
The ninth son of Emperor Guangwu: Born to Yin Lihua, he was the younger brother of Emperor Ming of Han, why did he commit suicide?

author:5,000 years

"The eunuch is regarded as a jinwu, and the wife is yin lihua", which was the ideal of the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu when he was young, and later he not only became the emperor, but also married the empress yin lihua, which was passed down through the ages. Liu Xiu and Yin Lihua had a total of five sons, of which Liu Zhuang was made crown prince and later inherited the throne. However, The Han Ming Emperor Liu Zhuang attacked his half-brothers, and one of them was forced to commit suicide.

Yin Lihua gave birth to five sons to Liu Xiu, namely Liu Zhuang the Emperor of Hanming, Liu Cang the Prince of Dongping, Liu Jing the Prince of Guangling, Liu Heng the Duke of Linhuai, and Liu Wangjing of Langxi, and liu Jing, the King of Guangling, who was killed by the Hanming Emperor! Emperor Guangwu had eleven sons, and although Liu Jing ranked ninth, he was born to Yin Lihua, so he was also considered a concubine. In 39 AD, Liu Zhuang was given the title of Duke of Donghai, Liu Jing was made the Duke of Shanyang, and two years later Liu Zhuangjin was made the King of Donghai and Liu Jing was made the King of Shanyang.

The ninth son of Emperor Guangwu: Born to Yin Lihua, he was the younger brother of Emperor Ming of Han, why did he commit suicide?

Both were originally princes, but in 43 AD, the situation changed, and Liu Xiuzhi made Liu Zhuang the crown prince as the heir of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Although the history books say that Liu Jing was "talented and likes grammar", in fact he was very ambitious and stupid, which determined Liu Jing's tragic fate. In March 57, the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu fell ill and died. During the funeral in the front hall, although Liu Jing also wept, he secretly did one thing.

In the name of Dahong Guo (Liu Qiang's uncle), Liu Jing wrote a letter to Liu Qiang, the king of the Eastern Seas, exhorting him to raise an army to seize the world, "May the king be the wish of Gao Zu and His Majesty, and there will be no support for Su and the general Lu to call out heaven and earth." It turned out that Liu Qiang, the King of the East Sea, was the eldest son of Emperor Guangwu, and he was the first crown prince of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and because his birth mother Guo Shengtong was deposed, Liu Qiang resigned as the crown prince and was crowned the King of the East Sea. Liu Jing deliberately created contradictions and wanted Liu Qiang and Liu Zhuang to break out into a fight and profit from it himself.

The ninth son of Emperor Guangwu: Born to Yin Lihua, he was the younger brother of Emperor Ming of Han, why did he commit suicide?

After Reading the Letter, Liu Qiang was very frightened, he had no idea of becoming an emperor at all, and quickly arrested the emissary and sent it to Liu Zhuang, the Emperor of Hanming, together with the letter. Emperor Hanming quickly found out the truth, and he did not want to make a big fuss when he first ascended the great treasure, after all, Liu Jing was his half-brother, and his mother Yin Lihua was still there. Therefore, Emperor Ming of Han did not disclose this matter, but only sent Liu Jing to the Henan Palace and then monitored it.

Just when Liu Jing was depressed, the Qiang people in the west were in turmoil, and he was very excited, delusionally thinking that "there would be changes due to the Qiang alarm", and then he would become the emperor himself. To this end, Liu Jing privately found some people who knew stargazing and consulted with them. Liu Jing was out of reach, and all his actions were under the control of Emperor Hanming. Emperor Liu Zhuang of The Han Dynasty decreed that Liu Jing be made the King of Guangling and let him go to his own fiefdom.

The ninth son of Emperor Guangwu: Born to Yin Lihua, he was the younger brother of Emperor Ming of Han, why did he commit suicide?

Liu Jing still did not want to repent, and he actually said to the person who met him: "I look like the former emperor (referring to Liu Xiu). The first emperor won the world thirty times, and I am now thirty, but can I raise an army? The people who met him were very frightened, and afterwards they reported the matter to the imperial court. After Liu Jing heard the news, he was also panicked, so he locked himself up and then asked the emperor for guilt. Emperor Ming of Han once again showed mercy, did not hold Liu Jing responsible, "the food rent as before, so that the minister and the lieutenant are careful to stay and defend."

Emperor Hanming repeatedly tolerated it, but Liu Jing still did not repent, and he engaged in witchcraft again, "making witch sacrifices and curses." Liu Jing's behavior was known to the government, "If you have a division to play, please reprimand him." Liu Jing knew that he would not be able to escape death, so he chose to commit suicide. When the news reached Luoyang, Emperor Ming of Han was also a little sad, "bestowing the title of King of Si", and making Liu Jing's son Liu Yuanshou the Marquis of Guangling, "serving the king of The Seal and eating the six counties of jing's homeland".

References: 1. Book of the Later Han Dynasty; 2. Zizhi Tongjian

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