
The author of the "room temperature superconductivity" paper that caused a sensation around the world was falsified and plagiarized by real hammer data!

author:Fan Jinzhongju

Recently, an important paper on "room-temperature superconductivity" has caused an uproar in the global scientific community. The paper, which claims to have discovered a new material to achieve superconductivity at room temperature, has attracted widespread attention and expectations. However, the latest findings have revealed that the authors of the paper have multiple mispractices such as data falsification and plagiarism in the course of their research, causing shock and disappointment in the scientific community.

The author of the "room temperature superconductivity" paper that caused a sensation around the world was falsified and plagiarized by real hammer data!

According to the report of the specially established investigation team, the authors of the paper had serious falsification of experimental data. They tampered with the experimental results to bring them into line with the so-called "room-temperature superconductivity" theory. Such dishonesty not only violates the basic principles of scientific research, but also damages the reputation and trust of the scientific community.

The author of the "room temperature superconductivity" paper that caused a sensation around the world was falsified and plagiarized by real hammer data!

In addition, the investigative report also found that the paper had serious plagiarism problems. The author not only cited the research results of other scholars without indication, but also directly copied part of the content of other papers as his own work for publication. This kind of academic misconduct is a serious disruption to the development and innovation of the scientific community.

The author of the "room temperature superconductivity" paper that caused a sensation around the world was falsified and plagiarized by real hammer data!

The 124-page investigation report details evidence and analysis of multiple misconduct such as data falsification and plagiarism. This report has undergone several rigorous reviews and verifications, ensuring its accuracy and credibility. The scientific community applauded the publication of the findings, and reminded researchers and scientists to always follow scientific ethics and academic norms and work together to uphold the integrity and fairness of scientific research.

The author of the "room temperature superconductivity" paper that caused a sensation around the world was falsified and plagiarized by real hammer data!

The "room-temperature superconductivity" claimed by the paper has always been a dream and a challenge for the scientific community. If superconductivity could be achieved at room temperature, it would lead to a scientific revolution. However, this finding is a wake-up call for the scientific community, reminding people to be cautious and objective in the face of scientific breakthroughs, while strengthening the supervision and verification mechanisms for scientific research.

The author of the "room temperature superconductivity" paper that caused a sensation around the world was falsified and plagiarized by real hammer data!

For the authors of the papers, they will face serious academic penalties and reputational damage. The academic community will investigate it and may take appropriate disciplinary action. In addition, various relevant journals and scientific institutions will also conduct an in-depth investigation into this incident to prevent similar things from happening again.

The author of the "room temperature superconductivity" paper that caused a sensation around the world was falsified and plagiarized by real hammer data!

In short, the investigation report of the author of the "room temperature superconductivity" paper was falsified and plagiarized by the real hammer data, which brought a huge shock to the scientific community. This incident once again reminds people of the importance of scientific research and the indispensability of academic norms. Only by safeguarding the authenticity and seriousness of scientific research can we promote the progress of science and the development of human society. #科学#

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