grow well, and it can also bloom in summer.

(2) Do not apply fertilizer

Some flower friends say, since the pelargonium is rich, why can't it be fertilized? Mainly because the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, geraniums will grow slowly, so that fertilization is prone to fertilizer and burnt roots.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

In addition, after geranium fertilization in spring, there are still some nutrients in the soil, even if the summer weather is hot and not fertilized, there are some nutrients. These nutrients can supply geraniums to grow and also allow geraniums to bloom.

For example, Sister Rong's geranium, after the temperature exceeded 35 degrees, it has not been fertilized, raised in the open balcony, watered every 1 to 2 days, and now the geranium is still blooming and bursting.

The temperature exceeds 35 ° C, geraniums should be "rich", 3 things are often done, and they can also open "popping pots"

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