
According to the official measurement of China Earthquake Network: 2023-06-1919:18:12Place name: Papua New Guinea occurred a 6.1 magnitude earthquake, focal depth: 20 kilometers. bit


According to the official measurement of the China Earthquake Network:

2023-06-19 19:18:12

Place name: 6.1 magnitude earthquake in Papua New Guinea, focal depth: 20 km. Location: 144.80°E, 4.55°S.

Epicenter from you: 4722 km


According to the official measurement of China Earthquake Network: 2023-06-1919:18:12Place name: Papua New Guinea occurred a 6.1 magnitude earthquake, focal depth: 20 kilometers. bit
According to the official measurement of China Earthquake Network: 2023-06-1919:18:12Place name: Papua New Guinea occurred a 6.1 magnitude earthquake, focal depth: 20 kilometers. bit
According to the official measurement of China Earthquake Network: 2023-06-1919:18:12Place name: Papua New Guinea occurred a 6.1 magnitude earthquake, focal depth: 20 kilometers. bit

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